Hold on! She's comin'!! DJ Rachel that is and she has a whole evening of Blues Brothers' tunes and fun for you! You remember them, Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi as 'Joliet' Jake Blues and Elwood Blues, the Blues Brothers who first appeared on Saturday Night Live! Tonite DJ Rachel takes us back in time to 1978 when these two funny men created these characters, and when we SNL fans were reintroduced to Blues Music! The music of the Blues Brothers is based on R&B, blues, and soul, and also draws heavily on rock and jazz elements! Search those closets for your black suits and white shirts, we'll supply the Fedoras and Raybans, or come as you are to party to Blues Brothers music style of Soulful Rythmn and Blues!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
Tonite at 6:00 (5:30 for the pre-set!), DJ Rosie opens our wild and crazy Saturday Night party with "Women of Blues" all tunes by women who made them famous the first time...and every time! Women have always had a very strong presence in the Blues world, in years gone by, sometimes paving the way for the female artists of today and the years to come! Everyone has their favorite artists who sang Blues in the past and who are carrying on with them in the present. Let's see if Rosie's faves are yours too! Join us tonite for fun, Friendships and fabulous female Blues!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
It's Sunday! Time for all good boys and girls (and bad ones too!) to come to ROCKIN' THE BLUES!!!! Yesah!!! DJ Rachel Rose has those SIZZLIN' HOT tunes hand picked to energize your evening slump!! You know this smexy DJ really rocks this 'ol Juke Joint!! Come on down to the Bayou and party with your friends and meet some new ones!! We're waitin' on ya!!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
DJ Kith is well known for his upbeat, modern, high energy blues! He spins tunes you instantly fall in love with and that reach into your heart and soul and bring out the best in everyone!! When Kith spins..the house rocks and shakes...the excitement is crazy and the Tribe is full of laughter and happiness! Sound like something you'd like?? YES!! I know you will!! Come join us and get your happy on with friends old and new, fabulously cool blues and the most fun you'll have all week!! See you there!!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
DJ Kith sits in for DJ Moonie tonite when she takes a very rare night off for rl family! SO! DJ Kith is filling in for her in top form! Kith always does hot, fresh, incredible blues and the party starts at a fevered pitch and carries on throughout the evening at that very same temperature!! Come on down and finish off your Friday night with fun....friends and awesome blues!!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
It's Saturday night and Blues Daddy DJ Kith is here with a hella good set of HARD ROCKIN' Blues!! Kith has all the energy you expect and a set of Blues just the way you like them, hard, fast and OHHHH SOOOO GOOD!! Come on down to the Bayou and get your Saturday night on with fun, friends and Hard Rockin' Blues!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
We are so very excited to officially welcome DJ Riker to the Rockin' the Blues stage tonite at 6:00! (He will start spinning at 5:30!!) Riker, a hopeless music connoisseur, has been a DJ in virtual worlds for years as well as a DJ in the RL Grid! He came to us as a Tribe member and it was mutual from the first night that he was a great fit for our Wyldwood Bayou Family! Fast forward a few days to an audition of his and his wife DJ Rosie (Riker's host for the evening and out newest Hot Daddy's DJ! Stay tuned!) and it was unanimous! Riker is IN! Riker spins blues that are both familiar and new and you will love every tune he has picked for you! Please come welcome this awesome DJ and enjoy this fabulous evening!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
DJ Macy kicks off our weekend of blues at 6 pm and I tell you what! Macy may be soft spoken...but man oh man can she rock the blues! Scratch that blues itch NOW!! Dj Macy got the cure you need!!! Super Blues!!! Come on down to the Bayou tonight for fun, friendship and great blues with DJ Macy and the Blues Tribe!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
YES!! Oh yes! It's Sunday Night and no better way to spend it than with DJ Rachel Rose and the TRIBE!! Rachel is a classy, sexy sweet DJ and her tunes mirror her awesome personality!! She's got sweet and soft tunes..she's got wild and crazy tunes and it's all picked especially for you!! Put down the hammers and hoes and come spend this beautiful Sunday with us here at Rockin' the Blues!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou
Good morning sunshine!!!! It's Sunday! Get up and grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle and chill with the tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week and put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and the Blues Tribe! Coffee's always hot and we don't mind if you come in your jammies!!! See you there!!
He's baackl! Oh wait! He never left!! He's here and he's doin' an incredible double set of awesome Blues down here on Wyldwood Bayou's Ponchartrain Beach!!! DJ Kith marches to a different Blues Beat and spins some of the best blues, bar none, anywhere on the planet!!! This is the stuff that keeps ya on your toes, your heart beatin', your excitement revved up and your YAYs continuous!! Top that off with the happiest group of merry makers called "The Blues Tribe"...roll it all up and put it in a cozy, down home, Louisiana Bayou Juke Joint and you have the makin's for a fabulous Saturday Night!!! We're here and we always have your fun.....your friendship and your ohh soooo phenomenal Blues!!!! Come join us!!!
That South American Princess, DJ Rachel, is adding DIRTY to her extensive collection of Blues! That's right!! DJ Rachel will take the stage tonite and give you what you expect at Lady Blue, fun, wild, blush worthy Dirty Blues! Rachel is the young one in the Rockin' the Blues family and we are used to her awesome Blues and her sweet voice with that sexy accent but we are not used to her being slightly X rated!! This is going to be soo much fun tonite and we are happy to be here to listen in! Wait! Is she over 21?? KITH??? Lol! Yes she is! Formal wear is what we like...we dress up to get dirty, but come as you are if you like and join us for one heck of a night! Tonite at Lady Blue!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou