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have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

o.0 AMAZING NEW WITCHES HUD for all you would be witches! :) Totally free! Summon the goddess to eject someone from your land, rez a secret arcane practice center! Create your own relaxing witchy space!!! Cast spells! Find answers! :) Play with Salem the familiar!!! You should have many questions, well I have many answers. :) Please don't hesitate to contact me for help. I am very pleased to offer you this gift to enjoy your magical fantasy!

Note: please like my region, as your votes let me know I'm appreciated :) hehehe
Commands of the familiar: Salem followme, Salem follow cindy.resident, Salem seen (lists all people he has seen), Salem teleport x,y,z teleports to location you specify, and can listen in on conversations and tell you what is being said even if you are in another sim! Salem that little spy. hehehe

NOTE: This hud is built for dreamgrid users. It needs osnpc capability, scripts running, rez rights, and so you pretty much have to own your land. Some functions will not work in grids or sims where you do not have rights and privileges.
Virtual Discovery Tour Mardi 7 Novembre 2021. Rendez vous à 21h00(heure de paris) à l'accueil de Virtual Dream , nous irons visiter la région de Tarraline sous la neige !!!

Virtual Discovery Tour Tuesday, November 7, 2021. Meet at 9:00 p.m. (Paris time) at the Virtual Dream reception, we will visit the Tarraline region under the snow !!!

CALIENTE !!! Pour se réchauffer l'event beach relance sa soirée Brésilienne sous les platines de DJ VLAD !!!
Jeudi 2 Décembre de 21h à Minuit
CALIENTE CALIENTE !! on vous attend nombreux, sortez vos Plumes et vos boas !! ça va chauffer
Virtual Discovery Tour
Where: VirtualDream Accueil
When: 3 years ago [30 Nov 2021 12:00 SLT]

Virtual Discovery Tour 30 Novembre 2021 ,Rdv à 20h45 (heure de paris)à l'accueil de VD .Nous irons visité Space of Dream sur SVD3D .
Virtual Discovery Tour November 30, 2021, Meeting at 8:45 p.m. (Paris time) at the reception of VD. We will visit Space of Dream on SVD3D.