A stunning render of Fantasy Land, a quaint and whimsical village of mushroom houses. The scene features adorable, colorful houses with mushroom caps, each with unique architectural details. An inviting pathway winds through the village, leading to a cozy-looking central gathering spot. The soft, glowing sunlight creates a warm atmosphere, and the surrounding forest is filled with vibrant flora and fauna.

SilviaFrey: Donde se puede visitar? 9 months ago

I got this thing for Airships lately got a few in the oven :)

AnaKathy: WOW, where can you see them? 1 years ago

I'm thinking I need a bigger storage yard this One is 16 region Var and has 300 sci-fi ships.
Stacking them is no option. My map pic, since this pic was taken added 6 more ships.

StevieZee: How about putting them on plinths so they look like they flying 3 years ago

New project, Next one will be better :) Stay tuned
(Nexus Textures, Joe Mesh)

Ellen: When is the private tour? 2 years ago
Its Mothers Day, So here is my Ha'Tak Motheship its 256 meters in length and built with Prims and some mesh.
Interior is complete, This ship is part of the Star Gate region in Galaxy Warz Grid. More ships and builds coming soon.

Hugabug: this is one of his Best builds it is a must see 8 months ago
Teaser photo of a much larger VAR going online soon, Will be a tank wars region with every Military vehicle in my massive inventory.
Its been a toss up do I make fighting Mechs or Dinosaurs i will not do zombies :) Everyone has zombies. This will be the most ruins you have ever seen. Perfect Battleground.

Just one of the Starships From the collection in GalaxyWarz Grid. When i find time
the interiors will all be done. Most ships are 2 regions in length. And all are Prim Builds..

OpenSimUser: Very nice job so far, cant wait to see the finished result. 3 years ago
To all the folks who hope to create RP sims sadly in Opensims they don't work. RP should be a large group effort. Opensims just don't have enough people, Unlike SL where there is 1000's online at any given day. At the end of the day we create/build for ourselves which isn't a bad thing.

Xenon Darrow: LOL I am active in SL, and you have a distorted view of them as well. Finding roleplayers in SL is a constant struggle. Sims open and close constantly due to lack of participation and no way to fund t... 7 months ago

Many Portals to take you to a themed region.

Hugabug: Glad to see ya back cuz 9 months ago

Another Look at the Club located in Welcome area in GalaxyWarz

Formerly Lost World but with many Updates and a few new regions. Oar's are for sale for anyone who wants them. Many types of regions, You name we have it. Come and look around. joesplace.cool:8002

Ellen: Lots of amazing things to see here! Ask for the personal tour :) 2 years ago

Largest Sci-Fi Grid in Opensim, New Regions Daily. Everything and Anything related to Space travel. Enter the Portals. Galaxywarz.com:8000

Still not sure what this is yet lol :)

Misty_Falls: Looks kewl.... Great addition for a Satanic SIM... Now where did that sacrifice run off too... Rofl 2 years ago

Tython a Star Wars World Base planet for the Jedi

Joe Builder: If Interested in Star Wars Role play visit the welcome area make a account. March 1st The role play will begin with a few people from SL as well will join this venture. Clothes and weapons/meter is lo... 2 years ago

Very old prim Build in the region called Ha'tak, Larger ships are in the sky.
Star Gate scene in Galaxywarz Grid all sci-fi.

Luna Lunaria: Mine was inspired by the Ra mothership 3 years ago

Another View of the ShipYard in Galaxywarz Grid

Wonders of undersea life. Be a mermaid and have a swim :)

New Welcome Area at GalaxyWarz Grid, Its Jabba the Hutts palace.

Just in Time for Halloween, Scare your friends with this Creepy Build. Comes with a bloody dance floor inside the Castle lots to see in this region.
Unlike anything in Opensims..

New Reef in Lost world

New regions online at Lost World

Everything under the sun, Explore the wonders of this Grid. Like no other in Opensims

Come and see what we got. lostworld-os.com:8002. Walk into the portals , And see the wonders of Lost World

Oars Built On demand

We will build you any OAR within a 2x2 Var or a Single region.
Contact Joe Builder at joeybhyx@gmail.com for a quote.

Another View of the Hutts Palace, The club

New Welcome are in GalaxyWarz Grid. Its Jabba the Hutts Palace.

It's almost Halloween and don't miss out on the scariest region in Opensims.
lostworld-os.com:8002:Devil's Playground

Inside the Devils Playground in lostworld-os.com:8002:Devils Playground. Photo shows just the club area outside
is loaded with scary explore the castle and graveyard its raining there bring your raincoat. See Joe Builder to get this OAR
and details behind it.
Barrier Reef located in lostworld-os.com:8002:Barrier Reef one if not the only best looking reef in opensims. If you like reefs try our Mermaids Cove. These 2 OAR's are for sale to anyone interested.. See Joe Builder for info..
The Swamp has some upgrades, Be careful of the Alligators tho They may bite. Buggy's in rezzers along with Air Boats and Pontoon.
Fishing poles located all over in this 2x2 Swamp. Its like no other enjoy.

Lost World Grid OAR's are for sale, Come and visit Lost World Grid and choose from many regions we have for sale. Here is the address. lostworld-os.com:8002
See ya there.