Mystery Manor Adult

Mystery Manor
Added by :
Suzy Silverweb
Created :
6 years ago
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Note: this region is hosted On Demand on Kitely grid. It may appear Offline but if you go there it will come online speedily for you!!

Solve the murder mystery! Explore the giant spooky mansion and grounds to find clues and discover its hidden secrets. The Mystery Manor is creatively inspired by the board game Clue, (or Cluedo in some countries)

To play: go into the Hall and get a notecard with the rules. You can also pick up free character avatars on the wall. You'll need to find green boxes around the area. Some may be easy to find, others you may have to search for. Explore secret passages, try out the maze and visit the rooms.

When you have collected all the clues, you can make a deduction! The answer is who/where/with what weapon and it is who is NOT in the cards you've collected.

When you believe you have the correct solution, send me a notecard and I'll verify it.

I built this project over many years. Textures and decorative objects are from opensim freebies or OutWorldz. All of the sim build is mine except the Stable out front and the small house in the front also. They can be found on Kitely Marketplace in the store Four Winds. Many items on Kitely Marketplace can be delivered to other grids as well.

You may also see some of Suzy's Country Store items around the regions if you'd like to purchase them.

Update August 2024: Planning to expand the build to four regions. We will have a Shopping area, riding trails, and may hold some events. Imagine dancing in the Ballroom, swimming in the pool, or playing games in the Billiards Room!

Have fun! Suzy

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17 days ago

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