

Added by :
Spax Orion
Created :
2 years ago
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..::: An amazing misuse of resources ::..

This is sensory deprivation at it's finest! Presenting a marvel from the Environmental Enhancement Project: The UNTHINKABLE finally comes to Opensim! Treat yourself to an awe inspiring experience that only NOTHING can provide. Nobody else offers NOTHING as exquisitely as we do!

Our total immersion package is second to none: No visitor options, no scenery, no entertainment, no voice, NO NOTHING AT ALL! Some intellectuals admit that "Less is MORE and More is LESS". We agree! Why try to have it ALL when NOTHING is so much easier to obtain? It does not get any better than this!

- Visit during HAPPY HOUR ... NOTHING is going on!
- Copybotters: You'll find NOTHING worth duplicating!
- NOTHING to render means higher frames per second!
- Our OpenSimWorld beacon shows NOTHING on screen!
- There's NOTHING else to say, come & see NOTHING today!

For the best experience, all you need is an 'EEP' equipped viewer with "Shared Environment" enabled. With the correct settings, everything will look like the 360 screenshot above. Invigorating, isn't it?

Please base your constructive criticisms entirely on the description we have provided. Thank you.
Everything else Ozone Miniverse has to offer is listed here:
We are GAY owned and operated - offering content and amusements for adult audiences since 2015.

WOW, I wonder what I can do with such a GENEROUS land impact?

Spax Orion: @Jimmy Olsen I have NOTHING on my mind. Do you? 2 years ago

I am pretty sure the simulator will ignore 'Agent Limits' in Opensim but it was fun playing with the settings. I guess I will do NOTHING for now until I think of what to do next. ROFLMAO!

Brettson: This setting means nothing to me! SMH 2 years ago

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Reviews (5)
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Jupiter Rowland Juno just went here. She said there's nothing to see here. I asked her if there's something to complain about. She was about to say, "Nothing," but then she noticed the mistake she was about to make.
windrunner A region that would make the Men in Black proud
Jimmy Olsen Better than some dull flat SIMs that still use the default "green-demon-vomit" ground texture as grass lolol

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