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Free houses and cheap rentals on wonderful location!

You can live on one of the most beautiful sims in the metaverse. Wonderful nature, lots of sea to sail, some houses are at sea side with own docks and..... for new ones or people looking for a free holiday house: at 4 locations we offer houses or studio's with some free furniture and 500 prims to make a start. Roleplaying world on the Kitely grid, always online. Theme is golden age of sailing. Pirates , navy, smugglers, gamblers. Website: https://tessinkitely.wordpress.com

Size: Full sim or smaller islands sq.m.

Prim Limit: 8000 on full sim, 500 for free houses

Rent: Various


✓ Roleplay ✓ Social ✓ Commercial ✓ Furnished ✓ Residential ✓ Private

Payment Options

✓ PayPal

Added by Trouble Ahead 3 years ago

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