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Guest House - North: Private Island with Beach House in 4x4 SciFi Themed Sim!

This is 10,000 sqm private island, with unfurnished beach house, dock and speedboat rezzer. Prim allowance is 600, not including house, dock, boat, etc... You also have access to all of the public areas in the 4x4 sim, Avalon Reborn. This includes; several clubs and hang outs, the Floating Islands of New Risa, coral reefs, forests, mountains, shopping district, highway, Zen Gardens and hundreds of thousands of square meters of navigable water.
The sim theme is Star Trek / crossover Science Fiction, but cosplay and roleplay are not required. This is an Adult sim and it is connected to the Hypergrid, so you can travel all over the Metaverse from here. Fairly low traffic and private, but we do get a lot of visitors. Message Shimada Yoshikawa for details.

Size: 10000 sq.m.

Prim Limit: 600

Rent: $5/mo


✓ Social ✓ Private ✓ Adult ✓ Residential ✓ Roleplay

Payment Options

✓ PayPal ✓ Cryptocurrency

Added by Shimada 3 years ago

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