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Gorean Region Rentals on the Gor Grid

Want to live in John Normans Gorean World? Now you can rent a BTB City, Rent a Gorean Farm Region or even a Gorean Private Region! On the Gor Grid! Just $10.00 CAD for 10,000 prims a month. Rent one or more regions, again just $10.00 CAD per 10,000 prims.. https://gorgrid.ca/index.php/region-rental/new-region-rent...

Size: 2x2 var sim - 262144 sq.m.

Prim Limit: 10000

Rent: 10 CAD/mo


✓ Role Play ✓ Gorean ✓ John Norman ✓ Region Rentals

Payment Options

✓ Paypal

Added by Darri Cerise 3 years ago

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