Badr_Norseman @Badr_Norseman

Havamal Online

After my village was raided I moved to Kattegat to find a new home and protect my Gods against the Christians that denies us our faith.

Liked posts

An old picture that I came across. This was my first region, years and years ago, shortly after OSgrid first opened. I arrived here from SL with like 5 textures, and some sculptie palm trees I created. :)

edited: They didn't even have mesh back then. :)

LeonitasLionheart: Like many, I took the inworldz path, around starting 2009 or so, til they closed in 2017. Most of us are also consumers, even if we also build. What I love most is when we pool and share knowledge an... 2 days ago
Region is still under construction, so far made that local TP-s are in place, this on the spanshot is a photo of the monument of Lembitu, who died 21 September 1217) was an ancient Estonian senior (elder) from Sakala County and military leader in the struggle against German crusaders at the beginning of the 13th century.

CyberGlo CyberStar: I wonder if he knew about all the castles that are on swondo land right next to lbsa plaza that are not being circulated? They are on the phase sim in the castles parcel. Never seen many of those, b... 2 days ago
Some good news. I compiled Firestorm 7.1.10 PBR, and it doesn't crash every single time I teleport. There is light at the end of the tunnel with the next release. Photo included of me not f***ing crashing. yay! :D

Danger Lytton: That's great Hyacinth 2 days ago

Take a break from RL and visit Africa :)

On stream today : Mankala band.
You can also listen online here :

LeonitasLionheart: I blessed the rains down in this! 2 days ago
This is so cool. I have not been on in a few weeks, but finally I have carved out my schedule to be in OS more often. Yay.
In my absence it seems 94 different people came to Grid Tumbler to visit. That is awesome. Where are you all when I am online?
Come play with meeeeeeeeee.

LeonitasLionheart: *squishes* i am around. say hi sometime if ya like. 8 days ago

Soirée amitié Francophone
Vendredi 6 septembre à 21h Paris (12 slt)
Region :

Hicks: Bravo à Hella, sa région est solide ! Quand je suis arrivé, certes un peu tard, nous étions 18. Pas de lag. On sait où faire les prochaines rencontres francophones et francophiles. :) 13 days ago
Visit the Ashram on Shanti - to relax, do some tai chi, yoga, meditation while listening to Indian classical ragas.

Or listen to the raga online ( playing on the Ashram's stream that always plays relaxing music ) :

You are always welcome on Shanti, a place dedicated to relaxation, meditation and the exploration of Indian cultures.

Click here to listen to the Ashram song :

Since yesterday, there are now private rooms in Mirkwood as well, same as at Relaxislands, time to use box is 1h.

Falcon is rezzed inworld, ready for action! Also retextured wings and back with RL foto's. Hang in there, animations are in the making:)

The Pacific Northwest is home to the Cannabis Information Center, an engaging and interactive outdoor venue brought to you by Leafly with permission. Nestled within a natural, woodsy setting, the center features informative displays housed in charming gazebos, offering visitors a welcoming and immersive experience.

Pick up your Gummy Garden gummies, and other gifts!
Good Morning to all you beautiful demons.....
The Glassworks Galleria region (The Shards) will open to public at 10:00 a.m. Grid time
The Quinquennial Demons and Dragons Ball will begin at 11:00 a.m. Grid time
Line up:-
11:00 - 12:00.......DJ Syntetica
12:00 - 13:00.......DJ Kashi
13:00 - 14:00.......DJ Feargus
14:00 - 16:00.......DJ Synthetica

Unfortunately due to RL commitments DJ Crazy will be unable to attend but sends Peace & Love to you all and wishes you a great night. So wrap yourselves in your finest demon personas and join us at The Glassworks and have a ball!

Fearghus McMahon: The party is still going on! If you are feeling cold Shards, we got the fire going. 18 days ago

Comme promis, voilà la photo de la table que Jimmy Olsen nous a préparée :) on peut refaire une session pour apprendre cette après-midi .. bisouille !

we are back!
New Group Gift ....Let's reforest!!!

YES we put joy everywhere with our plants
be happy!!!!

we lava U ♥

Carmen Jewel: Welcome back, I missed you , and wow you brought us a great pot from your vacation haha : )hugs 19 days ago
I've just completed an exclusive interview with the incredibly talented digital artist and photographer, Hella Yver. In this conversation, we delve into the creative process behind her stunning works, her inspirations, and the unique perspectives that make her art so compelling. This interview offers a rare glimpse into the mind of an artist who continues to push the boundaries of digital photography. Image courtesy of Hella Yver nadej dae/hella yver copyright 2024

Thank you Hella 💕

Please, Have a look on the gallery of Beautiful Opensim People, and if you want a photo, just ask me about it in my OSW messagery :) so simple !

Marianna : Hella, your ability to make the experience inviting and relaxing made all the difference. From your warm and friendly approach to the thoughtful atmosphere you set up, everything contributed to makin... 19 days ago

got my press pass ready for the OpenSim Worlds Fair meeting tomorrow.

U may have seen the preview of the falcon above the animesh stand in my shop; this is the one, all bones propely moving. be patient....making the animations is gonna take me some time☺

CyberGlo CyberStar: Loan Falcon! :) jejeje 20 days ago

My Wolf Territories Grid RL mug arrived! - we've got a new shop at !

Luna Lunaria: Just ordered my 15 oz cup! 21 days ago
ca vous dit une partie de greedy

Passez entre 18 et 19.30 on va commencer par les règles pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas.
ouvert a tout les curieux aussi :p
le bus : hop:// 2/546/317/23
bonne journée à tous.

Hicks: elle est posés sur la sandbox :p 21 days ago

While white is still my go-to hair color, red is always fun from time to time, especially after seeing others with red hair

◕ starts 12:00 SL grid time – startet ab 21:00 Uhr EU time
Saturday / Samstag 24.August 2024
Livemix: Bounce - Melodic Techno – Dance – EDM - House
▶ good mood / gute Laune
relaxed atmosphere / lockere Athmosphaere

▶▷▶Clothing optional – Freie Kleiderwahl ,
nude allowed , nackt erlaubt

TAXI: SeaVibes

Hella: Wonderful party and awesome people as always a very good moment ! 25 days ago

FLORA new EEP sky at ground area (welcome area)

Are you in need of textures? Then here at TSD you will find an array of textures that you can use, for land, decorating and even building. Come over and see what there is. You will find them up the stairs to the back of the store on the right hand side ♥
I've just completed an exclusive interview with the incredibly talented digital artist and photographer, Hella Yver. In this conversation, we delve into the creative process behind her stunning works, her inspirations, and the unique perspectives that make her art so compelling. This interview offers a rare glimpse into the mind of an artist who continues to push the boundaries of digital photography. Image courtesy of Hella Yver nadej dae/hella yver copyright 2024
Thank you, Hella 💗

Hella: I have a mixture of joy and wanting to hide in a corner, but I am very touched by the attention, moreover, it allowed me to visit your blog, original and full of colors, a good report on Opensim, I am... 27 days ago
Une sand box dédiée au francophone mais ouverte à tous.
Un groupe à prendre sur place.
Créons du lien entre francophones isolés dans ce gigantesque désert.

A sandbox dedicated to French speakers but open to all.
A group to be taken on site.
Let's create a link between French speakers isolated in this gigantic desert

Hella: Merci Hicks de te dévouer à cette cause, j'essayerai de soutenir dans ce que je peux faire pour aider, et vive les râleurs et râleuses c'est toujours intéressant de savoir qu'ils ont un plus grand coe... 27 days ago

The Hypergate at Luxor, inspired by the Bifrost at Asgard in the Thor movies

LaviaLavine: Beautiful, it reminds me of the one I built in 2nd life several years back. Well done Luna!! 30 days ago

The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right

Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
This little house at Mirkwood contains now fullperm bed with several contents. it is up to 4 people, also contains NPC-s, some of them are soundy, soundboxes are included PMAC2.5 is used. Little wooden box is located next to rezzed bed.