The Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store

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As many of you wonderful peeps out there know Diva, who created this region, sadly passed away in December 2020. We have kept the region live by request from her family and from the many users who frequently visit this region. We continue to update the region and have done a little cleanup as our wonderful Diva passed in the middle of part of the build. Dynamic Worldz will continue to sponsor this region as so many of you find it so valuable.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you for keeping her region open. She was a dear, close friend of mine and I still miss her. I joined the Dynamic grid because of her and still have an Avatar there. She did a lot for the Open Si... 2 years ago
New no poseball animated ADULT furniture unique to Spoiled Diva's Adult Freebbie Store. The ADULT and PG scripted furniture stores are now located on The Spoiled Diva, no need to visit Silver Oak Hills anymore. The store on Silver Oak Hills has been closed.

Apologies to those who had trouble taking copies of the new items at the Diva Store in Silver Oak Hills. The permissions on the items have now been fixed and you can once again get copies. The boxed items are still to be fixed but all the items on display have been updated.

DannyC: try reducing your draw distance, this is a large variable region with a lot on it 2 years ago

Thank you everyone for your are coming soon.

New no poseball animated PG furniture unique to Spoiled Diva's Freebbie Store

Where: The Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store
When: 4 years ago [29 Oct 2020 03:06 SLT]

The Spoiled DivaFreebbie Store is having a Halloween Party October 30, 4pm - 6pm grid time You are all invited! Please wear a costume. Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store