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Here is the presentation of the evening (October 9 H 12,30 PM SLT) dedicated to poetry:

Good evening and welcome to the 11th edition of the global event
100 Thousand Poets for Change, an event in which we participated as a Museum of the Metaverse in 2011, in Second Life, hosted in the Piramyd region.
It was a good experience then and it will be today too. At the time the event was accompanied by the Art & Poetry review, this time we have two exhibitions to combine this initiative, Arena 2020 in September with eight artists on display in the eight cubes of which this structure is composed, an exhibition still in progress and we have in the MdM Gallery, the exhibition of the Japanese artist Bamboo Barnes.
Tonight we present three contemporary poets, present, who will recite their poems in the open voice and other poets of which we will try our hand in declamation myself and corsair Nightfire. These are Rainer Maria Rilke, William Blake, Nanda Anibaldi and Acruto Vitali.
Out of the program I will read to you, to begin as a good wish for the success of the evening, the poem by Wislawa Szimborska "Some like poetry."
W. S. was an illustrious Polish poetess, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996.
It is online the second exhibition of the Arena 2020.
Eight artists will exhibit their works for three weeks starting from 1 July, in the Arena Art Gallery, in the immaterial world Craft World in Opensim, Ebla region.
The following artists participate:
XSiberiaX Cold Cleanses
Moya Patrick
David Soares
Melania Pereira Ribeiro
Giacomo Maroni
Uta Warbaum
Xirana Oximoxi
Cristian Ribichini
COLOR FUSION REACTOR, Not possible in real life
Where: Ebla
When: 3 years ago [5 Feb 2022 12:30 SLT]

On Saturday, February 5, 2022, at 9:30 p.m., at Ebla in Craft World, there will be a presentation of "COLOR FUSION REACTOR, Not possible in real life," by Velazquez Bonetto.

Arena 2020: September
Where: Ebla
When: 5 years ago [1 Sep 2020 12:30 SLT]

Tuesday 1 September at 9.30 pm (12,30 PM PTD SLT)opening of the September exhibition of Arena 2020, at 10.30 pm (1,30 PM PTD SLT) P_Art_Y # 3 with the Living Architecture show curated by Josina Burgess aka Josina Den Burger and Velazquez Bonetto aka Laszlo Oerdoegh Diabolus. Music by Junivers Stockholm aka Sven Junivers Vikokel.
Special guest, Maurizio Marco Tozzi, art director of Over The Real.
Live streaming of the evening by Daniele Vigato.

Party at Ebla in the Magic Box
Where: Ebla
When: 5 years ago [31 Jul 2020 16:00 SLT]

Musical evening by DJ Arianna, tonight at Ebla in the Magic Box H 22 CET (1 PM SLT)

Francis Bacon Reloaded
Where: Ebla
When: 3 years ago [28 Jan 2022 12:30 SLT]

Tonight, Friday 28 January at 12,30 pm-slt, at Ebla in Craft World, will take place the presentation of the exhibition on Francis Bacon by Velazquez Bonetto, followed by a musical event with blues and rock songs, absolutely vintage. We look forward to seeing you there.

Kaos Party
Where: Ebla
When: 4 years ago [27 Apr 2021 12:30 SLT]

Kaos Party : Diskjokey Roxy Anne, Visualjockey Josina Burgess.

Live concert + NPC Dancegroup
Where: Ebla
When: 4 years ago [15 Jan 2021 12:00 SLT]

Al Hofmann live concert and NPC dancegrroup with visualjockey Josina Burgess

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Where: Ebla
When: 4 years ago [24 Nov 2020 12:00 SLT]

November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, it is an anniversary established by the General Assembly of the United Nations, through resolution number 54/134 of December 17, 1999.
On November 24, 2020, at 12.00 pm in Ebla in Craft, we will meet to reflect, through poetry readings and selected texts, on the tragic massacre of women that takes place in our country and in the world.
Cinzia Marroccoli, President of the Women's Telephone Center and the "Ester Scardaccione" shelter , will speak.
Readings by Lorenza Colicigno and Medora Chevalier aka Jenny Edwards.
At 1.00 PM SLT, DJ Geni Dover will give us a musical entertainment dedicated to all women.

Torben Asp Live Concert
Where: Ebla
When: 4 years ago [29 Oct 2020 17:05 SLT]

On Saturday, October 31st at 1:00 PM SLT, in the Ebla region in Craft World Opensim, the live concert will be held by Torben Asp

Al Hofmann live concert
Where: Ebla
When: 4 years ago [16 Oct 2020 12:00 SLT]

Live concerto by Al Hofmann in Craft h. 12:00 SLT

100 Thousand Poets for Change - Reading
Where: Ebla
When: 4 years ago [18 Sep 2020 19:26 SLT]

Friday 9 October 2020, at 9.30 pm (12.30 pm PTD SLT), the Museo del Metaverso, joining the global event 100 Thousand Poets for Change, presents a poetry reading, with the poets Lorenza Colicigno and Eli Medi.
During the evening poems by Wlliam Blake and Nazim Hikmet, Nanda Anibaldi and Acruto Vitali will be read. Join us in Craft World Opensim, in the Ebla region.

Art Connection
Where: Ebla
When: 5 years ago [12 Aug 2020 05:00 SLT]

Today, Wednesday 12 August, from 17 (5 PM), we will make a connection from the Meeting Room of the Municipality of Fermo, where a collective of Visual Arts is taking place.
The connection will be with the Arena Art Gallery, in Craft World, where the Arena 2020 Review is taking place.
In the August exhibition in Arena, among others, two artists exhibit in the Meeting Room: the watercolorist Raffaele Ciccaleni and the informal artist Rossano Cipolletti.
This will be an opportunity to make the immaterial world and the physical world, digital art and conventional art dialogue.

Art Connection
Where: Ebla
When: 5 years ago [12 Aug 2020 11:35 SLT]

Tonight at 21,30 CET, (12,30 PM SLT), at Ebla region will be the opening of the exhibition for Arena 2020. H 22,30 (1,30 PM SLT) P_Art_Y #2 with DJ ana 57

Arena 2020, August exhibition
Where: Ebla
When: 5 years ago [30 Jul 2020 21:39 SLT]

The opening of the Arena 2020 exhibition H 12,30 PM SLT, (21,30 CET) - H 13,30 PM SLT the P_Art_Y #2

Tonight, at Ebla region in Craft World, will take place the Living Architecture Party, h. 22 CET (h. 1 SL time)