Aloria @Aloria

Down in the Rabbit Hole Offline

♥ I myself am strange and unusual ♥ ~ Ask Lydia!! (Beetlejuice :p) Note: I am not here for Drama! I don't care about grid-wars! I absolutely don't care! I like people who I like, no matter the grid! All I see is OS! No, sub-divisions (every grid is amazing in their own special ways)

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New arrived!!
Visit our new Shop, made by Lulu Evergreen.
The first things are arrived at her new shop, so come and take a look.
Maybe you find something special for you.
Lulus Fashion is at our skymall at the 2nd floor
Have fun shopping
Come over and Play at the Slotmachine.
We have a new Contest Board system installed, powered by Dark Wolf!!!
After playing and reaching the points that needed, your name shows
up at the contest board. You can get a payout next day at 3 different Grids:
Just go to one of the Contest Boards and click the payout button. Than enjoy shopping with your win ;)
We are Back after a maintenance!
Our Grid was set up new, so your old Landmarks will no longer work!!!
Come over and Grab new ones and take a look at the Skymall
and explore our other Regions.
Have fun!

We have new Male Outfits for the
new Chonsu Body.
Come and grab your copy and / or
register for the Body.
You find it all at our Skymall.
(TP at landing point)

New Winterjacket arrived!
Stella Design update.
Grab yours at our Skymall.
(porter at landingpoint)
You will find it at the Fashion Shop!

Muri opened her DarkLove shop!
Finest Dark Clothes.
You find them at the skymall. (TP at Welcome)
Have fun shopping and exploring our
other stuff.

MuriMareDark: Darklove offers the finest dark clothing and some things for erotic moments... have fun and enjoy life :-) greetings Muri 2 years ago
Our new Wedding shop opened rightnow.
It is also at the skymall.
Just take a walk around and see our new stuff!
BTW you need warm clothes, its snowing at our Welcome ;)
Winterclothes are also at the Welcome !

Come and visit our new shop.
You find it at the skymall!!!!

NEW Tattoos arrived!!!!
You can find new BOM Tattoos at our skymall.
The Tattoos are most Unisex!
Just come to the Welcome and look for the Teleporters to the skymall.
One is at the landingpoint and at every side of the stairs is another one.
BTW we update the skymall as often we can.
Have fun shopping!!!

The Mare- Team

New shops at the Welcome in sky.
Come and grab our new stuff!
You find Teleporter at every 2nd shop around the welcome.
Happy shopping!!!

Tinapotira: NAO CONSIGO IR PRA ESSA REGIÃO 2 years ago

Heiwa slowly is getting her nice atmosphere back...Zen.

Big Opening !!!

We opened our new Halloween Sim.
from October 1st, till November 1st.
Come and get scared ;)

Public Viewing Germany _ South Korea
Where: Mare Welcome
When: 7 years ago [27 Jun 2018 15:30 SLT]

We invite you to our public viewing event.
We have lifestream for the game : Germany _ South Korea.
Also we have a playable Football Stadion..