Ambi Bloch @AmbiBlochZ

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Joined 3 years ago

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Big bad gaming rig

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New home of Atlantis Casino and Nightclub. Come join us for fun, games and events. Open to all.
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Sodasullivan: very awesome! 27 days ago
New at Atlantis Casino: Texas Holdem Poker!
Five player table with Poker Bots.
Play against bots or other people.
Located on the casino second floor.
Only at Ambiland region on Darkhearts grid.
Humpday Blues 7-9p SL with DJ Genny
* Smooth Blues *
I'll be bringing you a mostly Smooth set of Blues tonight, with tunes chosen to ease you over the hump and into the downside of the week.
New casino games have arrived! Slots, Poker and Blackjack. Play against the BJ Bot at the 3 player blackjack table. Original game designs found no place else. Chat with our AI bartender and her friends. Join our group for announcements.