Covert Gadgets

Covert Gadgets
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2 years ago
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Security Orb, teleport routing, gadgets. Greeters, profile texture display, Castles, Houses, homes, Visitor logger, spy gadgets, Free land, teleporters, automated group invites. Aperture doors. AniMesh avatars, good male AO animation override female AO collections of various useful land items.

Region going offline UTC Thursday 6 June 2024 between 3am to UTC 6am.
Simulator will be none accessible during this time.
System to do it's annual PURGE of database removing all assets not used within 1 year to reclaim disk space and defragment databases.

MrSnoodle: I would love to know how to clean up the database. I heard that once you upload or acquire an asset it remains in the DB even if you delete it from your inventory and your regions. I figured the onl... 2 months ago

Updated region to simulator version and there may be some intermediate down time. Should you experience teleport issues with this upgrade message me on this platform.

Hey all. I've recently had quite major invasive surgery and as unable to do any physical exertion for 6 weeks thought what the F can I do to kill bordom and make a positive contribution. So, thought I'll write new scripts and post in the tutorial section. It's positive, keeps mind active, it's free.
This is the first script for anyone interested. It contains a lot of // notes and may help you to understand some of the many ways to be creative combing old and many of the new efficient ways of coding.
This is the link for my current project. NOTE, all of my codes are tested and fully functional without errors.
I think that link will work :P

CyberGlo CyberStar: Ouch! I hope you get well soon. Best wishes to you, I know about pain, being diagnosted with psoriatic arthritis (which can be as bad as cancer if untreated). It's no fun. Couple that with my schi... 10 months ago
** Urgent Gadget Recall **
Gadget: Covert Security System v 1.06.311
Issue: Can cause teleports to fail to region(s) you defined with incorrect uri
Example: If you want security to teleport intruders to region: and in err enter missing grid. in this example, ANYONE trying to teleport to region will fail due to the robust server reproting the following.
Verifying grid against
Unable to verify identity of agent Irish Whiskey. Refusing service
This is due to an error you/admin give to teh security system.

FIX: Delete security and restart region or reenter uri into security. restart region. If that fails, restart region and robust.
I prefer you destroy all copies of the security system and wait for me to create a fixed version. I'll report this to opensim dev team as this is a great way for a griefer to hijack a region.

Why is this happening? When you enter a URI the security system requests SIMULATOR DATA with a DATA_SIM_STATUS. No matter what uri you provide, as long as the uri reaches a grid the robust response will be given if region matches. This causes robust to LINK to the region even though the uri is incorrect BUT this will leed to Unable to verify identity of agent USER NAME. Refusing service resulting in no-one able to teleport to region from the region the security is located. Hence, I would say this is a opensim BUg issue. The robust should check uri matches grid uri and reject the request if not a match when a script performs DATA_SIM_STATUS or better still NOT perform an automated Hyperlink to a region when a DATA_SIM_STATUS request is made.

Copper: if this toy has so many issues..why do you give it..Should be tested before you spread it out? 11 months ago

Region is Offline until 4am 26th July UTC/GMT time zone or longer. Mariadb SISFE error (Sh$% itself error)

** Back Online ** Experiencing issues with server past 48hrs. Currently transferring clone of said server to another server. Will setup clone during the weekend and keep on standby. Robust database takes several hours to clones. During that time, any new objects etc. created whill not pass through to the clone server.

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24 minutes ago

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Reviews (5)
Overall Rating:
Safinemahoe2 I would love to give a good review to this place......but unfortunately I cannot. I believe in finding good in every situation.....but am very upset after what I witnessed just now. My height is 1.66 meters or 5.45 feet...same height that it has always been. When you land at this wonderful pl...
Debra Ann Congi Love the gadgets!! Thank you for sharing.
Annah Gestaga love the gadgets, love the creepy vibe many items have! great place to shop. i'm looking forward to stopping by more often!

Region Comments

Excited about a new gadget. I love gadgets. Not ready for release. It obtains country information about visitors then displays their country flag ;) I've been working hard with the gadgets. I only know there is a problem when reported to me... Winging online does not help. Contact me direct..... A few gadgets had instability issues, especially under Yengine and existing OpenSim bugs which can cause crashes in gadgets. Be aware some gadgets recover under Xengine but not Yengine and this is been worked on. The Avatar Sim Load is an example. It's been improved and has special script to recover it from a Yengine / script count bug.... Bit of tweaking. One gadget withdrawn as no fix will get it stable due to OpenSIm bug and I've tried many ways to work around it.... Just can't!
I found this place to have outstanding and useful things. Some of the region may be under construction but it's actually fun to explore! Even with Christmas in July music playing lol Anyone who needs quality traffic products, this place has it!
Apologies for intermediate connection issues . past 2 days I've moved the server, that went smooth during off peek with over 18 hours of database transfers . To keep regions online, any objects created during the transfer will be lost (as done with SecondlIfe) I switch name server from the limited no-ip, to astatic ip to a very well rated server host etc. etc. The transfer setup was so smooth there should have been no loss in connections. Australians looking for good value server that survived the 2022 floods with no down time since 2020 may wish to look at with free name server hosting and greater ,ore highly configurable entries than no-ip (but, you need to be static) to utilise this. Have a great virtual and real life day.
Back online. Sorry, had to move the server around yesterday and went offline for near 24 hours. I celebrated after, with 3 beers, okay, lost count after 3. It was three and I'm sticking with that story.
Network failure corrected. Region online.
I have a new gadget available. It records sim load of an AVATAR, not region. Displays, total prims of attachments and scripts. The down side being, why I don't know, is when an avatar visits from another grid their scripts are disabled. To me that's a long standing stupid thing. The only way to have your scripts active during hyper grid teleports is to have special clothing worn from your "My Suitcase" folder which many are not aware of. Anyhow, the gadget works well for local visitors and visitors from other grids that are wearing clothing from their travelling folder "My Suitcase" Potential for gadget is many. Could be used to kick avatars (after fair warning) if causing too much load on a region / sim. But, that, is well, something that would be more suited to SecondLife not Opensim but, maybe later the gadget could evolve to that if wanted.
Not everyone can use "My Suitcase". Nor do they want or like. It might kick everyone from sim tho, lol. Your gadgets are awesome!
Great work, very advanced and highly sophisticated. This individual can create.