Rage Darkstone's Atlantis

Events Archive

Opening Rage Darkstorm`s "Mirrored"

Rage Darkstone's Atlantis 2 years ago | 2023-05-31 13:00 SLT
Dear art and culture friends, the Pangea Art and Culture Festival presents Rage Darkstone with his Build Mirrored, to which we cordially invite you today.
The opening is on:
Wednesday, May 31st, at 1:00 PM PST
Taxi: To be announced
Dress code: Bright and Flashy ?
NB : 1.00 PM PST is :
* - New-York & Argentina : 16.00 h
* - Brasil : 17.00 h
* - France, Deutschland, Espana, Italia : 22.00 h
* - GB, Portugal : 21.00

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Opening Mirrored

Rage Darkstone's Atlantis 2 years ago | 2023-05-03 01:00 SLT
My dear friends, you are invited to my opening of my build, Mirrored, on the Pangea grid.

The opening is on:

Wednesday, May 31st, at 1:00 PM PST
Taxi: To be announced
Dress code: Bright and Flashy :)
Please, come to share my performance with me... I, Terra, Lampithaler and the Pangea crew will be happy and honored by your presence.
Rage Darkstone


NB : 1.00 PM PST is :

* - New-York & Argentina : 16.00 h
* - Brasil : 17.00 h
* - France,

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Opening Rage Darkstone's "Death and Transfiguration"

Rage Darkstone's Atlantis 2 years ago | 2022-07-21 11:30 SLT
Dear Friends,
Your are cordially invited to my first "building performance" in an opensim (Pangea Grid) - Death and Transfiguration

This Thursday, the 21st, starting at 12:00 pm pst (please come 20 minutes earlier).

I will be using only my Pangea Avatar: Rage.Darkstone @Pangeagrid.ddns.net:8802. Please friend me there.

I have done over 30 such building performances in SL. During these performances, I rez and derez many objects - mesh statues, prims, etc... I also use the full pallet of opensim fea

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HG Rage Darkstone Performance - July 21st 12pm Slt Pangea Grid

Rage Darkstone's Atlantis 2 years ago | 2022-07-21 03:00 SLT
Dear Friends,
your are cordially invited to my first "building performance" in an opensim (Pangea Grid) - Death and Transfiguration
This Thursday, the 21st, starting at 12:00 pm pst (please come 20 minutes earlier).
I will be using only my Pangea Avatar: Rage.Darkstone @Pangeagrid.ddns.net:8802. Please friend me there.

I have done over 30 such building performances in SL. During these performances, I rez and derez many objects - mesh statues, prims, etc... I also use the full pallet of opensim fea

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