Blues Friday with DJ Bianca from 1pm grid time

Region: Jazztopia
Event begins: 2 years ago: 2022-05-06 13:00 SLT
Added by: zeta

DJ BIANCA spinning the best of the blues @ JazzTopia Club

☊☊☊ WH◎: ♫ DJ BIANCA♫
☊☊☊ WHERE:♬♬♬JazzTopia Club♬♬♬
☊☊☊ WHAT: ♬ "the best of the blues " ♬
☊☊☊ WHEN: ♬ 1PM - 2PM ♬

"El blues es poesía, amor, dolor, flamenco"
"The blues is poetry, love, pain, flamenco"
(Eric Burdon)

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