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a bit a scorpion feeling, except for the reborn...
(kisses Leo)
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and even if Shein is not very expensive in RL it would never be free as here ;-)
Then one needs to put prices on their items. Sell them in a marketplace, or don't share at all. There are always options.
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"Welcome to my world, won't you come on in? Miracles, I guess, still happen now and then..." or "Welcome to the jungle!"... In this virtual world in English, incomprehension and lack of kindness are the order of the day for us poor foreigners who make the effort to try to speak a language that is not ours... They often forget that we do not necessarily say in the right form what we think.... Please, British, Americans, Canadians, etc. have a little more patience with us and think about this before taking what we say the wrong way.
Thank you!
Bisous, Kuss, beso, petó, bacio, beijo, polobek, поцілунок, öpücük, キス, !! = kiss!! :-)
objectively speaking, from the point of view of the concept of the "English language", Americans who use slang write much more nonsense than us non-English speakers.
Yes! and when you add typos it is even "better"....
typos??? in american english??? are you know at least one creature in universe to define this???
well written and you are absolutely right, the translators also make mistakes hugs :-)
Yes!! when I use it I see many errors in english and german translations with "our" translators... and yet I don't speak very well so I'm always affraid to use them with languages I don't know at all even as italian or spanish who are close to french... What about japanese ?.... I have a close japanese friend who had a lot of misunderstanding issues... only because of some English speakers too quickly angry...
BTW pay close attention not to confuse "I don't care" with "I don't mind" it can be as "simple" as that.....................
Kuss !
yes that happens but we have to use translators because otherwise we can't talk to many people and that wouldn't be nice either. Translators on websites also make mistakes but who knows, maybe AI will be able to fix that at some point :-)
I try not to use translators a lot as I want to learn better english.... I know, I like to live dangerously ;-)
I use them to check a little and find lost words...
grins, you like to live dangerously. but that's how I do it too and I've mostly gotten along well with it in SL, so it must work here too
In SL we realize it a little less because given the larger population we can much more easily move from one environment to another without dwelling too much on bad reactions. In addition here we are on a kind of forum that amplifies everything, with many people who are very sensitive and who often seem to only look for trouble or appear offended
SL is just a grid, of course everything is bigger here and there are a lot of people who have been banned in SL for causing trouble who are now here, so it's clear that there will be trouble here more often. We are friendly but if someone causes trouble then the friendliness is over ;)
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Thanks for your sphinx and your Pyramid!! :-) I like the Maya too, it's nice to see some originality!
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heyyy it's not just a garden, there's also a giants' house! It's "in the land of giants" :-)
Yes! From a bug's perspective. It's like stepping into a whole new world! Did you see the ants on the counter? Or the beetle in the cereal box? Thank you for stopping by!
HOO no I didn't, I was not a lot in the house, now I see them, too bad for the pancakes ;-) And now I see 3 big strange "rabbit" spiders !!! at least they don't seems to run everywhere !!! I hope they will not attack "Gracies" beetles ;-) I still have to do a visit on the bee !! :-)
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I like this sim more and more, seeing how it is built makes me ask myself a lot of questions about everything I still have to learn, and even if I can... Mountains, volcanoes, waterfalls, houses, vegetation, etc., We can even travel all of this by galloping on horseback! What talent! Thank you for the trip :)
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I had a message from Glenn, first he said :
"please let Cyber know a very big thank you for his post!"

And about the matter here :
Ok I have tested and through smashing, bashing, and trashing, in every way possible, trying to find the source of the problem. I use FS .6.6. 86 And upon restoring Amoa, from an original build Oar, all of the missing items and textures that are affecting Barefoot Amoa, are not a problem. So that eliminates the FS question. As for the OS versions, Bezerkly Amoa is running on . Snail release Diva Wifi. It is slower but NONE of the issues exist that I find existing in the Yeti . version. So now it points to the problem being in . on up as a culrpit.
I tested by rezzing similar items in OSGrid, same problem exists, I tested visiting other grids, same problem existed.
Does the problem pagane described exist if you run 9.1.1 and the latest firestorm?
All FS after 6.6.14 not communicate properly with server.
And result is different because C# (DotNet) is extreme standartised same about Mono PHP and this only make finding of problem possible only with many shaman rithuals.
Glenn reply :
No, I did not test this with any other browser. This points to the issue though of only existing in OS . on up. Yeti, possibly Sasquatch, definitely Nelly. The textures and scripts, and any damaged assets were originally OARed from Diva D2. IAR shows they exist. So the issue appears to be traveling through multiple versions of . + and not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN. This does not dispute the other person, who's comments are gone regarding the possibility of assets taken from grids that are now gone and don't exist anymore.
I also suspect, the fact that 3rd Rock which was very old, is now gone, and some assets that were originally created there and then copied and shoved into every tiny mall, is now possibly broken across all current grids. If they didn't constantly chat ban me, I wouldn't have to deal with this type of communication. So this will take longer to solve utilizing 3rd party communcation methods.
This all began around June 21. In the early morning, barefoot was rocked by MASSIVE lag. Then, within a few hours, it started with eyeballs missing and then avalanched into something bigger. Restoring from an OAR on barefoot, only replaced newer work. Because the oar was only 1 week old. The OAR I tested with is from 2020. However, all additions and modifications have since been wiped out. Since I have to rebuild the newer sections, I am just improving it.
Pagane works for microsoft in their bug finding department. We should listen to her because she runs a version of opensimulator without a cache. This is very special b/c it lets her see the errors the instant they start happening. So Pagane says that later versions of firestorm on 9.2.2 are causing this problem, and I believe her. I think you Glen are just seeing the same thing from the server side of it. But Pagane is able to see it instantly on both viewer and server side b/c of her unique build. We should listen to Pagane.
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Thank you but I see 11:08 AM in my viewer just now, I am lost
Your not lost the event in 1 hour
haaa ok, I must go back to school.... you pass from 11h59AM to 12 PM .... wow, we are more comfortable with our 24h way to write hours in France ;-) Thank you!
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I'm not sure of the hour, it is for 12PM which time zone please ?
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I would like to see some men in bikini !!! ;-) pleaaaaaase ...
LOL Lets see if we can make that possible ! Every girl deserves a dream come true !
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Hello Merlin! ;-) I found (among many things) "Xray Spy Scanner v4" I think it is the one. But I don't see how to use it. Did I missed a howto notcard ? Merci !!
It is a hud. you wear it as a hud. then just walk around and it will start working.
haaaa yes! Thank you! I was in no script zone! and then I found somes huds droped on the grass!! It can be used to clean the land ;-) Merci !
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nice for you but I'm affraid it is not so simple for a lot of us :(
:( I hope it can be worked out.
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Are there any other big brains who could look into all this so that we have certainties and especially solutions? thank you!!!!!
(Happy 4th of July USA!!!)
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The worst symptoms I saw in Barefoot Dreamer grid and a little in Virtualife and I dont remember where else but there were at least two other where I saw problems I thought was because HG jump...
The most often it is on body colors, some skins (bom I think) making top of the body white or only lips, I lost "asset not present in database" for ears or AO too. Parts of Athena body changed colors or turn transparent (and even seem as not existing at all when pointing on them with the mouse).
Scripts are vanishing too, sometimes not entirely, in some hud (emoticon for example) you can still have parts functionning while the other half is dead...
Appearance issues sometimes happen to me when grid hopping. I can normally just edit my appearance and exit without making any changes and it will fix me. I make sure to keep all my outfits/body parts in my suitcase so I have access to them while grid hopping and can reattach things if things get wonky.
If all else fails then as soon as I return home I look normal again. My appearance never seems to mess up if I'm teleporting around within my own grid.
I have not found any assets missing from my home grid either. Though I'm running Diva Distribution that has not had an update for a long time, I think its still on 9.2.1 and I am using FS 6-6-17 Linux Mint.
The only asset related thing I notice is the occasional yellow message in the console about request for missing material on some objects. Though this has been a thing for as long as I can remember and is just a bad mesh I picked up on my travels. I never get that message for any meshes I have made myself, its always on something I picked up.
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After reading that the latest versions of Firestorm could be related to our asset issues I remember having a lot of things disappearing while I was in OSGrid with version 6.6.17 and Leonitas had told me that the last reliable version was 6.6.14. And it's true that miraculously I haven't had (for now) these problems in OSGrid since going back to 6.6.14. They persist in Barefoot though :-(
That is what I run too 6.6.14 with no issues.
And if it the cause of all our lost it is really a calamity.
How to tell everybody to go back to old versions if it is that?....
There are proper channels to address and troubleshoot issues with your system. Firestorm Help Ticket. When you have issues with Dreamgrid the correct protocol is to file a Mantis report, ( ) this helps to track down bugs and to see how many are experiencing the issue. You also must keep in mind that each grid is maintained by each grid owner and their systems, so you have to understand those could be what is corrupt. Use the proper channels of submitting bug reports. Check your logs, it has all the errors it will help when you submit your reports.
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too bad you don't do for Athena :-)
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I miss you a lot radiant Nakita
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I didn't know that... maybe that's not something to say too loudly...
Anyway, in computers it seems to be VERY hard to prevent hacking, you can always find someone who knows enough to break your defenses
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@Marianna Sorry for the barking of these two little gentlemen who say what they want when they see themselves disappearing...

Thanks for all your information, I will probably need it one day, I'm copying all that :-)
But I don't understand why you say that I confuse Full Perm with God Mod, I was only giving an example for which it is totally useless to use the god mod since we can find the full perm version of the same object somewhere on OS

Anyway, given the way OS works I share the opinion that I read above to say that flags are useless in OS as soon as we come across someone who wants to change them
Yes, then we are saying the same thing if the item is already full perm there is no need to God Mod it, I know people say it is a tool as quoted from this very post " When an avatar leaves a grid or can't be reached to fix permissions on an item they've acquired from a reseller, God Mode makes the impossible, possible" I hear that from many people but still without permission I don't do that. That is a choice for me personally.
Woof Woof Marianna :)

We bark so much that she has now made another avatar on OSGrid (Lilith Earst @ with another island (Lilith's Paradise) and has tried to access again... she must really love us, I think.

Well, now as a good little pup, I'm going to take a walk and then I'll sleep.

Woof Woof. ♥
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yesssss Bruce Almighty !!! ;-)