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Join Us for a Whole New Karaoke Experience at the Neverworld Karaoke Party!

in 2 days | 2025-03-30 11:00 SLT | KNWR Radio | Added by DJ Sir Prize
Join Us for a Whole New Karaoke Experience in the Metaverse!
We have been working hard to develop this system to not only be state-of-the-art in how it delivers lyrics with sound with Your voice into the grid fully synced!
Let's face it, getting different viewers to sync for Duets, Group Singing and such really sucks! So does in-world voice, the sound is patchy at best!
Now you can experience a different level of Karaoke!

When: Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 11 a.m. Grid Time
Where: KNWR Radio in Neverwor

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