ArcadiaShop Adult

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Arcadia Shop is an unique experience of mesh items for your convenience, Kinky Shop is a collaborative project with Okie Meow to bring OS Collar to the Open Sim community.
All the content is made from scratch by us.

Did you know?

Long ago I saw that there was a very healthy selection of beanie hats around but none with ears. Why this injustice?
Have in mind this was almost 10 years ago. So I made a quick one, I didn't think much about it until I realised it was a very popular item, way more popular that I thought it could be initially.

Given the acceptance I made a second box with included hair, so it was easier to wear in a hurry, although now with mesh hair that shouldn't be such an issue.

It's a single piece of mesh, non rigged so you can make it as small or big as you need, it's very low poly and you can't tint it to the colour you need, it also have a band you can tint of another colour for variety.

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

World War I era pilot outfits were extremely heavy and warm because the cockpits of old airplanes were open, so at high altitudes the cold was a real issue, the jackets were also quite short so the hips of the pilot were un-cumbered to fit in the usually tiny benches.

Some pants were inherited from the cavalry with the characteristic fabric excess on the sides, I think the whole outfit speaks of a romantic and brave era so of course I had to make one pilot uniform to be in character while you fly some old airplane.

My version is rigged mesh, includes the mesh outfit and layer clothes for the gloves, shirt and alphas, it includes the textures so you can use it on bom mesh bodies too.

There's a female version made by White too.

Happy Saturday!
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This turtleneck was one of my first experiments with cloth simulation in blender, I wanted to make a simple and customizable shirt for guys, since we have so little love in terms of clothes.

It's white so you can tint it but also I've included the original textures in the box, so you can use Gimp or Photoshop and add your own designs to it.

I've rigged it very carefully, so the texture never stretches too much and it looks realistic (unless you do some strange animation that makes you walk like a crab or something).

Happy Monday!
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The mailbox I offer is the classic American mailbox model, rustic and slightly grungy ideal as decoration on lazy and nostalgic sims. But also it's a working messaging system.

You can drag whatever to it pressing Crtl to leave a message/object to the owner of the box, the owner will receive a notification and then upon clicking on it, the owner will receive whatever is stored inside.

Of course the little red flag will raise when the box contains a new mail, as it should =)

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

Wire recorders was a technology that pre-dates tapes for recording sounds, instead it used a very thin steel wire to store magnetically the voice. The wire itself was fragile and prone to break and that was the reason why it was quickly replaced by tape as soon as the technology was available.

The wire recorder I offer has two functions, if the owner clicks on it it'll give you the option to record something or deliver the stored messages, if anyone else clicks on it it will start recording whatever is said in local chat. It's a small utility to pass messages to the owner of the device.

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

The picture frame I offer at my store has some secrets for you, the box actually will deliver you two models: classic and modern, and two versions for each model: 1:1 for square pictures and 4:3 for pictures with the aspect ratio of the profile pictures (think 1024x768 for example).

You can load as many pictures as you want inside them, and make them slideshow or just display the one you choose, and also it will full-bright the picture manually or automatically if you so desire (they go full-bright at night automatically).

I've modeled both frames from real life examples I had at home, the laziest and easiest set of references ever!

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

The park bench was the first conversion from PMAC to SFPoser I released to the public, the reason is that it sits three and it switches automatically from single seater to two and three as avatars sits on the bench.

My intention was to show clearly the possibilities and animations the bench offers according to how many avatars sits on it, that wasn't possible with PMAC.

Happy Thursday!
Product update: Arcadia’s Art Deco Set.

I’ve made a bunch of changes in this set to improve it:

- Created specularity settings for the whole set, so now it reflect lights more realistically and it looks better.
- Changed the geometry and collision cage for the armchair, so now it won’t clip on low LODs and the collision will be more accurate.
- The armchair is not a single pose chair any more, now it’s a full SFPoser with 16 unique animations I‘ve made for it, (4 for boys, 4 for girls and 4 for couples).

Grab your fresh copy at the main shop.

Happy Tuesday!

Luna Lunaria: Nice work, especially adding the materials textures :-) 1 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Lace Collar-

I'm releasing a new collar for you, this is beyond a new mesh though, it's a complete revamp of every script, animation and configuration card to the point that we decided to abandon the old versioning convention and now it’s version is 2022.12.04.

This massive project was a collaboration with Okie Meow (, without him this couldn't have been possible.


- New storage system to keep data of Owners, Trusted and Blocked people, this will work in any sim that has scripts enabled, no special permissions needed. It cleverly encodes the UUIDs into textures.

- New couples pose system, now you can modify the height of the collar wearer directly from the menu.

- New default poses for all the poses on the collar, they feature a small intro animation.

- Revamped scripts on each one of the scripts fixing bugs in RLV, menus, the leash, etc.

- New leash and particle default textures.

- New leash holder.

There are more features, too many to list here we worked very hard to give you the best collar possible, additionally I revamped the existing collars to this new version.

These changes made it backwards incompatible, so you will need to get a fresh copy of this new collar or your existing favourite Arcadia’s collar.

Happy Wednesday!

Mistressdalgato: wow congrats! but I do have a few questions. will it keep data if say I am in a different grid then my slave? Also does it come with a remote like the os collar did? also if I understand correctly the... 2 years ago
Texture refresh: Arcadia's Chest

Some people reported me that the chest I made 6 months ago lost it textures (they went blank), so I re-uploaded them and re-set the chest.

If you see the chest suddenly blank you can get a fresh copy at the shop or the mini shop at Wright Plaza.

Also the objects contains all the texture in the lid's contents, just edit, click on edit linked and click on the lid of the chest to see the textures.

Happy Wednesday!

RemmyRavenhurst: Great Aaack! Lots of textures have gone missing all over opensim. 2 years ago

OSG is back on line!

Outage time: ~6 hours.

New Release: Arcadia's Steampunk Light Post

This time I bring you a street lamp that will look great in your victorian / steampunk sim.

It's an incandescent gas lamp, in fact when it's on you can hear the hissing natural gas running. The flame heats the ceramic net (supported by a tungsten-nickel substrate) making it glow several orders of magnitude brighter than any regular flame, casting a warm light for the streets of your sim.
(Believe it or not, it's based on a very real technology).

It's two prims and one script, the script can control as many lamps as you want so it won't lag you, set it up is really simple but please read the manual!

And of course, all the textures are included in the object.

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

The long necklace was one of my first (and very few, sadly) attempts to make jewelry. It's design comes from the 1920's necklaces that used to go down past the belly button.

It's completely white, the idea is for you to tint it to match your outfit and it's rigged so it will move with your avatar. They told me it goes with everything so apparently it's useful enough even for mesh avatars!

Happy Friday (yay Friday).
Did you know?

The torsion pendulum clock, otherwise known as anniversary clock is a fascinating technology of days past. Instead of a pendulum that rocks from side to side it has a weight that rotates clockwise and counter clockwise providing movement to the cog wheels to display the time.

The one at my store replicates such movement with some clever scripting, I made this clock way before I knew about keyframing movement so the effect of accelerating and de-accelerating rotation is made with target omegas and timing alone. Still it does a convincing job, oh and of course it displays the time =)

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

ArcadiaShop is more than a shop, I tried to make it a place where you could chill and relax from all the grid hopping and box grabbing.

As such, it has several points of interests for whom likes to explore, however you can move from point to point very easily using the teleporter!

There're several teleporters in disguise all around the sim, just sit on it, select where do you want to go and press Teleport!

Easy! ... if you know where to click =D

New Release: Arcadia's 2024 Sign

The last release of the year, a simple 2024 sign you can put everywhere.
It features marquee style lights for extra festivity =D

Available at the main shop but if for some reason you can't access my sim due outdated viewer, you can also get it at the satellite store @ Wright Plaza.

Read the manual and Happy New Year!

Product Update: Chinese lamp.

It's the year of the rabbit, so I updated the chinese lamp with rabbits to keep your sim up to date.

You can find the lamp at the main shop @ Arcadia.

Happy Thursday!
New Shop at Arcadia: The Kinky Shop.

It's my pleasure to announce a new shop at the sim, Kinky Shop is the official Kinky Hub shop in OSG (stay tuned for other grids).

Along with Okie Meow we will release everything related to OS Collar at this new place and announce the releases and news at the Kinky Hub group (yes! it's back and you can join it by clicking the sign in the shop).

The Shop is at the Arcadia Shop sim, so teleporting to it is easy: just use the regular landmark you have been using before, then you can either click on the sign to teleport to the Kinky Shop, fly to it, walk to it, teleport to it using the public viewer, take the monorail to it, etc.

The OS Collar (we call it OSC from now on), different models, applications, extensions, HUDs and accessories are the latest ones so you can have the best possible experience in OSG as collar wearer/user.

Happy Thursday!

(pst, stay tuned for another announcement later)

Brenden Joseph: Nicely laid out and excellent product! 1 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Dance Pole.

This pole is a re-implementation of the Paramour Polemaster Lite, it contains the same dances, but the difference is that it doesn't contains any light script or colour changes, the mesh is completely different too, ideal for steampunk or less modern environments.

It sits 4 by default (you can change it, read the manual) and the mesh itself is elegant and light.

Happy Wednesday!
Product Update: Arcadia's Garden Lamp

Ah yes, a little classic lamp to illuminate paths, garden features and other goodies at night, this is a hallmark of well kept backyards!

This is a complete revamp of my old garden lamp, the new model is a reworked very light mesh, with new textures and a single prim per lamp instead of two.

Also it works with a master/slave system like my other lamps now, so one script will control all the lamps you want.

It comes in two colours, brown and green.

Happy Monday!
New release: Arcadia's Office Clock.

Inspired in a 70's clock my aunt had, the thing wasn't a quartz clock but an electric one! Instead of relying on the vibration of a quartz crystal to track the time, this little thing used a tiny electric motor (plugged to the wall, no batteries for you) that spin at the proper speed to (hopefully) move the hands at the proper speed to track time. It wasn't enough to plug the clock, you needed to spin a tiny knob on the back to move the flywheel and jumpstart the clock as the motor didn't have the power to move the cogwheels from zero.

My version starts by itself when rezzed and it doesn't need to be plugged to the wall!

But my version has a twist: You can add a label to it, when you click on it you not only can adjust it's time, you can also add text for if you have several rezzed and need to quickly identify which location the clock is showing.

Of course I'm including all the textures inside the object for enhancing HG compatibility.

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

One of my first attempts at fitted mesh was a simple top for girls, it does work pretty well adapting itself to different bodies although results varies wildly, it's amazing how difficult can be to make a single piece of clothes that will adapt to every body without crazy deformations.

This top is for standard avatars, it won't work for mesh bodies (but mesh avatars have this kind of top available basically everywhere so you won't miss anything), it comes in five colour and white to tint it to perfectly adapt it to your current outfit too.

It has hand crafted shadows and highlights that I also include in the box, so if you have some experience with photoshop or gimp you can make your own patterns for it, it's all about options =).

Happy Sunday!
Did you know?

There's something fascinating and romantic about old horror movies. The acting is so histrionic and exaggerated, the emotions are raw and hyper expressive, the sets are mysterious and based in sketchy science and the monsters are normally hilarious by today standards, what's not to love?

Inspired in those old movies I made a mad scientist lab coat. It comes in two versions, clean and bloody and it includes a bunch of accessories, including a crazy hair (the only hair I've ever done). It's not meant to be taken seriously, it's a fun costume for halloween parties or pictures that will remain as a fond memory. =)

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know? (that today I'm posting super late, I know)

The heart collar is one of the most common collars you can find in real life, it's cute enough to be used as fashion accessory but also it sends a clear message to whom observes carefully.

My version comes in several colours in two versions, unscripted and scripted. The scripted version is a fully functional OSCollar with all the RLV features you would expect from it and some surprises too.

The unscripted version is a single mesh object, so it's very easy to resize and make a perfect fit for any type of avatar.

Happy (late) Thursday!
Did you know?

The architect lamps are a hallmark of a drawing table, it's double arm system allows them to position the light quickly keeping the shade cone at the same angle regardless the position.

It's also a nice way to have a lamp on your desk that gives the impression of professionalism and efficiency.

My lamp is a single mesh object which makes it resizing easy, also it features a projector light for whom have the advanced lighting model enabled in their viewers. The menu features, different colours and intensities for the lamp and an automatic mode to make it turn on at night, but it also has a manual mode too.

It comes in several colours, including white so you can tint it to match your office perfectly, it's all about options right? =)

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

I made the Hooves kit some years ago, to cover the needs of fawns, deers and other demi-human avatars that didn't have a rigged set of digi-grade legs for them.

It's a delicate set of hooves that comes with their original textures so you can tint it to match your avatar or even edit in Gimp or Photoshop to make a more sophisticated pattern on the fur.

The legs are thin enough to support some clothing on them like bermudas or skirts, I used a real set of pictures of a bovine hooves for the foot part to make it as realistic as possible.

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

I've made the Kawaii Skulls jewelry set out of frustration. I've seen a lot of spectacular sets that are incredibly heavy, having tons of unnecessary geometry that only shines if you hyper zoom into the avatar.

My approach was making the details bigger, using the same method as theatre, where the props are enormous to be clearly visible from the back rows. I tried to make the scale of the links of the chains big enough to be visible from a normal distance but simple enough to not overwhelm viewers with geometry.

The result is a nice set of cute skulls that includes earrings, a necklace and a belly button piercing.

Happy Friday! (yay Friday!)
Did you know?

Where I live a BBQ it's almost a cultural thing, There're thousands of models of BBQs you can build if you have the space to do so. The one I made is based on my real one (although this is fancier I must confess).

But that wasn't enough for me, I wanted to also represent the real elements you normally cook in it here, so you have vacío (a meat cut), chorizos (a type of bbq sausage) and chinchulines (cow innards). The BBQ can be turn on and off and in the menu Options->Special you can get the proper fork and knife to cook your meat to perfection.

Also I added some poses and naughty poses too, because why not =P

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

When you enter the shop, at your right there's a door that will take you to a changing room, this is a small, comfy area, away from other's eyes where you can try attachements and clothes on your avatar, or just sit and hangout with your friends.

Also it's the only place on the sim where you can rez stuff, albeit it has an auto-return of two minutes, but I think that's enough to unbox stuff.

Happy changing! =)
Update about the collars and the updater:

As I mentioned before, I released an updater in the box of the collars that is humm... updated.

Well, it turns out that updater will break the collars!, so I removed it from the shop for now until I discover what's going on exactly. But fret not, I also upgraded the collars with the latest (working) RLV system, so for now the collars I have on the shop are the most updated ones that work.

When and if I have news about the collars I'll let you know. For now just get the latest and fixed-est copy from the shop, and don't try and update to 7.0.1 it'll break your collar.
New release: Arcadia's Xmas Lights.

This is a simple add on for your existing christmas trees, a set of lights you can easily resize to adapt to any cone tree that features several lights mode, just rez, position and click for lightning options.

The script is super light and won't lag your sim at all.

The picture shows Encantada's White Pine Snowy and two sets of my lights on it.
The tree is not included in the box.

Happy Tuesday!
New release: Arcadia's Moon Lamp

I made these fantasy lamps to replace the prim ones at my shop, originally made of prims they were 14 prim monsters... each!

But that belongs to the past, the new moon lamp is just one prim per unit.

This carefully crafted lamp features a lot of metal work curated in it's normal maps so ALM enabled is recommended to appreciate it better (preferences, tab Graphics, click on Advanced Lighting Model).

It features a reflector in the shape of a moon, convex mirrors to spread a very warm light that will decorate your setup. It comes in two version, a floor one and a ceiling one, both works with a master/slave system, so you need one script to control all the linked lamps, please read the manual to learn how to set them up.

Happy Saturday!
Did you know?

Years ago, when I discovered Second Life the thing that enchanted me the most was that we could fly! A couple of years later I found a freebie jetpack, made by the Intel people and while I loved it it didn't quite fit my avatar, of course it was no mod.

I made a pair of wings, pure prim at first and afterwards I included sculpts, I made sure they fit my avatar perfectly hehe.

The wings I offer at the shop are the very wings I made in Second Life, more than 14 years ago. They are scripted (script which was updated several times), they deploy when you fly, you have four colour presets, a HUD and some effects like particles and glow.

Oh, and you can resize them too, they won't break =D

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

After doing the rigged heels I realise some people would like to have a non-rigged pair of shoes, in some cases it offers more flexibility (especially for mesh avatars) than a rigged pair.

The Gaga shoes are attached, they also don't have heels, they look fantastic although it hurts even to look at them. They come in several colours, including white for if you want to tint them to fit your current outfit.

The textures are included in the box =)

Happy Thursday!
Did you know?

For some reason I've the compulsion to script most of my objects. There's very very few items without a script because I want them to do something on click.

Well, behold the exception of the rule! A simple, script-less snowman.

It's just... pretty, it's useful as decoration for winter and christmas, very low poly and it's a single mesh object so it's easy to resize. As with most of my objects it comes with the textures so you can customize it to fit your needs.

And that's all I have to say about it, see? kinda boring. =)

Happy Saturday!
Did you know?

I offer a small selection of collars at the shop, the one in the picture is the Kitty Collar, it's a fully functional, RLV Open Collar implementation that's works properly in all kind of sims, including the leash, RLV folders, etc.

It comes in four colours including white and in the box I also include unscripted versions for whom wants to use them as fashion accessory.

Also, there's two boxes for the owners HUD and the collar wearer's AO (which is compatible with the collar).

Happy Friday! (yay Friday!).
Did you know?

The pose stand I offer contains six different poses that may look a bit off, too exaggerated perhaps.
That's absolutely intentional, I created each pose to inspect carefully how different parts of your outfit will react at extreme bends of your avatar's articulations. The main idea behind the poses are to adjust your attachments until you look as spectacular as you deserve to be!

(Also, unplug if wet and the QR code on the back is real).

Happy Friday (yay Friday!)
Did you know?

Many of my products contains a little surprise in the box that's not displayed as miniatures at the shop.

Either an accessory for the avatar or an extra piece of furniture I strive to add something extra to whatever you get, (although it's not always the case).

In the case of the picture you'll get the Draeguer suit, a high altitude pressure suit that was used by the pilots of the Horten prototype.

Happy Saturday!
Product update: Rattan Set.

Thanks to Lotek who helped me to find and squash a weird bug in the script of the rattan set table, (it used to "say" the options you clicked, very strange), now it works properly.

Also I added a table cloth when you select the "Flower" option.

Also I converted it from PMAC to SFPoser.

The Rattan Set is better than ever, you can pick the upgraded copy at the main shop =)
OS Collar update: 2023.02.04

This new version fixes two bugs:

- Force teleport works again.
- RLV relay’s options can be changed and will save properly after you go into Settings → Save.

You can update to this version using the updater at the Kinky Store or get a fresh copy of the collar of your preference.

Happy Saturday!
Bug Fix from Kinky Shop: Owner's HUD

Squashed one last bug too for the owner hud; if your partner list was having your partners overwritten by 'Loading...' that won't happen anymore

You can upgrade your version to the latest with this fix : Version: 2023-01-19

Spax Orion: The huds for the oscollar look great... I repurposed some of the buttons for personal huds just because they blend in with my firestorm interface... 1 years ago

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Reviews (12)
Overall Rating:
Jupiter Rowland At last, this place of legend has found its way to OSW. Seriously, go there. This isn't your typical "stuff I found on the Hypergrid" freebie mall. This is all original and very well-modelled, not to mention the wicked scripting in the items. Oh, and if you're a lady with a system body or Ruth2 v4, ...
Frank Hurt Aaack’s creations are all-original, fully-legal, and incredibly detailed. Ranging from avatar accessories and furnishings to a variety of both historical as well as imaginative vehicles, there’s really no one way to define this store’s offerings but to call them “eclectic”. Drive the giant steam-pow...
victorialogan all your creations are incredible, !!!

Region Comments

Thanks for the wall phone it's so much fun.
I'm happy you liked it!
firestorm beta here
right now I'm not sure how the latest release candidate reports itself. I added as beta but i may be wrong, in any case right nght now the shop is off line as I'm upgrading the code it'll be up in about 15 minutes
lol my viewer is banned im using a regular firestorm
I allow the latest and the version before of Firestorm, as well the latest release candidate/beta. If you upgrade it you'll be able to tp in without issues. But if for some reason you don't want to just go to Wright Plaza where you can get the latest products I've made, although it's a smaller selection.
wonderfull, thx
Thank you =)
I can' go To Arcadia ! I was able to with the DAYTURN viewer for MacOs but. not anymore. I use FS for SL any advice is wekcome thanks
Firestorm Viewer is banned??
No, just older versions of it. The current version and betas are allowed.
Current version is : 6.6.3 (67470)
why are older versions not allowed?
Because the rampant copybotting of my stuff. AFAIK copybot viewers can't properly mask themselves as the latest Firestorm, they fail in one way or another so I disallowed the access on those viewers.
oh ok, i see. I did not know that. I was now in there with a new viewer, it worked. Thanks for the hint.
Beautiful things that I've actually never seen before. Thanks for that :)
Well I make my stuff from scratch and exclusively for OS so I'm happy you find them useful, thank you!
What a great job, so many details and so well done, thank you for sharing!
Thank you for your kind words =)