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Mini grid ready for u
contact me for email

grid ready for u hg.astraliacraft.it:8002:Welcome

we rent regions in virtualife, astralia craft, metropolis and osgrid.
MIni grid with 12 regions just 50 $ mounth
setup free. Contact in email ganicard@gmail.com

we rent regions m virtualife, metropolis and osgrid

We rent regions in virtualife, metropolis and osgrid

we rent regions in virtualife, metropolis and osgrid

we wait u

we rent regions in virtualife and osgrid
single region with 20000 prims just 9 $
no need create avatar in this grids

Rent u region in virtualife
no need account creation

New price for dedicated server
visit site

u can rent my regions in hypergrid
site www.virtualife.cloud

we rent dedicated server with 64 g ram, windows server or linux, setup free just 100 euro mounth
Ready for opensim
In virtualife you can rent a region without the need to create an avatar in hypergid
only $ 9 a month for a region with 20,000 prims