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A newly discovered supernova can be watched as it develops in real-time, online and for free.

This particular galaxy and supernova can be difficult to view in the night sky without the right conditions or telescope, however. Luckily, the Virtual Telescope Project will livestream the cosmic explosion on its website and YouTube channel as it develops via its power robotic telescopes based in Rome, Italy. The online event will kick off at 6:30 p.m. EDT (2230 GMT) on Friday, May 26 2023. Note that this event is weather dependent and could be delayed or cancelled due to poor conditions.

SheaButter: Now this is just virtual...right? Cause in real Betelgeuse, is unknown when this is to happen. It blew once in 2019 and settled in 2020, back to it's regular brightness. Next one is up to approx. 100... 2 years ago
The Magic Orb! New! In the window at Wizardry! This magical orb will float above your hand and you can roll it down to your elbow and catch it, toss it around your torso like a harlem globetrotter basketball. Cool glowing magical sphere always returns to floating in your palm! Amazing! New! Exciting! :)

MorningGlory: Lovely photo Cyber :) 2 years ago
Hey, all you people with labs needing brains in Jars-I found the perfect prop for your lab. You can find this in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer. You might be asking wtf how does brains go with jewelry, who f#$king knows??

Luna Lunaria: Her name was Abby...Abby Normal 2 years ago
Presenting Elite Ban 2023. How it works. This device allows you to block a person in the red box, then all the green boxes on all your sims get updated through http with the information. Now you can put in your block list in 1 spot and have it go out to all your sims! No more jumping sim to sim to update your block list in each sim! Do it from one central location, and have the system do it for you! This amazing new invention will save you time and frustration! A great device to have a your disposal! :)

ADULT_LIFE: What a nonesens 2 years ago
What is a metaverse? I believe it is a virtual universe, where anything can happen! A place of magic and fun and joy. Just like the real universe the metaverse has many planets (grids) and thanks to the wonderful and amazing work of Sir Fred Beckheusen, the creator of dreamgrid, now anyone can have their own entire planet!
There are currently well over 7,000 planets (grids) in the metaverse! It is more populated than we realize. People from other countries with their own customs, languages, and beliefs have set up their own worlds, for others to explore.
I believe this trend will continue and people will spread out farther than ever before creating their own unique places and leaving an indelible mark of their existence upon the virtual cosmos! A complete decentralization of power and authority. No longer subject to the laws of the lindens and secondLife. No one place having authority over all the others. Everyone is free to explore thousands of worlds and make new friends.
With that said, you may also make a few enemies, but it doesn't matter, even if you get banned from an entire world, there are many thousands more out there... I have been exploring worlds of people I never knew existed, meeting new people, and making new friends.
The metaverse is a new frontier, a decentralized place created for us, and there is room enough in it for everyone, regardless of race, color, sex, sexual preferences, disabilities, and other separatist categories.
Thanks to Fred's brilliant work, setting up a grid in windows is as easy as clicking a button, and filling out a few questions. If you would like to set up your own dreamgrid, or grid on linux and need any help, I will help you. Just find me and send me an IM.

Brenden Joseph: There are far more small independent grids and mini-grids and not to mention standalones than there are big grids. The days of the big grids are coming to an end in my opinion. Zetaworlds for exampl... 2 years ago
UPDATE: The Adachi shopping regions will not be reopening. Visit the Tribute Club at the CopyKat Collective Center to hang out and dance with old and new friends. Central

*The Past And Future of Adachi*
~2012 to 2023...and beyond!~

Adachi is an area of Tokyo, Japan - a place Oni has a deep connection to. Oni opened the first Adachi in OS eleven years ago. In 2020, Oni opened the CopyKat Grid, with the Adachi regions at it's core. CopyKat quickly became the #2 destination in OS. Why? Well, just look at the glowing comments people made about Oni when I posted about his retirement.

After Oni's retirement, he gave ownership of the Adachi OARs to Maurice, a member of the CopyKat Collective. We are reopening Adachi again to shoppers within a week. See you at there soon!

Photo: Adachi Fireworks Festival. 2023.
Sky Harbor Museum of Flight has recently doubled our land size.
There is much shuffling and reconstruction taking place to bring you a better experience when you visit.
With added aircraft, exhibits and our new Skywalk viewing platform, and with the direct access to the rest of the NeverworldGrid mainland, we are excited about the changes.
Please be patient as we slowly redo all the teleport signs.
When construction activities are complete, it will be announced here.
See you soon.

Ellen: Wow!! Congratulations!!!!!!! I can't wait to come visit! 2 years ago
Latest updates on Neverworld City Role play areas, Lucidus and Stilwater are now becoming one huge city zone located in the bad lands area of Neverworlds Continent Project . So if you want a role play area and Free land for your own home or base right next door come check out Lucidus , Stilwater and the great Fallout Badlands Continent project areas. ( Free Home areas available to Neverworld Avatars only) Role play open to all. Dont forget to check out our other Great Role play sims Advantis Scifi Starwars , and Free Port Steam Punk.

Nexus Storm: Lucidus and Stilwater revamp will be finished over the next few weeks come check out the place any ideas welcome!!! 2 years ago
Sky Harbor Museum of Flight is happy to announce our latest addition After Burn.
After Burn is a 24/7 dance and event venue.
There will be non-stop streaming music for those looking for someplace to dance with your friends.
Also, stay tuned for announcements of upcoming events / meet & greets.
See you soon!
Witness the beauty of the vibrant coral reefs and their residents, from the colorful clownfish to the majestic lionfish. Be fascinated by the graceful movements of the manta rays as they glide through the crystal-clear waters. Marvel at the intricate patterns of the sea horses and the slow and steady pace of the sea turtles.

Dive deeper into the depths and discover hidden treasures within the shipwrecks and hidden caves. Observe the diverse marine life living amongst the submerged structures, such as schools of fish, crab, and eels.

But the real magic begins when you enter the fantasy realm of the mermaids. Immerse yourself in a world of enchantment, where you will find these mystical creatures singing and dancing alongside dolphins and other sea creatures.

As you explore, you will find yourself lost in the wonder and beauty of this underwater paradise, where imagination knows no bounds. Experience the thrill of being immersed in this world, where nature and magic come together in perfect harmony.


opening June 15
You can find my work here:

Wolf Territories Grid: Emporium - Main Store

Many of my items are also available on the Kitely Market here:
Sky Harbor Museum of Flight is happy to announce the opening of our latest exhibit, The USS Hornet CV-8 and the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo 1942. With the exhibit we share the role of aircraft carriers in WWII. We hope that this exhibit invokes thought as to this period of history and how it expanded Naval operations beyond its traditional strategies.
The CopyKat Collective.
It will be Hyper. It will be Hip. It will be Happening.

Yes friends. It's looking more and more like CopyKat will go on - but beyond the bounds of any one grid. There will likely be select legacy CopyKat regions with a shared grid-based home. (Discussions are ongoing). Elsewhere in Open Sim, there might be old and new friends with affiliated regions. We call it the CopyKat Collective. Think Beyond The Grid.

Join the discussion and share your ideas:

I applaud those who support and adore this determined little beetle! A new adventure of Dexter the Dung Beetle.

Advantis Freebies and Role Play Huge City , yes Huge many floors of freebies 2 scifi weapons shops , Hair , Body, Heads, Clothing , Jawa Market , Casinos , Shadow Town Sith Prison , Hypergrid Portal area to other great Freebie Regions. Also part of the Neverworld Continent Region surrounded by free land sims , Role play sims and more Freebie sims. A great place to explore shop or starting point to explore Neverworld Continent.

new location

Dancing beneath the Mystic Moon

Sunday Funnies-BS News @ferdfrederix -A Hot new Bug Report-Learn about the EEP Glow!

Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 2 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
New! New! New!
C&C Worldwide Mall proudly brings you this weeks New release today 21.05.2023
The Sunroom
This beautiful selection is comprised of :
Lounger , Hanging benches all adult scripted and dining table and chairs with food giver & pg dining poses. Included also Lamp & Artwork.
Today we are doing a special music event with the release .
Hurry and collect these Items and hear DJ Crazy mix his Special Mashup and Dance sounds for you !
If you in a good mood join the Outdoor Party at the Mall Center Plaza - you are most welcome !
Don't forget to wear your Group Tag to shop . Worldwide Mall

Neu! Neu! Neu!
C&C Worldwide Mall präsentiert euch heute,
am 21.05.2023, stolz die Neuveröffentlichung dieser Woche
Der Wintergarten
Diese schöne Auswahl besteht aus:
Liege, Hängebänke, alles für Erwachsene gescriptet, Esstisch und Stühle mit Essensgeber- und PG-Essposen.
Im Lieferumfang sind auch Lampe
und Kunstwerke enthalten.
Heute machen wir mit der Veröffentlichung ein besonderes Musikevent.
Kommt vorbei in unserer Mall und holt euch das Release ab und hört dabei, wie DJ Crazy seine speziellen Mashup- und Dance-Sounds für euch mixt! Vielleicht habt ihr Lust auch das Tanzbein zu schwingen dann kommt zum Mall Zentrum zur Outdoor Party.
Vergesst nicht, beim Einkaufen eueren Gruppentitel zu tragen. Worldwide Mall

Working on new items today for the sim! So check back later on today to get your free stuff! Happy shopping ♥