Island of Dreams

Island of Dreams
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Created :
1 years ago
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From today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. (ONLY ADULT, NO CHILD AVATAR).
You can add your region for free.
Go to the site to download the configuration files and register
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
1/4 sim for free or rent a sim.

new Free Avatar's, clothing, etc...

new Free Avatar's, clothing, etc...

new Free Avatar's, clothing, etc...

new Free Avatar's, clothing, etc...

new Free Avatar's, clothing, etc...

Freebie shops for all people. All are welcome.

From today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. You can add your region for free.
Go to the site to download the configuration files and register
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
we sell sim free
Dance party with dj Roberto.
Event begins: in 26 minutes: 2023-11-05 07:00 SLT
Added by: Demy457✦
Sunday 05.11.23 7.00 slt (16.00 Italian time) disco party with music by DJ Roberto. All are welcome. The more we are, the more fun we have.
From today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. You can add your region for free.
Go to the site to download the configuration files and register
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
we sell sim free
Domenica 05.11.23 ore 7.00 slt ( 16.00 ora italiana) disco party con la musica del Dj Roberto. Siete tutti benvenuti. Piu' siamo e piu' ci divertiamo.

Sunday 05.11.23 7.00 slt (16.00 Italian time) disco party with music by DJ Roberto. All are welcome. The more we are, the more fun we have.
This software allows you to run your own region connected to VIRTUALIFE, providing you can host it. We use the official OpenSimulator server software, and have customised it for easy use on VIRTUALIFE.
Minimum requirements are (linux/mac/windows) .Net 6.x runtime.
First time Windows tutorial can be found here: OpenSim Tuto

This version will be needed for older .Net 4.6 and/or mono.

From today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. You can add your region for free.
Go to the site to download the configuration files and register
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
we sell sim free

Copper: Yeah right. Registering with password etc at an unsecured http site. SSL is available for free and should be standard today. 1 years ago
From today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. You can add your region for free.
Go to the site to download the configuration files and register
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
we sell sim free
From today virtualife is a grid open to everyone. You can add your region for free.
Go to the site to download the configuration files and register
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
we sell sim free
his software allows you to run your own region connected to VIRTUALIFE, providing you can host it. We use the official OpenSimulator server software, and have customised it for easy use on VIRTUALIFE.
Minimum requirements are (linux/mac/windows) .Net 6.x runtime.
First time Windows tutorial can be found here: OpenSim Tuto

This version will be needed for older .Net 4.6 an

register free
regions free

Grace Mondo: do not trust this person 1 years ago

Region Status:
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Last checked:
23 minutes ago

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Copper Zero Stars for a unsecured registering thingy!
LaraLawrens another region with bots 24/7

Region Comments


Cominciamo con

Il GRID italiano "VIRTUALIFE GRID" Sono stati presi molti dei miei abiti dal negozio Bella Donna e Black Shades, hanno fatto altre foto e hanno messo i miei abiti nel centro commerciale chiamato AURORA hop:// /Porto Aurora/129/46/28
Hanno persino portato gli abiti della mia amica Belindas dall'area della città di MI AMORE REBORN OUTFITS.
I proprietari di questo GRID erano nella giungla e sono stati espulsi dal GRID perché rubano molto da qui e si insediano in altre aree e lì GRID. Hanno messo fuori degli abiti
con il nome come creatore e foto realizzate. Hanno preso uno dei loghi Black Shades che ho realizzato.
Non è la prima volta che prelevano da altre GRIGLIE.
Spero che le persone non supportino il GRID e fatemi sapere se ne vedete altri in zona. Queste persone sono italiane e hanno usato Jungle GRID per procurarsi le cose. Hanno preso da Arkham GRID e molti altri GRID nella zona abiti REBORN.
Voglio ringraziare tutti coloro che mi supportano, Belinda e Angelina Santorini.
Non darò mai il mio permesso ad aggiungere le mie cose o i miei outfit su altre GRIGLIE o negozi. Chiedi sempre.

Arthur Proprietario
"Bella Donna"
"Mi Amore"