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Gentle Fire Grid is now Open for Visitor and for community , Friendship , Land for sale , and customize region for those who Just want to Move in and enjoy. Freebie Mall and A university for class, meeting for those that like to teach and share what they have learn over the years.

To all Member of Opensim and Gentle Fire Grid and their Family I like to wish a warm and happy Holidays .May the spirit of of Joy, love, faith ring out to you for the New Year and May there be peace on earth and Opensim . From the Team Adore. PP. , Llia , Topsy ,Jon Emily , Una ,And Howie WE ALL WISH YOU A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS .

Marianna : Thank you, and best wishes always to your grid and family! 2 years ago
Tomorrow is a specials Day for Gentle Fire Gird two awesome singer are coming at you .Join then for Their debut at Majestic Club its formal code men and women , but I Promise you it will be worth your while. Music is to the soul come Join
Putri Solo at 12 grid time and at 1:00 Crew they both are well Known in second life Hope to see you there and they are Live .
that Wednesday starting at 12 : 00 Ghop:// TIME .