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Gentle Fire Grid is now Open for Visitor and for community , Friendship , Land for sale , and customize region for those who Just want to Move in and enjoy. Freebie Mall and A university for class, meeting for those that like to teach and share what they have learn over the years.

Up coming event for Next weekend Hope to see you there
This region is own by a wonderful Builder and landscaper wanheda foxclaw at Gentle Fire grid She amazing this picture. does not show the love she put in it , but it is a Must to see region
its call Wan's Bay City hop://
Coming soon 2 New clubs !.lux and club Dynasty
looking for Dj 's Please contact their owner's at Gentle fire Gird by sending a note card with your information to adore mint she will pass it on

Join howie and topsy at the Ballroom today 12 to 200 pm Please us this Jump

Join us he awesome !!

DJ Howie will be mixing it up this week with disco and a bit of country mixed in
Join us in the tropical island of Lampadusa for some sun/sea and sand along with this unique musical mix , good company, laughter and cheeky chat. Im Howie and or Topsy for a ride

region Lampadusa/240/139/23
GOOD Morning / or afternoon Dwell is back and up and runing for your shopping experience is a great time for it we have updated our severs more smooth shopping experience enjoy from the Team at Gentle fire grid ..hop://
Gentle Fire Grid

I see a gentle fire grid
In the sky at night
A pattern of stars that shine
With a warm and soft light

They guide me through the dark
And fill me with wonder
They make me feel alive
And connected to something bigger

I trace the gentle fire grid
With my fingers in the air
I imagine the stories they tell
And the secrets they share

They inspire me to create
And to explore the unknown
They remind me of my dreams
And the beauty of the unknown

Join us still time hugs