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Nice outfit and Hud, thank you.
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Great app, I've really been enjoying it with the fixes you made.
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We'll be banned or become part of the band?
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it is actually set in opensimdefaults.ini but can be overridden in opensim.ini.
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I don't get it. The smallest non -physical prim size allowed in opemsim is .001 so any linkset would at least shrink to where that linked prim is .001 would it not?
Arielle! :) you are right! I made a mistake. *** busy fixing my mistake *** Thank you!
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Gas in my area went from .70 cents per litre to $1.50 per litre. Defense budget might have gone up but that is only a small segment of the economy. Many other areas are hurting.
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Gotta admit that maybe it is better to hate on World Politics or McDonalds then hating on each other.
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"Rare" used to be applied in on case out of 1 million and has now dropped down to 1 in less then 10,000 and that only applies when talking about 1 side effect even though some Covid vaccines have a dozen or more listed debilitating side effects, upping the case of overall side effects to under 1 in a 1,000.
The CDC and FDA have taken a huge hit on their reputation because of the waffling around of recommended suggestions because of the pandemic.
Prove it. Legit sources only.
Who decides if they are legit sources?
Studies, by qualified researchers, using scientific procedures, published in a peer-review journal. and the findings replicated by other researchers.
A corrupt process that is increasingly coming under criticism. Several reputable journals were caught with their pants down because of biases they put through their publications. Not surprising considering some of the large pharmaceuticals we're doing their advertising through them. Studies that were not favorable to them were pulled before they even made it through the peer review process.
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Opensim Dev Ubit decided it will not be supported in Opensim
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People mostly find it easier to shoot the messenger rather than the message, hence the Freeman pile on.
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I think the word is actually "Tolerance" because it is through it we develop patience.
Tolerance could apply, but it requires a massive amount of PATIENCE to invoke tolerance having to deal with the intolerant emotionally disturbed.
"Through "tolerance" we develop patience". "Don't allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence."
Patience is a virtue. Tolerance is a performed action. Enough actions will develop into a natural virtue. So don't allow your emotions to overtake your virtue that will affect your intelligence.
Patience is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner. Which is also a performed action. Virtue is thinking and doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. lol
I can see that being some truth. So essentially what you say is both Patience and Tolerance are learned abilities. When you learn to ride a bike, you learn to balance which becomes a natural ability that you do not have to think about. When you pedal and steer the bike down a long road, you consciously turn left and right, but unconsciously balance. Which do you define patience and tolerance? As steering or balance?
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It does seem close though the writing style appears a little different. The grr he has for Josh seems familiar though.
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This is how it used to be where one could quickly and easily find others to help out with the software to get things up and running or issues resolved if there was a bug. We used to sit in Lbsa Plaza and help new people get their own region or grid up and running and was often the main topic of conversation. When the mesh content came the conversations turned to copybot and then eventually to nothing at all and nowadays I rarely hear of anyone trying to get a sim or grid running though maybe DreamGrid made a lot of that unnecessary. It is nice to hear someone was helped but a bit of strange for some of us older ones as it used to be the norm and not something that required its own thread. How times have changed.
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If she passed without a will it can take a while to determine who the beneficiary will be.
I understand that though SL has taken the store down there.
Thinking it is like the Aeros Penis in SL where the store suddenly closed without warning and then months later was reopened but with a warning that there would be no support for the products. Leads me to suspect the original creator passed away and the rights went to someone who inherited it but doesn't know how to support it.
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Dan Banner in past related how he had to spend weekends sometimes purging content for which DMCA's had been filed, so much that Osgrid was one of the first to block Sacrarium just to stop the flow of DMCA reported content. Osgrid at least was pretty conscientious in removing it and cutting off the flow. I still finding items in Inventory that no longer rezz because at some point it was removed from the grid's asset servers. Other commercial grids followed suit to varying degrees. Second Life on the other hand has had a wealth of copybot Marketplace stores selling contraband for ages but they won't take those down unless there is an actual DMCA filed.
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Strange then you coming to advertise your events on Openwhineworld, unless it is whiners you are trying to attract :)
You stood in lbsa for an hour and whined the whole time. I don't know perhaps you can tell me,
What you saw there was a critique which is stating a problem, the potential how and why of it and to some degree a resolution vs a whine which is no more then a plaintive cry.
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Could have a point Copper but then I would have wished Kitely had set their own credits up to be purchased by HG avatars rather then only for their local grid.
By HG business ... some years ago..Kittely announced their reasons for that. My intension was just that, that people shouldn't trust a private. ex Linden employee. plus I never understand why so many (especially american), who cant buy good food, invest in VR pixel stuff. I am in this since 2007 SL. This is such a nonsense. Why is all about money always. Gratefully there are grids who run this as a hobby. And this is what OS should all be about! Do create for a hobby (in OS), or let it be.
And when I create something, or make a cute script, I share with friends / community, and never ask for a price, even when that work takes weeks. And not like "shiny" Luna here etc. This should stay all free for everyone! And not always run for the $$ shit. And here I DO NOT mean her great work. JUST the $$ in the eyes
Well I don't mind paying for something extra that others may also be interested in. I have no expectations that it should be free unless maybe I had something to contribute in return.
If all would just create for a hobby, and wouldnt have always the $$ in their eyes, and share with friends and community who like their stuff (like here at OSW with scripts etc), then god mode, copy viewer and so on would dry out, and 90% of those discussions, hate, and all the other stuff about commercial interest would be gone. There wouldn't exist anymore interest about all that all anymore. I go on further: No more interest in exploding a sim... less hate and , last but not least, less drama
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All I know is that I hate the fact that the original creator field doesn't work once it is transferred over the hypergrid. Been a few times I would have loved to see their other content but the field is always just loading. That is an issue with Opensim because it used to work.
Stuff like groups, friendship and, I guess, listing an item creator, doesn't work very well across grids.
Friends do work though it may take a couple tries and between each try, one has to delete the contact card and previous friend entry. Only try it on the one or others home grid and be sure to click the confirmation dialogue box on returning to one's home grid, even if it doesn't appear until the next login.
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A few responses. Kitely made some great decisions to market on the HG. They also made what I feel were bad ones. Restricting purchases through PayPal only and requiring Creators to sell for at least $1. Many of the products sell in SL for a few lindens but on Kitely the same will cost me a minimum of $1 US, which costs me over $1.50 Can. Sorry, not paying that. Like it or not, Kitely creators are in competition with SL prices as to what people are willing to pay for an item. Had they arranged to sell with Gloebits so creators could sell items for less than the minimum US $1, I likely would be a more regular shopper there.

As to God mode, Opensimulator is alpha software and especially the permissions code is a bit funky on the hypergrid. Many creators have issues even on a regular grid in how to set permissions properly because Opensim does not strictly follow SL's methods or how transferring it will wind up. The Permission code has changed on a few occasions in core also so how a permission was supposed to be is not always how it winds up.

Opensim is free and one can run a region for pennies a month on electricity or even just $5 p/m on some cheaper grids. Creators here do not have the expenses they have in SL so I feel its a bit greedy to be asking the same prices one would pay in SL. On Kitely I see creators even selling for more then the typical prices on SL on the excuse that there is less people in Opensim but seemingly ignoring the fact that there is also a lot less competition. I've read it is not unusual in SL for stores to sell less then a 100 copies of an item but they do ok because they have hundreds of items to choose from and are always putting out new innovative content to keep their heads above water. I don't see that here.

On the God Mode again, Grids come and go like clockwork. If I as the owner of the Arielle avatar purchase something from a creator, the license is to the living entity behind Arielle. Since Arielle is on multiple grids, I use the content I have purchased for her where she has an account. Should one of the grids she has an account on close up then I feel I have a right to transfer that content to her on another grid as I own the license, not Arielle as she is just my visual representative. The copyright laws in that regard are somewhat ambiguous but some past grid owners took it upon themselves to go with an interpretation that served themselves rather then their residents. It is the reason I would not touch the new Grids of some past owners with a barge pole. They will do everything in their power to deprive residents of their legally purchased content. Their unpopularity is well deserved.

Much of the issues surrounding copybotted content is too much aimed at SL content whereas the creators of that content have the right and obligation to file DMCA's. I would much rather see the focus being on copybotted content of the original creators in Opensim itself. If one looks at some past grids like Sacrarium, they were not banned by other grids for their SL content but for the content they were distributing from Opensim creators. The SL stuff is competing yes but the plain fact is that even for that content, creators, especially scripters. could do pretty good selling better huds for some of that stuff. I know I certainly would like to see that and would be perfectly willing to pay money for it should they do so. Sure it could be Godded and some will but constant updates and other tricks could easily minimize how many do. For many of us in Opensim there is a convenience factor some of us are willing to pay for as long as it is not exorbitant amounts.
"The Permission code has changed on a few occasions in core also so how a permission was supposed to be is not always how it winds up."

The best example for this would be that boxes inherit certain permission restrictions from their contents now. A while ago, a full-perm box was always actually full-perm, regardless of the permissions of its contents. This is no longer the case. And so you have lots of sales boxes in older stores that are supposed to be copied but can't be because the permissions of the contents are too limited. Shop owners have to go around and fix loads of boxes and their contents, and they often don't even know they have to.

"On the God Mode again, Grids come and go like clockwork. If I as the owner of the Arielle avatar purchase something from a creator, the license is to the living entity behind Arielle. Since Arielle is on multiple grids, I use the content I have purchased for her where she has an account. Should one of the grids she has an account on close up then I feel I have a right to transfer that content to her on another grid as I own the license, not Arielle as she is just my visual representative."

If OpenSim development had enough capacity, I'd suggest a new feature, namely linking avatars together to one identity. The most basic variant of this would allow you to transfer no-transfer content to your alts. The most advanced one would sync the inventories, at least optionally except for friends and groups. Both cases would also exclude no-export content.
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Some really nice items. Thank you for sharing.
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Ok thx for the heads up. I had thought to myself when I read his post that I had seen the name Sylvia Frey before in past and therefore questioned how new she actually was. Good to have it publicly clarified what went down so her reputation isn't destroyed by someone posting incorrect information about her.