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Ever noticed that OpenSIM is kindof an international thing? Take your nationalistic MAGA and stick it you know where.
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I thouht that you are opposed to political propaganda in OpenSIM, or is it you just don't like it if it's not YOUR opinion?
Political propoganda for its own sake I wouldn't care for but here it is an RP done in an obviously OS setting with actual NPC's. It is poking a little humor into it while advertising Cheryl's AI Reserch Center to show off what she has been doing with it.
thanks Arielle. But the figures are not NPCs. Trump is an animesh. Biden is old meshy made. For this scene Pic I created fast this afternoon with new Meshy AI Elon Musk unrigged as statue. Perhaps I make a rigged Elon Musk as animesh in time too with AI
Maybe, but is it necessary to portray Biden in such a contemptuous manner and to elevate Trump and Musk?? This is not supposed to be political propaganda? Of course, it's just advertising for your own project......
My AI work is my own project, I don't need something like an "AI Research Center".
We have seen many more contemptuous pictures of both Trump and Musk so a little poke at Biden was somewhat due.
Your AI work is not for the community though it was nice of you to mention how you did it. Cheryl however is promoting her inworld AI Research Center as you regularly promote your grid.
Musk and Trump and those that support them deserve all the contempt going.
100% my opinion
Let her, I'll see how far she gets without me. I get along better on my own than in a team when it comes to my research and experiments in AI.
? we never worked together Dorena. What are you talking? I didn't even know that you are a coder
I think you don't know a lot about me, every now and then I only publish one or the other result..
True, but at some point you asked me if I wanted to join in.
sorry you are hallucinating. I never thought you would have any skills to contribute.
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Gamesmaster YOU stop this hateful bullshit. You started it.
Freedom of speech doesn't include the obligation to accept anything that is said - to express a contrary position is also part of free speech.

That # is meant for you
I need to clarify; the person who that was meant for deleted their comments. Anachron, my # was NOT meant for you!
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Im not a misguided follower, I am her partner --- everybody knows that. But the one that is ready to start "pointless hate and trouble" ? Care to take a look in the mirror dude?
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What's so bad about socialism? Nobody yet really tried it ... (All that called themselves thus had been anything but that!)
Don't confuse communism and socialism...
We Eastern Europeans lived 60 years under socialism and, believe me, it was not good!
No it wasn't socialism either - as i said: Nobody yet really tried it. There had just been people that abused the label to cober up their own variations of fascism.
Are you think we Eastern Europe live 60 year in democracy or in tyranny or.....
THIS IS SOCIALISM!!! NEW ANGLOSAXON FUTURE - Thanks to liberal demcracy!
And what do you advocate Pagane? Some form of Fascism? Liberal democracy certainly has its faults, but as Churchill noted, it seems an awful way of running things until you consider the alternatives.
Please make difference between DEMOCRACY and liberal democracy!!!
Liberal democracy is new, modern name of socialism or moderm fachism, and is not related to real democracy!
No need to shout. Can we discuss differing views without starting a fight?
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Don't you think there is possible to reject Trump AND Putin ... anyhow they are quite close, aren't they?
Keep your friends close, And your enemies closer..
Shall I then propose Kadyrov? Considering Chechens are actually part of ancient Volga Bulgaria, it's kind of related to me :)
Do we have to list every bloody a$$hole in the world? Trump is just one of them - of course they are legion - who will seriously doubt that?
Thank you darling, you understand me *kiss*
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If you're so much into quoting the good book:

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
— Leviticus 18:22
Good thing it's a work of fiction.
i already know that quote. i read the entire bible. :)
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Hitler never painted something ... he has drawn postcards. He applied for an artist study in Vienna and was turned down for a reason. - Nevertheless perhaps the world had been better off, if they had taken him. But that doesnt change he was a complete maniac. Pagane get your judgement fixed, best see a shrink ASAP.
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@Vasusana Nova: Who are you to tell others to shut up here? This isn't your thread, so don't act up like Zorro, Avenger of the Disinherited.
so so .....
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Stick to the truth dear : 23% voted to just get rid of the F-ing trafic rating so you finally stop getting on our nerves about that bloody anti-bot campaign of yours ... they did NOT vote to stick to any rules, but to make the rule in question dispensable. Go get a life and stop pestering everybody.
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First usefull post in decades ... didn't know that bit about the "beacon_key"-NC ...
BTW: That's the FAQ-Page ... there should be a more "official" page to post "rules" on.
Oh yes, Satir forget to put Emperor stamp and .........
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Pagane is still on her rant against the use of bots ...
There's a rule, that bots may not be run on regions with a OSW-beacon to ensure acuracy of traffic ratings.
Kinda...... NPC bots are not counted (unless using a hacked beacon that adds them back in). It's also "ok" to use non npc bots (text viewers logged in on accounts etc but are AFK just sitting on something or "whatever") so long as they are added to the exclude list in the beacon. "Bots" are an integral part of a lot of great regions (Xishi's amazing Rutitania for example). They can make a place really "live" if done well.

What we are talking about here is bots that artificially raise the rating of a region. Personally I think its a sucky thing to do if done on purpose - but I think if it gets to the point of saying "Your residents are not allowed to AFK on their land and have to log off if they are not currently doing anything" then it's gone too far.

While I think it is sucky to do - I personally find the witchhunt rather boring and shows the worst side of the OpenSim community. Again though..... thats just my opinion. Agree or not.... that's up to you all :)
ahhhhh ok .... that makes perfect sense now lol
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I would have voted differently if the last option wouldn't have been worded so provocatively. I don't want to see restrictions made, but to equal that with the rule of the strongest is inacceptable (and of course intentionally so).
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Your still getting it wrong, Dorena is not the owner of the region, shes just the one to run the grid. And it's not on us to decide what people do on THEIR land. So if Pagane tries bashing Dorena for this, shes kicking the wrong dog and shouldnt wonder if it bites back. Apart from - and I say it again: Who is making the rules that say you mustn't run bots? There is no such rule, and if you call that cheating it's you that has the problem.
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Well, I guess there are two ways looking at it. Bots may sometimes be used to generate traffic for whatever reason, but sometimes there are just there for the fun of it. Who is she to judge? It's not about the messenger, but about the message. I don't like bots too much myself, but If people feel like running bots, let them. Pagane has no right to make the rules for everybody to obey.
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I can so much understand you! Pagane is just the person that seems to have an invisible "Please ignore me!"-sign stuck on her back ;-D
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What tax money you are talking about? I understand you want to make money on open-SIM and don't like when people do what they do to populate their SIMS. (THEIR own SIMs not the gridowners - Dorena has no say in what people do in their own space.) Well, your problem and your's alone, because we understand OpenSIM as a place for NONcommercial recreational activity. If you want to make money, that's your thing, but we don't see we have any obligation to assist you in that. Dorenas-World is stricktly NON-PROFIT and will stay that way and we dont impose rules on our members, just because you want it.
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He leaves a great void in our hearts ;-(
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Ich habe es schon an anderer Stelle gesagt: Megaparties mit 30+ Teilnehmern sind für mich einfach nur abschreckend, die Vorstellung von 50+ Teilnehmern gibt für mich für mich ein Bild, das an Hironimus Bosch erinnert.
Trotzdem: Ich muss beipflichten, dass dieser Party-Krieg nervt. Lasst doch einfach mal jeden sein Ding machen und vergesst diese Neiddebatte um 2-3 Besucher mehr oder weniger hier oder dort. Solange dieses Hickhack anhält werde ich die Veranstaltung aller Beteiligten meiden, da ich nicht Teil dieses Hahnenkampfes sein möchte.

I've already said it elsewhere: mega parties with 30+ participants are just daunting for me, the idea of 50+ participants gives me an image that reminds me of Hironimus Bosch.
Nevertheless: I have to agree that this party war is annoying. Just let everyone do their thing and forget this envy debate about 2-3 visitors more or less here or there. As long as this bickering continues, I will avoid the event for everyone involved as I don't want to be a part of this cockfight.
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Gechattet mit Dorena hast du, aber verstanden hast du Nichts. Es geht hier in keinster Weise um Religion - das Fass hast DU aufgemacht. Es geht darum, dass BDSM sehr hart an der Grenze zu sexuellem Missbrauch liegt. Personen, die persönliche Erfahrung mit diesem Themengebiet haben reagieren darauf verständlicherweise heftig negativ und wollen nicht an allen Ecken und Enden mit der Darstellung von BDSM konfrontiert werden. Macht privat was ihr wollt, aber BDSM gehört einfach nicht in die Öffentlichkeit. Und das hat auch nichts mit der Toleranz von LGBTQ+ zu tun - das ist nämlich schon wieder eine ganz andere Baustelle. Die Regenbogencommunity ist in Dorenas-World jederzeit willkommen ... aber BDSM lasst ihr bitte zu Hause. - Danke
Ach Schatz, leider gehört es scheinbar bei denen dazu sich öffentlich jeden mit ihrem Ding aufzudrängen, egal ob es jemand mag oder nicht. Und dabei einem noch quasi ins Ohr schreien, wie frei sie doch sind. Das kennt man doch..
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Dann versuche doch auch bei der Übersetzung ein paar standards einzuhalten und nicht einfach alles durch eine Übersetzungsmaschine zu jagen - das können die, die kein Deutsch verstehen ja bei Bedarf sicher selbst - die Ergebnisse sind nämlich oft leider erst nach einer Rückübersetzung ins Deutsche verständlich!
Und jetzt sage nicht "this is another construction site", sonst beisse ich in die Tischkante!