GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

Still Chat Banned by "Inclusive Weak minded Libtards that allow a fucking idiot like Suzie Avoside who cannot even write in English, to profess her fucking retarded love for old fat dirtbag idiot Karl Marx. Fuck You.NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now DONE Helping you weak minded Libtards..

Profile Comments

When they will let you come back ??? You have a sim to manage, friends to talk with and technical or friendly help to give !
If people dont like what you say, why they read and answer ???! You can be so nice beside!
You were one of the few and the first to defend me when I wanted to leave after... the drama. I will always be grateful to you and now that I know you better, I know that you are not only hate, on the contrary. Thank you!!!
Apparently, they have un-muted me. No notice, but seems, I am able to reply again. TY
yeeyyyy welcome back Glenn !!!
I want to know, who campaigned to have him banned? Not Sees?
I don't know. I was not reading really, even if I tried I didn't understood everything, I'm french.... must be a lot as nobody seems to be able to take some distance even in virtual ....
Glenn et moi sommes amis ici sur Nos conversations me manquent. Je suis heureux que vous le souteniez.
Étrange, il montre en ligne, et quand j'essaie de lui envoyer un message, je reçois un message d'erreur "IDENTIFIANT invalide".

GlennX and I are friends here on I miss our conversations. I am happy you support him.
Strange he shows online, and when I try to message him I get error message "Invalid ID".
I'm sad too that we cannot talk here as we did... we have 6 hours lag so it was very nice to talk here... I am sure we are a lot to support him. kisses
♥ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♥
I do not understand. Why is GlennX profile invalid id?
I like GlennX. He speaks Truth. He is Consistent. Shame on anyone who participated in manipulating his departure from osw.