AnsjelaAmat @AnsjelaAmat Offline

August 28th 2023 me and my businesspartner started our own grid.

Liked posts

Cause I'm a gypsy, are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
I don't make agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry, I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me
"Cause I'm a gypsy"


Andromeda: ***Gypsy Poem*** It is the dance that unites the heart and soul!! This is me… “Daughter of the Wind” “Those who have never seen us dancing have no idea of ​​the magic contained in our dance. Throug... 3 days ago

Oh l'amour!!! El amor!!!!
Happy Valentine's dear friends. I made this tiny space with lots of gifts for you to celebrate love in all its forms and ways
Love you
Bebe Li

Hi folks, I have received a few questions today regarding the body skins I shared (i.e. do they work for EvoX, why no face, etc.)
There's a README inside the pack with some details but a few more details:

1. Body skins generally use the .skin type of item and they only contain Upper and Lower.
1.1. The textures are mapped to the body (especially in places like toes, butts, etc. - hence why those would look weird if used in another body).
2. Face skins generally use the .tattoo type, precisely so that you can 'bake/add' it ON TOP of the .skin of the body (of which [.skin] you cand only wear one).
2.2 The face textures are mapped to the head (Evo, EvoX or others).

In this sense, they are NOT connected (you could wear Legacy and....Catwa as head!), and seldom if ever do body skin come with a face skin (Have NEVER seen that, imagine they come with a Catwa head and you use EvoX, or come with Evo and you use a EvoX head!).

The can be 'related' as far as the skin tone goes (i.e. some body skin creators have a set of tones to which face skins creators try to adhere).
Either way, that's what the neck-fix included (only for EvoX, though) are for. If you can't 100% match the tone, add the fix or the face blender.

The .shape file is also important if you want the default shape. However, you can only wear ONE .shape.
If you 'add' it, it will replace the one you got with your face (and mess the shape).
So, in SL (or even here, if properly here), if you were to start a new avi you would get:

1. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the head. Let's say EON EvoX = You can almost ditch these ones unless you are going with the 'demo'/free face skin that comes with the head.
2. The shape [.shape] that comes with legacy body = You can also almost ditch this one, unless you are going with the 'demo'/free body skin of the body.
3. The shape [.shape] and eyebrows [.hair] that come with the face skin. Let's say EROS (for EON EvoX) = These ones you keep, and will probably the ones you use.
4. The shape [.shape] that comes with the body skin. Let's say Jupiter Muscled TAN tone. = This you want to keep, but just for the values.

1 and 2 don't really have much 'value', they are: 'shape-you-can-use-if-you-dont-add-any-skins-from-creators'. EVEN if you wanted to stick to those, you would need to transfer the body shape values to the shape that come with the head.
ALWAYS combine them.
Why? Because the values (numbers) in the shape of the head are specific values that the face/head skin creator has added so that it looks like in the piiiicz.
Now, legacy creator couldn't possible know if you rely on their shape of the head will look BAD.
Body-values-on-head-shape is also because there are less amount of cells/numbers pertaining to body.

NOW, if you got yourself (hopefully) an additional face skin (eg. EROS) and body skin (eg. Jupiter Muscled TAN), you want to merge and use those two.
Why? Because the values relative to the head in EROS will make it look like in the pic, and the values relative to the body in Jupiter, will make it look like in the pic.

- You add the shape of Jupiter just to take the number values on Body+Torso+Leg tabs.
- You switch into the EROS shape, and replace Body, Torso, and Legs with those values.

Result: Your face will look like in the skin pic you bought, and so will your body.

RECAP: .skin for body skins + .tattoo for face skins. Leverage neckblends. Ditch default body/head shapes. Use skin shape as basis, add body skin shape values.

Emma Lewis: Bonjour, pour moi tout va bien ça s'accorde parfaitement bien avec les skins de tête de chez Sdf ! Encore un grand merci pour ce travail hâte d'avoir Larax !!! 3 months ago

Find my Winter Island @
Your are always very welcome at my land
"Happy Holidays" Love Bebe

SheaButter: It's winter for a very long time. Am sure we can view when Osgrid is back online. 3 months ago
People have been asking me why I took out the furniture and other things. I have been adding them and some new ones ever since I appeared in the sky. When you land, grab the teleport to get to the items.

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 4 months ago

*** News at Camballa***
Hoodie Outfit in any Colors
Reborn and Maitreya
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** News at Camballa***
*Elas* Ankle Boots Leaves in any Colors
only Athena
Western outfit for Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

LeonitasLionheart: this is touching and so true. we all have real lives and challenges and obstacles that pull us away, but our friends and the mutual admiration and respect pulls us back to our fantasy realms, whenever... 4 months ago


To all those in virtual that live in Florida, Virtual beach is sending prayers and hugs. please stay safe.

***News at Camballa***
Outfit Julia comes in any Colors
reborn-Lara X-Legacy
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh wow... hehe... I like this!!! Perfect for moshing lol 5 months ago

The dragon was only suitable for Bulletsim, now there's a new version, for UBODE!


RemmyRavenhurst: Seriously awesome. Perfect for the world im creating!! 5 months ago
Because Autumn is the favorite season to many of us, I made this little space for you, there is a cabin that probably we all have, but this time I decorated and furnish. I hope you like it. Almost everything is copy.
"Happy Autumns"
Hugs Bebe

Jared Seda: Thank you so much for the awesome destination and also all the amazing content! 5 months ago
We all love to fly, don't we?
So I decided to make a ridable version of my dragon, as rezzer, so all your visitors can get their own.
Its temp, no worry of littering your place.
Get yours in my shop!

Luna Lunaria: Always nice to visit your region Peter :-) 5 months ago

E Grid back up and running.

Lost Castles... There are many "popular" castles being circulated in world. But years ago I saw several gigantic castles that were incredibly well done and beautiful that appear to be lost to time. They were not seen anywhere else. One was a white elven castle that was super huge and extremely beautiful. Another was a grey stone castle with exquisite interior and very well designed rooms. The third lost castle was a dark castle with many rooms. It's sad these castles were lost to time as the creators eventually logged off taking their beautiful creations with them where they are no longer seen in todays entirety in-world. Very very sad. The creators were expert builders and their designs were the stuff of legend. Now they may sit on an old hard drive in someones attic somewhere, or perhaps they deleted them in a michael-angelo type fit of rage. No one knows. If you know of any of these castles can you please post their location onto this post, and I will tell you if that is one of them or not.

John Sheppard: Yes, I'd also like to see that link! 5 months ago
For all of you interested in animesh: I made a new animated free roaming dragon thats now available for testing peer review. Pick up a copy in my shoppie, read the notecard and knock yourself out!
Lemme know if the notecard was clear enough...its a bit tricky with this roaming script....
Have fun!

Caribia: oh that looks cool :D 5 months ago
We have created a new sidewalk and made the textures for it, as fall claims us. 6 different textures and leaves as well, and a board to make your signs in your path. We have added some streetlights our not our
creations. They are 3 pieces sidewalk/90 degree/bridge

OpenSimUser: You might want to actually add the grid address so people can visit. 5 months ago

Daddy swan's got a girl! And, chicks on the nest too:)
The nest is included .
Now available in ZZ's shop.
Have fun! :)

Ankhsenaton: Thank you Peter (I love the babies ;-) And your leopard is so beautifull (but I put it very far from the swans! I don't want he eat them! 6 months ago
Well after a hiatus due to RL, I am slowly rebuilding the sim, at the moment there isn't much in the way of goodies. However, I will be working like a mofo to get items brought to the store for you. Please be patient whilst I work on the sim (I am doing this on my own).

Hopefully see you soon, drop by and say hello!

Omy2024: Amazing concept Maisey can't wait to revisit 6 months ago
Amber Tanaka who used to be the owner of the failed kohaku grid, and changed her name to "user name" on this forum, had this to say to me in The Box on this very page today...
"User Name 6 hours ago
@Cyberglo it is sad that u need to tel yourself that u are awesome so often. (to me u are just another brain rotten woke fagot with way too much time on his hand wasting away on this forum)"
Right next to a post by copper, who had this to say about me, "Copper 5 hours ago
Cyberglow uses this platform to compensate his mental illnesses ( he stated that often here). His "advices" are for sesam street oskar trash can"
Obviously this just proves they don't know me, because I am awesome! :)

Misty_Falls: Amber is bitter, (can't say as I blame her), Mr West and other haters really did a number on her, (or did we all forget that scandal?). Today, she creates, becomes a victim of copybotters, and haters ... 7 months ago
I have a few buildings available that are perfect for your Industrial part of town. They are Full Perm, so if you want to change the signs to your own, just edit and change the texture. If you need help, I will happily do so. I hope your day is awesome and filled with joy!
New! List Subscriber! GREAT FOR DJ'S!!! GREAT FOR SHOP OWNERS!!! People can click it to subscribe to your list! Then the dj can send a notice out to all the subscribers in the list, even if they are on many different grids! Great for parties! New in this version: Click once to be added to the list, click a second time to be deleted from list. Owner click will bring up the menu to enter or send a message to all the subscribers. :) New in this version: Saves the entire subscriber list to a notecard so your subscribers are never lost! :) Get yours now at I'll leave it here a few days before deleting it. :)

IndigoQueen King: Thank you always CyberGlo!! Yes you are awesome teehehehe I am so happy you created this you rock my friend!! 8 months ago

I title this image, which I created with my AI, with one word: "Fear"

Xenon Darrow: What AI are you using that gets such great consistency across your character? 9 months ago

Wohin gehst du, Welt...?
Where are you going, world...?

ya know.. there sure is a LOT of imature, high schoolish, jealous, so called adults, who are drama queens & kings across all grid of the metaverse.. here's a little advice.. if you have a beef with someone.. Take it up with them "Personally".. email them.. reach them inworld on their grid.. reach them on facebook... reach them on discord.. but whatever you do.. do NOT reach out to them publicly on someone elses post, profile page, or advertising poster, or what have you.. if you are blocked LET IT GO.. if its THAT important that you absolutely MUST keep the drama going.. create an ALT inworld.. go to their grid.. send them a message let them know exactly who you are.. and then say what you gotta say.. HOW DARE YOU start drama on someone elses post here on .. 2 words for you.. GROW UP! & Keep your business and drama off of other peoples posts!
Have a nice day!

Arielle: Where is the fun in that? People post here to have an audience that will hopefully validate one's point(s). Sending an IM or e-mail sounds good and mature but negates most of the entertainment of post... 9 months ago
Pictured above......typical product from Friends mall

I have tried to tell people that our mall is a little different; but tonight I want to show you one of our best selling products - the amazing horses from my friend Roland Francis.

Most of you know about Roland and his horses....but I am going to brag anyways. I used to raise horses in SL. You dont even want to know how much I spent on food.....and then the horses were not naturally grazing. If you found ones that could not ride them. I have tried every horse I found in Second Life and Opensim, and I honestly believe Roland's horses offer the best ride and most realistic animations. might ask...what does this have to do with a mall? We are honored to be able to offer Rolands horses to you here at Friends Mall and I have built a special path to let you try them. Ride over the mountains...past the pond...and the long oceanside trail....and I am sure you will fall in love with these horses.

Go to the Equitacion Store at Friends Mall.

Then walk out the back of the store to take a horse for a ride. When you arrive back at the building, you can get your own horse is called HHorse rezzer v2.0 and is inside the stable building at the Mall.

These horses are wonderful! Thank you Roland!

Lillysparks: Awesome. Love it!! Can't wait to see these! 9 months ago
Hello from Aviworlds/Dallas Mall! In the past 3 days, I have been asked why I am banned from your land.

Believe me, I am the last person who would want to ban anyone or open a can of baby-ass games. But word goes around in quotes: people do not like Dallas; we just get what we want, then ban her! Damn, so be it. Take it all. I am tired of any two-faced bully. I Do not have a issue you take my vendors and set in your store. Not at all; some I work hard on, as I do in SL. And it seems to be so damn easy to steal from me there my money from RL, as I turned my cheek so many times, so I say hell, I cannot beat you down. Why not join them? So, you see, you ban me because you are guilty. I ban you because I do not have time for the drama. Sorry to the people who live in those crazy grids who banned me. I must do only the right thing! I close my doors to the grid.

If you cannot get to my 4 locations, just ask me, and I will tell you one thing: I am honest!

smiles Have a blessed day.

Wonder Collectibles II. @
Full of surprises. Do not miss it, come for a visit and pick up your gifts.
Hugs Bebe

NEW Furniture

Light Plants

🥳We, at R. Lion Stores, hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.🥳
According with Santa's nice List, this year the ladies were the best behaved, so our gift is for them:😇
The new LaraX Mesh Body is available now at our new Avatar's components store, for you to get. Come quick!

SheaButter: Happy Holidays, to you and your family. Thank you, for sharing all those wonderful items. 1 years ago

Piazza di Spagna,Roma #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Congratulations and salutations! Unity Clarity Pleasure to you and yours. It is an attractive energy when two hearts meet and beat as one. Love long and prosper! 1 years ago

Just landed! the Crane family:)

New Items in ZZ-Shop;
The marble column can be changed, there's a box with 20+ textures
The windvane responds to changes of wind; script must be set active
Enjoy! :)

New month, new items in ZZHOP!

Curves? Someone mentioned, curves? I couldnt resist:)

Ready for export.....

Jupiter Rowland: Doesn't make you want to nope away like some of Arcadia's or Vbinnia's barrels. 1 years ago
What I always kept missing, was a good dark shade of an upcoming wave.
so, time for a game changer. Made it a double,one in blending alpha, second on masking and dark....oh well, u gotta see em!
After 14 years of trying, I'm finally happy with this one:)
Think I'm gonna throw em in ZZHOP on the next Expo round.