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For groupmembers of DinkieTown only, special membersgifts each Friday!
In December you will receive as like a similar AdventsCalender each day untill Xmas a special gift.

Halloween has arrived at Dinkietown! Get your cute Dinkie Halloween costume here or at the Lovecats region. Don't forget to join the Dinkietowngroup to get special membergifts only.

Dinkietown has a new segment, which is called DinkieLane. Two shops are already open and have special hair for Dinkieboys and girls. Feel free to shop around. More to come!

Hugabug: super cute Avia you've done it again 3 years ago

Dinkie Batman outfit, fits OS Dinkies. Available at Both regions Dinkietown and Lovecats.

A new shop for all Dinkie-lovers.
Theme will be Harlequins and it is a little store inside the Castle, with all sorts of Harlequin Dinkies and their new outfits.

We offer BOM and Open Sim Dinkie Clothings.
The BOM boxes will also include some new dinkie avatars inside, which are a special gift to Open Sim by White Angel Deed.

AnaKathy: i love it so much ♥ 3 years ago


AnaKathy: Dear Avia, such a nice choice. You make us all Dinkie lovers very happy ♥ 3 years ago

Free purple BOM dinkie available inlcuding the outfit.
The Bom-dinkies are free gifts from White ;-)
Available at the store now:
virtual-worlds.zone:8002: DinkieTown

New Harlequin outfit, male version, but females can wear them too ofcourse ;-)
Available now at Dinkietown/ VWZgrid.

My favourite style, Harlequins. New Male outfit for OS Dinkie, now available in the store.

New outfit for today, a MadHatters outfit for the girls ;-)
This outfit does only fit the Open Sim Dinkies.
The white Dinkie avatar is made by Etheria Parrot and can be bought at CGC BuildersGuild with gloebits.

Free Ginger Dinkie included sweet full Butterfly outfit, now available at Dinkietown.

New outfit for the Steamkies (Bento)
Steamkie Madhatters checkersoutfit now in the store available, enjoy!

New in the store, Steamkies!
Little Dinkie-avatars go Steampunk!
This outfit can be used by BOM and Open Sim dinkies.

New at Dinkietown! Dokkies!
My first little doggie avatar with the size of a Dinkie. Full outfit included the Dokkie avatar now available at the store.

Nice pink Xmasoutfit for the bento Dinkie. I think it's so cute ;-)

Bento Dinkie in a funny Xmasoutfit, available at the store too.

New at the stores are the Bento/BOM dinkies which I received as a generous gift. This Pirate outfit is specially designed for these Bento Dinkies, so be aware that it won't fit the Open Sim Dinkies, since they have other sizes. Watch carefully the signs at the stores which clothings you choose. I offer freebie Dinkie Bento avatars including clothes. And freebie clothings for OS Dinkie avatars. But I don't offer OS Dinkie avatars. These can be bought at CGC grid. Every weekend, new outfits for both Dinkie types, stay tuned!

Weekendupdate with 5 new arrivals! Many of them have the MadHatters theme, which is my favourite, but also some "common" looks are available. Many female but there are male outfits as well.

Weekendstuff at Dinkietown at VWZgrid.
2 new outfits now available.
These outfits will only fit the Open Sim dinkies.
The BOM dinkies use another weight, so they won't fit .
Many outfits are made for Open Sim dinkies, be aware of this.

virtual-worlds.zone:8002: DinkieTown

Weekendstuff ;-)
New arrival at Dinkietown at VWZgrid

Dinkies goes Gothic, full new outfit in the store, check it out!

Dinkietown will have every week new fashions, so stay tuned! For now, I am playing in my sandbox ;-)

Sorry for inconvenience, the sim should be accesable now. Yeah, I forgot sometimes the applybuttons lol. Grab the new Leopard outfit including funny pipe! All freebie.

This Dinkie cloth is only for opensim. It will not work on the Dinkies in Second Life. The topology and weighting is different, although they look the same.