AliaS @AliaS

New Zealand Offline

Ghost of Summer

Joined 3 months ago

About Myself

Professional Designer

My Interests

Art | Music | Design

Favorite Quote

There is nothing you can see that is not a flower;
There is nothing you can think that is not the moon
—Matsuo Basho

My Regions

0 2 0 Users
Starfleet Infinity | Colony, Space Station and Starships. Boldly go where no-one has gone before: into 2385, a fully immersive roleplay in deep space. Two grids, two Space Stations, Starfleet Academy, five ships, five weekly missions, space boogies.
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6 3 0 Users
HAL9000 | sample Stanley Kubrick's filmic vision in a fully immersive art experience... travel through the mind of a paranoid AI —not to be missed at 3rd Wind/Nuna Gallery
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3 0 0 Users
The Nuna Gallery is the most comprehensive art gallery in any virtual world with regular exhibitions & events. Main Gallery at 3rd Wind on Zeta, Satellite Gallery in SL at Cultural Harbour.
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