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Lake House

Lake House
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Created :
9 months ago
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We decided to create our own Grid, so after a few months of hard work the grid is finally operational, there are still more things to do, but it is now available to enjoy.
- Greater speed in teleports to the destination.
- You can terraform, split, join
- You can belong to any Grid and you can rent with us and have all the benefits indicated.
--You can also register in our Grid and join us in this adventure, we have many benefits only for residents, we have stores available only for residents, since foreigners can visit it and can use everything they buy in our grid but when they leave the inventory is deactivated, We have many content creators for this reason the external inventory is deactivated
-- Foreigners who live in our grid, who come from other grids, will have their inventory enabled to use it

-- Lake House --

Complete Region 65,536 SQM - 20.000 Prims
US$6 per month

Completely decorated with a landscape, House and animated Furniture.
Our Islands are hosted on servers located in Europe and the United States.
Islands Online 24/7
Daily Backups
Weekly resets
Terraform Allowed, Split, Join
Support and support group.

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Last checked:
8 months ago

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