Aurora Starchild @AuroraAsteria

Starchild Estate Offline

Co-Owner of Starchild Estate and Shoppe hop://


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Like, really. Hairs, buildings, landscaping, clothes, bodies...Amazing place
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Can you let me know what the issues was? Just in case someone else asks :) Thanks!
Hi Aurora, I thought you had to click on the fireplace to bring out the menu, but instead you just had to choose "sit" in the viewer's pie menu... that's all. However it works great. Thank you all the same
Hi, yes, that's intentional, and a "preference". Because I hate accidentally click and suddenyl sitting on a furniture while I was dancing lol
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Awww you are too kind! Happy to bring stuff you folks enjoy! Working on the next
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I'm SO LOVING these B&W pics...the more I see the more I thinkg the B&W sim was such a brilliant and original idea
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This is getting scarier by the time :( Could this happen to other Outworldz sims? To other sims using DreamGrid? Or Windows based?
Not sure which one the grid where I have my shop is using (apart from OS 0.9.2.) and I know they are doing offsite backups but..ugh :(
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Love the emblem!
Thank you the first design was blue and then i was fiddling with filters and accidentally changed the colors and was like oh great!
Looks amazing. I studied Protocol, so I had to do crests and....yay...amazing!
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Would you mind telling a bit more about Zadaroo to us newbiews? Thanks!
Zadaroo used to be a website which conserved creations by Linda Kellie from pre-mesh/pre-Clutterfly times as downloads, still under the same free licenses which Linda had put them under.

This included so-called OARs, i.e. archives of entire sims which you can install on a grid. LK Designs (the very early one with the rectangular street layout, the landing on the parking lot, the spa, the big blue house in the north etc.). Freebie Mall 2.0 (the one with the mall with the three half-cylindrical glass roofs, the revolving door and the food court). Boardwalk (the one with the sandy ground and the wooden boardwalk with shops and rides and a Ferris wheel etc.). Avatar Center (the one with the body of water in the middle, blue shops for the gents in the west, pink shops for the ladies in the west). And so on.

It also included textures for skins, for eyes, for hair, for classic layer clothes, for plants and for other objects as well as sculptmaps from which one could make sculpt prims which were quite popular before there was mesh.

It doesn't make it possible to re-create everything she has made. Especially the clothing texture boxes only contain examples as PNG or Targa files and neither all her own variants nor Photoshop or GIMP files. But it does facilitate things which would only be possible by extracting textures from in-world things otherwise.

(Need an explanation about Linda Kellie? That is, beyond the "she's a fucking bitch, and everything that could possibly have been made be her or one of her alts must be boycotted, no matter what" propaganda?)
Linda Kellie's creations certainly vary a lot, but some of it remains very good. Not matter what, back in the days when Opensim was new Linda Kellie was about the only creator producing in volume. It should also be remembered that Linda gave it all for free and completely waived any proprietorial rights allowing anyone to do anything with stuff she made.

Like us all Linda certainly had her moments as a person, and there was certainly some 'drama' around her (again, we ar all subject to or of drama from time to time) and those calling her the worst of names are those talentless individuals who can only import pirated stuff wheras Linda created all her own content.

I didn't always agree with Linda's stance on things, but she stuck to her principles and argued her case, despite the huge emotional toll that took as she was often being trolled in a none too nice way. No one deserves that and there are people who remain blocked by me because of hateful, misogynistic statements about her.
Thanks a lot for taking the time. Sounds really useful stuff for people to learn too!
And no...I tend to take people at face value. I'm sure I am a "f*cking bitch" for many people too, but..*shrugs*
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Oh yes. @ZoeyRavenheart would you be willing to share more details about what they used? It would be helpful for all grids to close those gaps too.
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F*ck - this is extremely upsetting :( Like you say, it's not just the "shop stuff" it's the people :( Your provider SHOULD make daily backups, do check with them. And love @Xinashi 's idea, I didn't manage to get anything tho :( Aghh now I can't get that bar :( *big hugs*
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Ohhh que texturas..mañana me paso!
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I mean, if someone was into it, it *might* be as easy as downloading ALL textures one is wearing (eyes and all) and do Greyscale on Photoshop? :O
I wonder what that would look like?
There should be more legitimately open-source stuff with raw textures available. That'd make this easier.

My greyscale self had to switch to Ada Radius eyes for this reason.
@JupiterRowland I just think some might be married to the current look, and might want to just Greyscale it, rather than completely changing the look just to do greyscale? It was just a thought either way :)
Sure, but if their outfits were open-source right away, they wouldn't have to extract textures in the first place.
Ironically, even if their outfits are not open-source. They would have their textures in their PC too. My point with export is: they might not remember where the placed them. Was a short-of-figure-of-speech.
And if OS/OSG took things seriously, we would have proper devs working, instead of "new" items in Mantis since 2018. And if they devise a proper way to attract quality creators and be competitive, people wouldn't buy somewhere else and port a copy. Buuut here we are - with a starter avi that it's ridiculous for anyone who would actually be taking this seriously. we say here: If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bicycle too...
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OMG it would be an amazing idea if there was a script add-on or sumthing that did that, there at the landing place
Or an outfit!
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Oh, bookmarking this to visit!
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And they *will* ban them. I just saw a nekkid kid avi at my store in Darkheart's Boutiques yesterday who was clearly trolling...and the admin ban them completely right away!
that's great they did, most claim they will take action and dont.
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I think you hit the nail right on the head @Suzi_Avonside - to me it boils down to grids ToS, and respecting them when HGing. Some don't accept child-looking avis at all, some only on PG area.
The problem to me is when we move the conversation to 'legality' and 'morality' - because the narrative is flawed and inconsistent...and self-righteous inconsistency really bothers me, not matter the topic.
Example: Zoophilia is ALLOWED in SL. There are popular, fully 'ToS-complaint' seems like The Barn, focused on it. You can have sex with horses and dogs there. Yet zoophilia is illegal in most countries - as it's abusive to poor, defenseless, animals.
Same with Gor (as I mentioned somewhere else): it's RP based on slavery, rape, killing too. You can kill avis in SL if enabled in the region...

So my overall take on this conversation: Your grid, your rules. (i.e. Sexual AP not okay. Zoo not okay. Killing yes). But it will always be arbitrary. But people need to drop the whole 'morality' or 'legality' narrative.
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Do you read the articles you share? "Individuals who engage in ageplay are consenting adults who enjoy imagining or portraying themselves as children, or merely enjoy childlike elements typical of children present in adults."
The Wikipedia article basically contradicts the line you are drawing, and labels what you talk about as "Paraphilic Infantilism". The KEY part, in all of it is TWO CONSENTING ADULTS.
Of course it's two consenting adults, but portraying yourself as an actual child avatar in world doesn't make you an ageplayer. It's misrepresentation.
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I need to bookmark this for later. I've been doing some simple scripting with chatGPT
Cool. Have a chat with Bobby at our welcome - he's using chat gpt 4 *BUT* we have a lot of tech between us and chat gpt to maintain context etc.
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Once there, you can always "Teleport to... "Aurora Starchild"" My NPC me there at the shop :D
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OoOoOoOh I was going to bring this one, but you did it even better
uuuu thank you Aurora Starchild for your words... everything is done with love.♥