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AviTron Grid

100% Linux base with a split Robust system for much better performance and reliability! Fast! Each region has it's own data base and instance! Our servers are not over croweded with regions! Only up to 40% of the server's resources are used. No overselling servers here!
Choose your now!

45000 prims region / can be made into a 2x2 if requested or it can be a regular size of 65536 sqm. Up to you.

Size: 2x2 var sim - 262144 sq.m.

Prim Limit: 45000

Rent: $15/mo


✓ avitron ✓ opensim ✓ private regions ✓ Residential ✓ Roleplay ✓ LGBT ✓ Commercial ✓ Adult ✓ Private

Payment Options

✓ PayPal ✓ Credit Card

Added by (Unknown) 3 years ago

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