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5 years ago
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Sim dedicata all'era Giurassica con alcuni esemplari di fauna , prima della loro estizione nel Cretaceo. Sopra la sim potrete trovare alcuni piccoli negozi freebie e spa.
Sim dedicated to the Jurassic era with some specimens of fauna, before their extinction in the Cretaceous period.
Above the sim you will find some small freebie shops and spas.

Hi everyone, what should the t-rex eat? I gave him food for the tiger, the mix of vegetables, fish, pig food, rabbit food. He doesn't eat anything, can you help me? Thank you.

Hi everyone, what should the t-rex eat? I gave him food for the tiger, the mix of vegetables, fish, pig food, rabbit food. He doesn't eat anything, can you help me? Thank you.

Hi everyone, what should the t-rex eat? I gave him food for the tiger, the mix of vegetables, fish, pig food, rabbit food. He doesn't eat anything, can you help me? Thank you.

Hi everyone, what should the t-rex eat? I gave him food for the tiger, the mix of vegetables, fish, pig food, rabbit food. He doesn't eat anything, can you help me? Thank you.

Hi everyone, what should the t-rex eat? I gave him food for the tiger, the mix of vegetables, fish, pig food, rabbit food. He doesn't eat anything, can you help me? Thank you.

Hi everyone, what should the t-rex eat? I gave him food for the tiger, the mix of vegetables, fish, pig food, rabbit food. He doesn't eat anything, can you help me? Thank you.

Where: KarmaGlass
When: 5 years ago [10 May 2020 20:00 SLT]

Siete tutti invitati alla visita della sim KarmaGlass per tuffarci nella preistoria, con i suoi fantastici dinosauri.

In seguito balleremo sulle note della musica di DJ Rocco e la sua SauroDance.

Vi aspettiamo!!!

You are all invited to visit the sim KarmaGlass to dive into prehistory, with its fantastic dinosaurs.

Later we will dance to the music notes of DJ Rocco and his SauroDance.

We are waiting for you !!!

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Last checked:
4 years ago

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Reviews (5)
Overall Rating:
HarleyQuinn Bellissima sim, molto realistica!!!
Black Great sim!!!
Foxred Wonderful sim!

Region Comments

Bellissima sim con dinosauri realistici che si muovono!!!
Grazie 😘
Bellissima sim Lukino, bravo!
The region is closed because there are grid problems and not out of stupidity.
Offenses address them to yourself, thank you.