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Bonjour et merci d'avoir créé ce groupe !

Premier décembre 2022 - Rencontre mensuelle des francos

Rencontre de francophones et francophiles le premier jeudi de chaque mois, à 21h00 (heure de Paris, soit 15h00 heure de Montréal, ou 12h00 SLT)

Discussion informelle et visite en groupe d'une région.

L'événement se passe de vive-voix et en français.
No Safari this week, but on the Inworld Review we put some news of events around opensim and there was a good conversation with Undecal Masala. Do you or your friends have upcoming events, openings, news that you want to share? Send me a poster and a bit of description, and we will include you in the hg happenings at the start of the show

Art is Pointless

I love Halloween!!

There be bears up in them there hills!

Wild boar on the farm.

Infinity Isle doing it now....

Heute ab 20:00 Uhr - Gothic Abend

Gothic Party
Where: TPW-Club
When: 3 years ago [20 Aug 2021 11:00 SLT]

Gothic Party im TPW mit Plattenschubse Marina auf dem Stream und ganz besonderer Musik :-)

Where: TPW-Club
When: 3 years ago [13 Aug 2021 11:00 SLT]

MAFIA-Motto-Party mit DJane Loru und Plattenschubse Marina auf dem Stream.

Hello, i still look like I arrived years ago at Franco Grid.... lol....

Where: Koryphon
When: 4 years ago [7 Mar 2021 14:00 SLT]

Not to Miss Today on Alternate Metaverse Grid
from 2:00PM (PST) Grid Time
with Gray Delwood on Region: Koryphon

Life in Pangea-Grid
Where: Black Swan Folk Club
When: 4 years ago [20 Mar 2021 12:00 SLT]

Willy Sparrow alias Al Hofmann ist ein begnadeter Musiker, Midi-Gitarrist, Komponist und Produzent.
Al Hofmann, der aus einer Künstlerfamilie stammt, wurde in Buenos Aires geboren und begann im Alter von 5 Jahren mit dem Gitarrenspiel.
Heute lebt und arbeitet er in Amsterdam.
Wer ihn live erleben möchte, hat die Möglichkeit, ihn in verschiedenen virtuellen Welten bei einem seiner zahlreichen Konzerte zu besuchen.
So freuen wir uns, diesen Ausnahmemusiker am 20. März im Pangea Grid, in der Open SIM begrüßen zu dürfen.
Mit "Music from my Soul to Yours" wird Al Hofmann seine exzellenten musikalischen Fähigkeiten live präsentieren, wozu wir Sie herzlich einladen.


Willy Sparrow aka Al Hofmann is a gifted musician, midi guitarist, composer and producer.
Al Hofmann, who comes from a family of artists, was born in Buenos Aires and started playing the guitar at the age of 5.
Today he lives and works in Amsterdam.
Those who want to experience him live have the opportunity to visit him in various virtual worlds at one of his many concerts.
So we are happy to welcome this exceptional musician on 20 March in the Pangea Grid, in the Open SIM.
With "Music from my Soul to Yours", Al Hofmann will present his excellent musical skills live, to which we cordially invite you.

Guided healing visual & spiritual journies with Shamanistic Grounding & Chakra Awakening! Open classes on grounding and meditation to reduce stress and improve moods & health, fight pain & illness and focus on goals. Wednesdays @ 10am Grid time 1-2 hours. Please have voice enabled to hear instructor.


David Perdu is a guitarist, singer and songwriter based in North Wales. His style is a fusion of folk, blues, fingerstyle and classical elements recalling the playing of Bert Jansch, Doc Watson and Pierre Bensusan. His songwriting combines moments of introspection with imaginative story telling and heart-felt emotion. Help us welcome David in his Club Escotia debut here as the finale of our Triple Treat Monday event!

2/13 Sacred Love - Chakra Awareness Class 2-5PM @ Koryphon
Where: Koryphon
When: 4 years ago [13 Feb 2021 14:00 SLT]

Valentines Weekend Club Crawl- Saturday, Feb 13th, 2-5PM A very special class/workshop for Couples & Singles - Sacred Love & Chakra Awareness for beginners-A free class- Instructor- Cataplexia Numbers- taught in Voice-Please Have Enabled

Sacred Love and Chakra Awareness - Two Classes in one actually but its a good one- teaches chakra awareness on a beginners level -connecting couples and lovers on a much deeper level- will be Feb 13th 2-5p on the Valentines club Crawl - Couples & Singles are welcome! Cataplexia teaches this class in Voice, you will need voice enabled to listen. find out about Sacred Love, Twin Flames, Soulmates, Yin and Yang, Kundalini, Tantra and Chakras!


BLENDER CLASS - Learning to use the TOOLS at 2:00PM Today
Where: Koryphon
When: 4 years ago [26 Jan 2021 14:00 SLT]

Todays Subject in Blender is: Tool
Make sure you have the Latest Version of Blender installed before you head to Class
At the Koryphon Academy today at 14:00.
Tutor - Gray Delwood

Open Learning - Everyone is Welcome to Join the Class

Location: Koryphon