Live Regions

Alternate Metaverse
Happy Hour!
16 Users 75 3 1st
Landing Point for Alternate Metaverse Grid - Home of the Late Night Parties & Morning Shows. At Alternate Metaverse™ that has always been our true goal, to mak...
NakedWorldz Grid
7 Users 23 0 6th
A Naturist Recreational Grid For Everyone including Families & Friends Please visit our website at: naturist,nude,naked,op...

Genesis Estates Realty
0 Users | 3 likes 0 comments

The real estate place for you to get land with the Genesis Roleplay Grid (Though you do not need to be a role player at all.)

5 Users 4 0 11th
Trianon Complex
4 Users 96 23 4th
The Trianon Complex is a dynamic venue featuring 4 distinct clubs! The Ballroom hosts a Group Access Only FORMAL Event every Thursday at 1 pm PST. Zoree Jupiter...
Hypergrid Games
4 Users 11 5 7th
*** TRY OUR GAMES ON THE FREEPLAY MACHINES *** All the best Video- & Vegas Stop-Slots - High quality industry standard skillbased slotmachines for your gamin...
4 Users 18 0 13th
Deine Adresse für Einkaufen und Live Events an jedem Blue Monday. - Your address for shopping and live events every Blue Monday.
Tierra De Volcanes
4 Users 178 0 20th
Tierra de Volcanes, inspired by the Canary Islands, a place to walk, relax. Disco, beach and volcanoes. Shoping Clothing, accessories and complete avatars fo...
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
3 Users 51 8 2nd
Welcome to Wolf Territories Grid, the ultimate destination in the OpenSim metaverse! As the largest grid running on OpenSim, we offer over 32000 256x256 equival...
3 Users 95 6 3rd
Mens clothes with hud, Womens clothes with hud, new mesh bodies and much more. Come visit us! since here they made me report when you come subscribe to the gro...
Shopping FUN
3 Users 11 0 9th
Die Welt in einer futuristischen Zukunft. Die Menschheit ist in den Weltraum gezogen. Die Shopping FUN ist der Anlaufpunkt für eine vielzahl von Bekleidungen f...
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