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I found it !! ZZ Top ! ;-)
She's got cheese....she knows how to use it! He never begs...he knows not to abuse it!
yaaay! :)
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yeyyyy ! Big V !!
(90° roads are not easy to take ;-)
Thanks yeah, I was too fast*lol
yesssss ;-)
too bad Mario didn't gring his motorbikes in OS...
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Yesss @Safinemahoe2 you are very pretty, like in a romantic painting :-)
If you are ready for capturing the moment we do it, just tell me when ! :)
Yes, Hella's "feathering" creates a beautiful soft, gradual effect that accentuates Safine's beautiful avatar. 💗
yes, a good base helps a lot :-)
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Trump is really too old for Cleopatra ! and not sure he regains any enough power to give im more attraction to her as Caesar had then ;-)
Trump is kid in compare to 2000 year Cleopatra:)
nooooooooooooo she was in her 30s!!! ;-)
(I was sur you would tell that... it is tooo mean for Cleo ;-)
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As the third daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Nefertiti I can only salute our successor Cleopatra of the Ptolemies
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It is so nice to be able to create all that :-) I love you plants, thank you !

(I was not able to take the female avatar)
I will go in and see about fixing the female avatar, thank you for letting me know.
I hope it is not again my fault
Again, I don't recall anything being your fault before but if you felt that I apologize. This was simply me not setting the box for sale. Thank you for letting me know.
no no not with you, but I am a magnet for issues ;-)
I break things all the time or usually it is I fail to see the obvious at times.
as like me , in rl ... ;-)
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Thank you Lavia, it is always nice to try a new way to organize this...... inventory (I was about to write another thing ... ;-)
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I find many things nice, tank you Peter !
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But we need to have gold to do that my Dorena !!! ;-)
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Of course, unfortunately, avoiding RL here will not make the hatred that exists there disappear. But it is not by "fighting" here that we will be able to change anything. Let's face it, in the "fights" here it is practically at most the same ten protagonists that we see. Always with the same opinions. Opinions that everyone has the right to share or not but which do not seem to evolve at all since the few months that I was able to see. Why would that change now? It is proof of the uselessness of these dissussions which take the place of purely OpenSim posts that we are entitled to expect on this site. Hugs to all
I don't see it as useless, even if it doesn't change anything; repression isn't a solution, not even here.
Where can we see repression by only asking for restraint and a less controversial choice in posts?
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Silly goose! Sticks out long tongue at the sweet scorpion... Kiss
Careful that I don't find a higher purpose for your defiant tongue! 😋🤗😘 *teases*
Tu aimerais bien... :-P
J'en suis sure !
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I'm sure that there are many more kind and positive people than hateful people in opensim. The problem is that the latter are much more talked about because they are often the type to persist.
In any case you're lucky, for me I think I attract them, and I assure you that I'm not mean and have never wanted to harm anyone
I think some people just get to bored lol so they need to start something.
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yes, they must be unhappy to be so aggressive... and maybe we did the same to them in RL. People are not born hateful. But what hurts the most is when we have almost built something with them for weeks and take in the face a hatred that we do not understand where it can come from. We finally understand only one thing, it is that visibly we have not lived the same story each on our side, it is unthinkable that it is only meanness....... I do not know....
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You are so right. Also, many people come here to find entertainment from their often difficult real life and think that they will at least find peace there. The ambient hatred, intolerance and aggression that can be found here and in the Hypergrid have already surprised me and broken my heart several times.
Why also do some people always have to understand what is said about the worst option? I have seen it many times as a non-English speaker...
Raised in a biker family, the motto has always been Live and let live! Pleaseeeeeeee do that!
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Please don't miss this update about Amoa and glenn.........
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it's so true in rl ;-) but here, with underwear on the skin it can be a little less so...
I agree! But this only confirms that:
1. OpenSIM is an unreal world.
2. that in OpenSIM the underwear drawn under a ball gown looks even more pathetic and silly than pink grany panties in real life.
3. that almost everyone here is male :)
1. All humans are mortal
2. A donkey is mortal
3. So a donkey is a human
wo-man = wo (ancient form of WOE) => woe man
hu-man = hu (ancient Tatar people of northwest China related to the Hsiung-Nu) => ooops... Bulgarian man
here the Hu I know (and yes they seem men !!)
QED !!!!
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Some recent news from our so dear friend Glenn:
"I don't give a shit about 99% of the grids out there. They are run mostly by idiots, failures and I don't need to spend MY time helping them or advising them, just to later be silenced, censored and told to shut up. They are garbage people, and I know exactly what the problem was, I have the server logs and details. I am not nor will not share it anymore, and I wish all the other grids, nothing but the very worst"
Isn't it nice to know how you are loved ?...

So he installed a new grid of his own :
"THIS new grid, is MINE and yea I am NOW responsible for it. And what I did in 2 weeks, takes 98% of TOP OS and SL people to achieve. Because I have all those years of knowledge and experience in my head, but they are so virtuous, self-righteous and smart and I am the idiot to be used as a whipping post"
More of that and the head would explode! Obviously since all the others are idiots who know nothing...

"I had the time to figure out problems and fix things without distractions. It was something uploaded on barefoot it destoryed all of dream grids asset DBs and caused the problem to affect even non dream grids.
I am not telling because I dont want to help anyone fix their shit.
i just know what caused it
i saw it when it happened in MY grid here
Its a grid destroyer "
You have been warned! Actually he has nothing more than some weeks ago...

So he deleted Amoa Island from the Barefoot Dreamer grid (and the owners of this grid from his friends by the way...) to duplicate it on his PC!
So you will probably see this region return soon but contrary to the last announcement I want to emphasize that I am no longer part of the "team", only this very dear Linda Kellie remains, whom I have heard so much about for her friendships that were to say the least not very recommendable in the past! (you may have wondered why her name did not appear in the announcement of the "team"...)

When lack of heart is added to the worst proud pretension and even stupidity, you don't need enemies with such a friend....and it becomes very difficult to maintain gratitude for such a person!
So long Glenn and short life to your pc....
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I take it as a representation of an inner feeling, we always react with the strength of what we felt as pain .. :(
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a bit a scorpion feeling, except for the reborn...
(kisses Leo)