Moonrose Shopping Adult

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New Miu Outfit
several Colors
Happy Shopping:)))

NEW!!! Jamie Dress Needlecut
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping:)

New!!!! Pilo Outfit
comes in 6 Colors
Happy Shopping ♥

New @ Moonrose Shopping
Erin Dress

The past week was more than turbulent for the MoonRose team. In addition to the start of the Christmas season and the associated advent calendar, we have again brought a lot of fashion to MoonRose.

This time, the lords of creation are the main beneficiaries.

In cooperation with the Mare Grid ( DarkWolf has realized the CHONSU body. This is based on the SL Body Legacy. There is already a lot of fashion available for this.

The CHONSU Body is available at MoonRose Shopping Mall. After a short registration you will receive the body. Registration takes place in the presentation area.

New in the program now:
Chrissy Coage is now offering Soft Thighs. The fashion-conscious woman will immediately know what it is about. You can find the soft tights at the landing point on the left.

The house of D – The new creative forge in OpenSIM
With the project 'The house of D.' offers all interested SIM operators and grid operators the opportunity to upgrade their SIMs. You will find out how in the next message.

Upcoming Events and Events

08.12.2022 from 8 p.m
Richi's Music Call Call Oase

11.12.2022 from 8 p.m
We kick the weekend. The end of the weekend party

December 15, 2022 from 8 p.m
Richi's Music Call Call Oase

December 24th, 2022 from 7 p.m
Christmas party at the MoonRose Grid. For all those who are spending Christmas at home, we will be hosting a Christmas party in a cultivated environment from 7 p.m. In cooperation with the Dyvall Grid ( we blow the dust out of the fat old man's suit.

NEW !! Sissi Jumpsuit

NEW!!! Mara Outfit 4 Colors

New!!! Shopping Level just for Male
Teleport at the Landing Point (Men Fashion)

New !!!!
Trishy Black inc. Boots
comes also in White

NEW 2 Outfits !!!!!

Chris Horn: push 3 years ago

New Outfits!!!!

New Dina Outfit !!!

New !!!

Halloween Sky!!!!
Teleport at Mall Landing Point

War.... Face Tattoo New @ Body Shop

NEW !!!!

New Rily Outfit
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping :))

New !!!! Jas Outfit
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping :))

NEW!! Rekka Jeans and Top 4 Color Jeans Top is Hud driven

New Blossom Dress
all Bodies
5 Colors
Happy Shopping :))

New !!!! Sings Outfit
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Hud Driven
Happy Shopping :))

My second Dress for Valentine
To be found at the shopping mall.

Hello Boys and Girls, there is a lot of news to report. We are pleased to be able to represent Laura Dyvall's "Evio" brand from the Dyvall Grid in our shopping mall. Here you will find a lot of fresh sportswear for men and women. Stella Mare from Mare Grid has opened a branch of Stella Nail Design Studio. New items have also arrived in our Cyber ​​Punk Shop.
xoxo Chrissy

NEW!!! Denim Suit

Out NOW New Heels !!!!

New female BOM body
Baked on mesh body with HUD and support. Release date July 2022.
Mesh BOM body with less LOD and script load. Complete new scripts. Fetch your copy in Virtual Life or in Moonrose Grid. We share the body only in this grids.

New Items !!!!!

New Fiona Suit !!!

Chris Horn: push 3 years ago

Tp at the Landing point of the mall
a small Selection of Clothes for Valentine

Chris Horn: push 3 years ago
24 Türen sind zu öffnen hinter jedem ein Geschenk.
Auf der Einkaufsmeile stehen noch einige kleine Geschenkboxen. Wir eröffnen um Mitternacht den Adventskalender. Ihr könnt auch den Advents Kalender in der Germanworldgridmall finden. Für die Männer gibt es ein Kalender im

24 doors to open behind each one a gift. On the Shopping mile are still some small Gift boxes. We open at Midnight the Advent Calendar. You can also find the Advent Calendar in the Germanworldgridmall.For Male there is a Calendar at

New!!!! Puffer Jacket /w/Jeans/Top

NEW !!!! Outfit

Polly Pants

NEW !!!! Muse Dress


NEW Outfit Scandal
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

NEW!!!! Adona Dress

NEW Items !!!!!

Kimi Outfit

NEW Lana Dress

NEW Boots !!!
