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Regions to Rent/Buy $5.00CAD ($4.00US)

What does our platform have to offer?

GCG runs on high performance Bare Metal servers that are all state-of-the-art 32-core Xeons. We have the BEST SERVERS at a 20 TB Datacenter in Canada, with backups in 15 minute intervals to Crashplan, on high speed USB 3.0 drives in cold storage, and on Raid 10 NAS storage. Fantastic Performance on 20 Bits/second network and are Bare Metal servers for ultimate performance.

More CPU cores mean More POWER for your REGIONS!
Why run your regions on quad core servers when you can take your regions to the next level!!

Thank you to all of our past, present and future supporters!
We’ll continue to strive to be the best provider in all of OpenSim.

If you haven’t already, come check us out!
If you aren’t already familiar with all GCG has to offer, take a look:


Size: 1x1 sim - 65536 sq.m.

Prim Limit: 15000

Rent: 5 CAD/mo


✓ Social ✓ Commercial ✓ Residential ✓ Furnished ✓ LGBT Friendly ✓ Private

Payment Options

✓ PayPal ✓ Credit Card ✓ Debit Card

Added by (Unknown) 3 years ago

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