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E Grid Rentals

The E Grid Rentals all in one place.

Many lands and locations!

hop:// Rentals/128/125/22

Flats, Islands, Homes and Parcels available now to E Grid Members.

Join here:

Just come get the Residents Group tag and rent from the rental box, always found in one corner of the parcel. All parcels set to Moderate.

Size: sq.m.

Prim Limit: Varies

Rent: Free


✓ Residential ✓ Social ✓ Adult

Payment Options

✓ Free

Added by Milly Money 28 days ago

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To the owner: These teleport boards are from the X-Engine time period.
At OSGrid, region Sandbox Neovo, ( ) there is a newer version available which will work properly with Y-Engine.
The Destinations.ini file can be switched over 1:1.
Greetings, Neovo Geesink.
Thank you! :) I appreciate that!