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Beginner Tarot Card Reading w/Vanni Cannoli @Koryphon Academy

Region: Koryphon Academy
Event begins: 3 years ago: 2022-07-22 10:30 SLT
Added by: Cataplexia Numbers

NEXT CLASS IS JULY 22. Beginner Tarot Card Reading w/Vanni Cannoli @Koryphon Academy
Where: Koryphon Academy
Every Friday @1030
Beginner Tarot Card Reading Koryphon Academy
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Koryphon Academy

This class will go over the basics of Tarot. Starting with the fundamentals of divination and the history of the cards, we will then go each week over 3 or 4 cards starting with the Major Arcana, and then moving to the Minors. The student will be able to do a reading for themselves or

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