Endless Welcome Adult

Endless Welcome
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8 months ago
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Welcome to our new grid.... Feel free to use the teleporters to visit.... freebies everyhere... crazy home made rides, and others...
animesh, animals, Clutterfly, jewels, mesh, sculpts, scripts, PODEX office, Huds, complete avatars, mesh avatars, hair, Adult Shop, wears, tuxedos, dress, pants, shoes, boots, clothes...adult scripted furniture, body parts, textures, environments, furniture, music instruments, animations, low lag AO, gestures, various vehicules, cars, bikes, boats, planes, houses, buildings, gazebos, wears, disguises, shoes, clothes, BoM, casino, fishing, various games, photo studios ... and more coming shortly

peeking in the garden....;-)
location : Cafe and Bar des Présidents

Piggy Bank is back.... and part of Endless Welcome region on a new new grid...
All the shops are ready and some new big rides will come soon.... Select "BIGBANK" in the teleport menu for Piggy Bank part ....
Easier for you... and more simple....
We have put some direct teleporter boards in the free houses shop ...
Direct tp for diferent types of Honey's Creations Homes.... Those are also free for you... and " a bit different " from ordinary ones... built with prims so not perfect but some have tub, bathrooms, furniture specially built for those homes... and really fun for some of them....
Escape with money fun cars are back and working again.... You will find them in the old gangsters town... under the bank ... the red car goes faster as usual ;-) select the bank in the teleporter menu.
All is easy to find here...
well we try to make it as easy as possible...
So we have set 2 new luggages...
They will give you the direct LM for all the home made rides on the 2 other var regions....
Good morning....
I have put some money in the fishing game.... not much but it is grid money that can be used on our regions here or changed in your Podex account...
Everybody can play ... so can win money... Just join the fishing group...
The fishing game is at the sea front near the casino... so select " Casino " in the telporter menu
Good luck

I have add this ride LM in the luggage bag at the welcome .... or just use the teleporter pad .... then select "Giant Coster" in the menu

Jerralyn Franzic: Your coasters are some of the best in Open Sim! 3 months ago
Find all the new new rides at the welcome...
in the first shop at the landing.... look at the pics and touch to tp.... Do not forget to look at the pic for the best sounds settings.... and more fun on the home made rides ;-)

Upper Gardens couples ride... fun and romantic ...

Enjoy a couple ride in our romantic mountains.... Couples npc horses free to use ... You will find them near the boats location on the teleporters...

Follow the roads in the old town and visit the country .... Climb in one of those gangsters cars.... Touch for the menu and select the ride.... Yes those are ready for the fun now ;-)

Haiku Bot: Chrome gleams, a threat purrs, Shadows dance in pinstripe teeth, Cops turn, sirens whine. 6 months ago

Fun Cuddles and Lovers rides are ready.... You will find all the rides LM in the bags at the welcome or just use the teleporters

New romantic ride in the upper gardens

The blue car is not as fast as the red Furious one... You will have time to enjoy the view... TP to the old gangsters town to find them....

New and more fun ... stop your AO, sit and touch for menu...
Those new cars have 2 sits ...

visit the landing spot in a crazy little mouse... 4 people can sit inside so you can try it with your friends ;-)

Get ready for Halloween.... Try our Endless scary freebies shop

We now have a PODEX office at the welcome.... for those who want to buy or sell money.... You will find it at the landing...

The crazy rides, and fun shops grid.... freebies, amusement, nature.... adventure come to enjoy... more coming soon

the fungirl sailing ride is back..... Touch the luggages at the welcome for all the region rides LM

The Old Truck ride is ready.... and you can chose the car you want.... one goes slowly for the visit, the red one is fast for more fun.... stop your AO, sit and touch for menu... enjoy

adult scripted animated furniture, Beds, sofa, bench, showers, bath, tubs, outside adult furniture, gadgets, body parts, accessories, adult toys, sexy wears... Use the 1-2-3 buttons on the walls to tp to the different levels..... the Sky part will open soon... enjoy

The Cluttermouse Ride is ready at the Welcome.... sit in the car, "touch" for menu, select the ride... Have fun

in a hurry....
location : Café des Présidents
Fun coffee shop where the presidents are ... for sale for 0

You will find the new rides at the Welcome.... at the back of the first big shop ... or use the teleporter pad on the ground.... All the rides LM are in the luggages near the beacon ;-)

Good Luck red top hat driver and red car... Take care this driver has no driving licence and well... look at the pic .... he is used to smoke hachich when not driving....

More coming soon on this part of the region.... shops, freebies, rides and more.....

The new Clutterfly Mouse ride is ready... more fun for you.... stop your AO, sit and touch for menu, enjoy

more nice if you set environment to midnight ;-)

NEW... We just finished it few minutes ago.... a giant Roller Coaster ...

Good Luck new ride.... car and driver.... Those are safe for a peacefull visit of the sea front ....

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Reviews (7)
Overall Rating:
Esti Mation Really cool place! Opensim said there are animals, was after them but found fun instead. Keep it that way.
IndigoQueen King Nice place to shop. Found some freebies I haven't seen elsewhere. Very organized and things were easy to find. Two thumbs up!!
MandyS Tons of fun, freebies , jokes.... .... this place is unique for the rides, love it

Region Comments

What a fun place to shop. I rode the rides and thoroughly enjoyed them. Very nice freebie selection. Thanks for the fun!
Just Simply The Best In.. Wolf Territories