Hey everyone, wintertime is coming and we are on the way to overhaul our entire Winter Wonderland! We allready updated our ice-skating set with new AO, build train tracks through the landscape and beeing busy for more details.
The snow has also came to our Region after the Dinkies danced the "Snowdance" on our Ice! For best result use our Windlight setting.
Also welcome our new custom handmade and scripted "Maienfeld-Bahn". It will drive you soon up to our "Maienfeld Mountain". All buttons are scripted, got function and sounds as in Real Life. Its inspired by "Fichtelberg Schwebebahn Oberwiesenthal" in Saxonia eastern germany.
We will keep you updated and wish you a wonderfull sunday!
Amelia & Hertha
| Dabici132: Looks really wonderful !. I went to the Maienfeld Sation but did not figured out how to call or get the train.
Can you give me a hint (or a ticket) :) 25 days ago |