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rent rtegions

VirtualIfe offers you the possibility of having a land
to live in your home.

The free starter package offers you 1/4 sim with 3750 prims

The bronze package offers you a full SIM, 15,000 SIMs available
with Admin rights in your region at a cost of €10/month

The silver package offers you a 2x2 Var surface, 30000 prims available
with Admin right in your region at a cost of €15/month
possibility of parceling out the region

The Gold package gives you a 4x4 surface, 50000 prims available
with Admin right in your region at a cost of €30/month
possibility of parcelling out the region


Size: sq.m.

Prim Limit: 50000

Rent: Various


Payment Options

✓ Credit Card ✓ Bank Transfer ✓ Other

Added by Demy457 1 years ago

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