Terra Incognita

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Andorian Blues On Ice
Where: Terra Incognita
When: 4 years ago [21 Jun 2021 12:00 SLT]

"Engage" ! Join Starfleet on our adventure to freezing moon of Andoria. Beam aboard the Holodeck on the planet Andoria where you can find there are aliens in the bar and you can hear blues more blue than usual. At 12pm , Blues singer extraordinaire Varda Silver will be singing the blues with an Alien twist. After her show at 1pm there will be a snowball battle and some ice skating which includes a chance to hit your superior officer with a snowball! If you're not part of Starfleet, never fear, all are invited to the party and feel free to bring your friends for a wonderful day of playing in the snow and hearing some great music!

Set the Teleporter to: grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002/Terra Incognita/272/297/1002