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Many things continue to work despite everything, (even my translator ;-) so the region is still visitable!
In the meantime (I'm still thinking... ;-) the next week's resurrection coming!
Yes Ankh is correct. You are able to visit. But I would recommend not expecting all furniture, vehicles or features to work because of missing scripts now. Also, I swear it is not an iceburg in the water along all shores. It is due to the textures missing. Same with trees and other aesthetics.
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yessss ! merci ! I will go back
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hello, thank you, I wanted to see how I could use it but I don't see how to take a copy
(I like the SF stuffs too ;)
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I cannot vote or I will say I cannot vote (Like women with ancients Athenian ;-) but I see the point!
According to the current rules, anyone can vote!
Women who owned property in Athens had the right to vote. (Yes, both women with property :)
Nope, women were not allowed to vote in most of ancient Greece, including in Athens. Nor could they own land on their own. Aristotle claimed women were incapable of making important decisions themselves. Athenian woman had little opportunity in economic and legal life, including politics. The big exception was Sparta. That was a whole different show. Women could not only vote and hold office and go to court, but held immense power all of their own.
yes, I just meant that I should choose an option where I can't post anymore ;-)
(I thought no women could vote in the early Athenian democracy, that's fine if they could own property and vote :)
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wowwww some french, ça va reposer mes neurones linguistiques ;-)
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Thanks @Antonia I wish you the best! It's so strange to see this kind of reaction and especially to see that we are not the only ones to experience this. This is perhaps what we call narcissistic perverts in psychiatry, a strategy to see people suffer... But because of them it's such a shame to find this even in the virtual world and it's sad to end up always thinking that a "friend" can reveal himself like this at any time :'(
I am often on the edge of a knife wanting to leave these virtual worlds because of these people and other reactions so negative, "fortunately" we also find people who seem to remain normal and friendly...
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@DorenaVerne I really like your art :-) I try AI since some weeks and I'm very far from that, I'm keep learning ;-) bravo.
It's truly awesome! I struggle to make generative AI bend to my will! It's NOT easy! And I am not nearly as good as Dorena!
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Jamie, I'm with you all the way but i don't really understand why not name this sim and this man... I was very close to him too, shortly but really, i felt sorry for what he told me about his life and told him a lot about me too which he then used to insult me ​​after trying to get me to come back after his ban... I have many things rl that I wanted to forget in opensim, and, if not a comfort, but at least a good diversion. I didn't think I would find such a ... pervert there. Speaking of what we are trying to overcome in OS, he told me quickly that you were going through a difficult time rl but rather than trying to help you I think he especially wanted to see us together on an animation ... I don't understand how he can be like this, he has a huge grudge against women in rl and wants to make everyone pay for it even in virtual or he is really sick and takes drugs ... in any case he must be very unhappy but that is no reason to ruin the virtual of others and making sure that his sim dies would be a good thing for all those he could still harm ...
Kisses !
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You are one of those who made me stay in Opensim, thank you. Even if I'm still a bit affraid by snakes, I'm so glad to meet you. Kisses
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When they will let you come back ??? You have a sim to manage, friends to talk with and technical or friendly help to give !
If people dont like what you say, why they read and answer ???! You can be so nice beside!
You were one of the few and the first to defend me when I wanted to leave after... the drama. I will always be grateful to you and now that I know you better, I know that you are not only hate, on the contrary. Thank you!!!
Apparently, they have un-muted me. No notice, but seems, I am able to reply again. TY
yeeyyyy welcome back Glenn !!!
I want to know, who campaigned to have him banned? Not Sees?
I don't know. I was not reading really, even if I tried I didn't understood everything, I'm french.... must be a lot as nobody seems to be able to take some distance even in virtual ....
Glenn et moi sommes amis ici sur Nos conversations me manquent. Je suis heureux que vous le souteniez.
Étrange, il montre en ligne, et quand j'essaie de lui envoyer un message, je reçois un message d'erreur "IDENTIFIANT invalide".

GlennX and I are friends here on I miss our conversations. I am happy you support him.
Strange he shows online, and when I try to message him I get error message "Invalid ID".
I'm sad too that we cannot talk here as we did... we have 6 hours lag so it was very nice to talk here... I am sure we are a lot to support him. kisses
♥ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♥
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I love your Luxor! As you can imagin with my name ;-)
Did you made this mermaid outfit available ? thanks
Thanks Ankhsenaton! You can find the original mermaid outfit here: These are no transfer so I can't pass you a copy of mine. I can provide the metallic red scales texture, along with the materials, since that's mine, along with the bikini top and the bangles. I don't share the hair. The headdress came from here as part of a complete outfit: but I completely changed the headdress textures.
:-) Yesss I went to Aquadark when I saw the link geven by Jupiter Rowland for getting it, and now I might look for you inworld to ask for your stuff ;-) I never try to do that but I would like to test, thank you!
(you really well modified the hair, it's practically unrecognizable compared to your source :)
I did not use the hair that came with it. I used my own hair but I don't give that one away.
Yes I saw and I don't ask :-) it was just a compliment.
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Oh I missed it :(, I'll be up for it another time or with you Lillysparks I had a SL mermaid live once , Tala! :-)
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Toi aussiiiiiiiiii Leo ;-)
La loupe? Ou...?
Pas "Le Loup" , le tigre ;-)
le lion capturera la tigresse et la gardera dans la tanière des loups !
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yessssss Animal from The Electric Mayhem Band !!! in France they are "Le Groupe Electrogène" !!
Intellectuallllll !!! (
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Yes! Amoa is magnificent region, thanks to Robin (and Glenn)! I will never do a tenth of it. But time passes and these statements about the staff may need to be updated ;)
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So bad I don't speak german, I like the music and motorbikes ;-)
no problem we use a translater when you come ankhsenaton:))) yvw
Danke! I'll try to come :-) But I don't really know what time it's going to be, opensim time or European time?
10 am opensim time :))
ok thank you, so 19h in France (or Germany) C U :)
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wow I would love to find one Kimono like that :-)
There is two outfits with Kimonos at the landing, shoes, bracelet, gong etc. I will keep adding gifts as I can. This Kimono @JoeBuilder gave me is really special to me, thank you for liking it too. It is what I wear now because I am always at Zensational it is my favorite sim.
I will sure go back there :-) thank you
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What a pretty sim, how exotic and so well done. I don't regret having given everything time to rez :-) (my connection if often so slow...that I must wait even on very good sims) Maybe not enough time for the platform near the "City Gate" which remained a little empty or still under construction.
(The only thing I regret is this poor bird crushed by a Japanese rickshaw ;-) but the baby unicorn next to it is too cute)
Thank you for visiting the Sim, it is a work in progress, that is why you see City Gate area still being worked on. If you look at the posts here about the Rickshaw and that chicken then you will see what is implied by it.

It goes like this ...As the rickshaw, its wooden frame creaking with every turn of the wheels, carried a woman adorned in the intricate garments of her dynasty, a delicate sight unfolded before her. A little chicken, its feathers glistening under the sun, innocently pecked at grains scattered across the dusty path. With a sudden jolt, the rickshaw lurched forward, its operator perhaps distracted by the grandeur of his passenger. In a split second, the fragile creature found itself caught beneath the wheels, a tragic casualty of haste and carelessness. The woman's heart sank as she witnessed the scene unfold, a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and mindfulness in navigating the Rickshaws at Zensational's Sakuragawa. In the aftermath, amidst the clucking of nearby hens, a lesson resonated deeply—a plea for caution to all who tread the paths of life, urging them to watch carefully, lest they trample the innocent underfoot.

We decided to open the sim so that everyone can see the work in progress. I am not sure what operating system you use but for me the sim rezzes fine, thank you for visiting.
Yes I saw all that and appreciate.I understood it might be unfinished, and I never know with my little connexion if I must wait or no ;-). I love the details!
I edited my 1st comment :-) (I was kidding for the chiken ;)
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Thank you, I was wondering what it was, in any case I'm having trouble translating into French. But I found a page for that ;)
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Thank you, I will go to see that :-)
(I hope you took lots of photos for the Daily Planet ;-)
Funny origin of my av name has nothing to do with Superman tbh lol. It was a dog I had a long time ago. And Olsen, just a Norwergian surname ....
it's funny how we can have different references. So now I think about Indiana Jones where Indiana was also the name of his old dog friend (we never forget them). Thank you for letting me know that you are not a photo reporter ;-)
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So much things to get :) Thank you Safinemahoe2 !