Bink Draconia @Bink


Resident of Pangea ( )

Liked posts

=OUT NOW: Wickman Farmhouse Kitchen Set=
Happy weekend everyone. Available at the Odds&Decor store is this 8-piece set.
- Includes material layers and a Texture HUD with 4 metallic options.
- Cup stand and Coffee Maker dispense coffee mugs with animations and on-click steam.
- Stand mixer has the whisker animated on click ON/OFF.
- Microwave door scripted.

Uber: hop://

AnaKathy: OMG ich liebe es, vielen lieben Dank ❣️ 13 days ago
I ran into some issues with the falcon so thats gonna take a bit^^
In the meantime, I thought it might be nice to offer my animesh peacock.
His walking isnt perfect, but its tail was my first succesful attempt to throw all the bones around to make the tail fold.
I may be redoing the anims in due course. Instructions included. Have fun!
P.S: if u need more help on the script settings, contact me inworld

We finally decided to choose a clever name for our bookstore on Samsara docks


LeonitasLionheart: Uhhhhh...I believe *I* ordered the cream of Sum Yung Gai. ---Wayne Campbell, "Wayne's World" 18 days ago


Jupiter Rowland: Looks safer than the previous tour with the carriage. 19 days ago
New landscaping has arrived! I am obsessed! Meadows and bushes and trees and flowers! I put a big red glowing NEW sign above them. When you land, face the store and walk to the right then left at the corner. You can't miss them. You will find "New" signs to identify recent additions in the shop. More architecture is now available as well. Thanks for visiting. All are welcome.

RemmyRavenhurst: These are really beautiful! 19 days ago
"When witches go riding and black cats are seen,the moon laughs and whispers,´tis near Halloween!"
Last night a very nasty lumbago reminded me that today is the beginning of meteorological autumn.
Time to open the gates to Autumnville.
For the 4th time you can enjoy the numerous autumn decorations (and take them with you!!) or get really scared. There is a lot to discover and fun for hours guaranteed.(Flying is an option but you will miss half of the fun!!
What's new? The space around "Día de los Muertos" has been completed, as well as some new things that have been added and distributed throughout the sim.
18856 prims are waiting to be discovered by you. (Hint..if nothing is rezzing after hypergrid teleport, please relog, that mostly helps a lot to see everything).
Remember..Most items,( and meanwhile more than a lot !) but not everything is for sale. Please remember and RESPECT that please. You can see beautiful things "made in open sim- for open sim" for example made by Kimm Starr, Cloee Heslop, Bibiana Bombinate and many more. Thank you!!
Your favorites the Wolftones, the Sanderson Sisters and the Mon-stars!! are already ready to entertain you. And now have fun!!

Jared Seda: The best of the best! Thank you for providing such an awesome experience!!! 18 days ago
hey Peeps! Since animeshies start appearing in my shop, I had many requests, regarding my swans.
To be honest, I never thouight it worth, kinda crappy looking wings...but hey, who am I ?☺
So, here's dad , with disclaimer,lol

Mistressdalgato: now, if there was a mate for it. this is cool tho 23 days ago


Caribia: really pretty have to test em =) 24 days ago
I am trying to make (a touchable or walkable) prim that will change the EEP for the agent interacting with it.
I tried this script but it does simply nothing.
Does anyone has a working script or a suggestion, please?

string daycycle_a = "3545d068-b539-4f55-9687-2d33e1762eb4";
string daycycle_b = "19d7a2a7-e10a-451f-9064-0e2f426f21f1";
integer transition = 1;
integer switch;

llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Touch to see osReplaceAgentEnvironment usage.");
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Transition: " + (string)transition + " second(s).");

touch_start(integer number)
key agentKey = llDetectedKey(0);

if (llGetAgentSize(agentKey) != ZERO_VECTOR)
integer result;

if (switch = !switch)
result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_a);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_a: " + daycycle_a);

result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_b);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_b: " + daycycle_b);

if (daycycle_a == "" || daycycle_a == NULL_KEY || daycycle_b == "" || daycycle_b == "")
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "The normal environment for the parcel or region has been selected.");

if (result > 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced with success!");

else if (result < 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced without success!");

llInstantMessage(agentKey, "You need to be in the same region to use this function ...");

Jimmy Olsen: Another suggestion, I have on my SIM LIght and Sound Museum, on EEP sector, the EEP HUD where one can change EEP by touch (HUD).. guess it could be used to what u need.. Take a look script inside and ... 1 month ago
This week alone, three people have asked me about Outworldz DreamGrid. Simply put, it's a powerful software developed by Ferd Frederix (Fred Beckhusen) that makes it incredibly easy for anyone to run their own virtual grid. If you're curious to learn more, you can check it out here:

CyberGlo CyberStar: I once ran opensimulator on slitaz linux, on a pIII 900 mhz with 512 mb ram. 1 region. LOL. It was actually not slow at all. But I couldn't have more than 1 visitor. 1 month ago
This is my latest build and I think one of my personal favorites, a one room luxury cabin with a raised floor for the Kitchen Area, high rise ceilings with large open front, back and side windows to let in all that beautiful sunlight and to just enjoy nature while snuggling next to the built in fireplace. It has carved wooden doors and decorative shutters and simple 4 pane windows and log door frames. This cabin would be gorgeous in any forested or mountainous setting. It is partial mesh but it can be retextured and it is copy, mod, transfer; it has a land impact of 34 including the doors and built in fireplace that has a warm crackling fire going. It's here at Masala Al Kohav Mall and it's waiting just for you to help you beautify your region. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

RemmyRavenhurst: That is a really lovely looking Cabin. 1 month ago

New objects available for you, come and visit us and feel at home :)

Infoabend erfolgreich Absolviert. Vorab einen Riesen Dank an die Organisatoren vom Pangea Grid. Mit viel Aufwand wurde eine echt starke Go Kart Strecke erschaffen die Spaß macht und viel Action bietet. Das fängt bei der Streckenführung an bis hin zur Boxengasse. Time Boards zeigen jedem an wie schnell die Runden absolviert werden. Bei diesem heutigen Infoabend wurde nochmals genau der Ablauf des Rennens welches am 13 Oktober statt findet erklärt. Anmeldungen zum Kart Event müssen bis zum 15.September erfolgen. Ab dem 15.September finden dann die Qualifikationen statt die gleichzeitig zur Startaufstellung erfahren werden können. Wer noch Interresse hat Teilzunehmen kann dies gerne in der Boxengasse machen. Jedes GRID kann 2 Fahrer Anmelden !!!!

Information evening successfully completed. First of all, a huge thank you to the organizers of the Pangea Grid. A lot of effort has been put into creating a really great go-kart track that is fun and offers a lot of action. This starts with the route and goes all the way to the pit lane. Time boards show everyone how quickly the laps are completed. At today's information evening, the exact sequence of the race, which takes place on October 13th, was explained again. Registrations for the kart event must be made by September 15th. Qualifications will then take place from September 15th and can be found out at the same time as the starting grid. Anyone who is still interested in taking part can do so in the pit lane. Each GRID can register 2 drivers!!!!

KarinBecker: Freu mich auf das rennen 1 month ago

Einladung zum Mitmachen
Liebe Opensim Community,

wir freuen uns, euch im Rahmen der 4. Pangea-Geburtstagsfeierlichkeiten am 12. Oktober zu einem ganz besonderen Ereignis einzuladen: Die erste Pangea Regenbogenparade!

Unter dem inspirierenden Motto "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns" möchten wir euch herzlich einladen, eure Kreativität zu entfalten und mit uns gemeinsam zu feiern. Unsere Parade bietet euch die Möglichkeit, eure bunten und fantasievollen Wagen zu gestalten und diese in einem fröhlichen Umzug durch die Straßen von Köln zu präsentieren.

Mitmachen und Gewinnen
Die schönsten Wagen werden von einer Jury, bestehend aus Mitgliedern verschiedener Grids, mit tollen Preisen prämiert. Pangea-Wagen fahren außer Konkurrenz und werden daher nicht prämiert. Wer an der Parade teilnehmen möchte, meldet sich bitte bis Ende September bei Marlon Wayne oder Lampithaler Artist. Nutzt die Gelegenheit, eure kreativen Ideen zu verwirklichen und mit uns ein starkes Zeichen für Vielfalt und Respekt zu setzen.

Was euch am 12. Oktober alles erwartet
Bunter Umzug der Regenbogenparade: Erlebt die Vielfalt in ihrer schönsten Form! Die Parade zieht mit euren kreativ gestalteten Wagen durch die Straßen von Köln und setzt ein buntes Zeichen für Respekt und Zusammenhalt.

Beeindruckende Shows: Freut euch auf atemberaubende Darbietungen! Bink Draconia wird mit einem Männerballett verzaubern, und Lampithaler präsentiert ihre mitreißende Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.

Grandiose Aftershow-Party: Der Abend endet mit einer fantastischen Party, bei der erstklassige DJs für die perfekte Stimmung sorgen und den Tag gebührend ausklingen lassen.

Jetzt mitmachen!
Meldet euch jetzt an und zeigt, was Vielfalt für euch bedeutet! Eure kreativ gestalteten Wagen sind das Highlight der Parade. Lasst uns gemeinsam ein unvergessliches Fest der Vielfalt erleben!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Invitation to Participate
Dear Opensim Community,

We are excited to invite you to a very special event as part of the 4th Pangea Birthday Celebrations on October 12th: The First Pangea Rainbow Parade!

Under the inspiring motto "Diversity is Our Joy: Respect Connects Us," we warmly invite you to unleash your creativity and celebrate with us. Our parade offers you the opportunity to design your colorful and imaginative floats and present them in a joyful procession through the streets of Cologne.

Participate and Win
The most beautiful floats will be awarded fantastic prizes by a jury consisting of members from various grids. Pangea floats will be non-competitive and will not be eligible for prizes. If you want to participate in the parade, please register by the end of September with Marlon Wayne or Lampithaler Artist. Take this opportunity to bring your creative ideas to life and make a strong statement for diversity and respect with us.

What Awaits You on October 12th
Colorful Rainbow Parade Procession: Experience diversity at its finest! The parade will move through the streets of Cologne with your creatively designed floats, making a colorful statement for respect and unity.

Impressive Shows: Look forward to breathtaking performances! Bink Draconia will enchant with a men's ballet, and Lampithaler will present an exciting Rainbow Show set to the music of Reyno Parx.

Grand Aftershow Party: The evening will conclude with a fantastic party, where top-notch DJs will create the perfect atmosphere to end the day in style.

Join Now!
Sign up now and show what diversity means to you! Your creatively designed floats are the highlight of the parade. Let’s experience an unforgettable celebration of diversity together!

We look forward to seeing you!

Cosa: Tolle Idee :-) 2 months ago

Xenon Darrow: Ok, folks, if you haven't been here yet, you need to GO! This is a JEWEL in OpenSim! Herbie is doing amazing gorgeous things! 2 months ago
Einladung zum Infoabend für das große Pangea Go-Kart-Rennen am 13. Oktober
Liebe Go-Kart-Freunde,
wir laden euch herzlich zu einem Infoabend am 9. August in der Zeit zwischen 20:00 und 22:00 Uhr ein. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Abends steht die Planung und Organisation unseres bevorstehenden Geburtstags-Go-Kart-Rennens, das am 13. Oktober stattfinden wird.
Details zum Infoabend:
Datum: 9. August
Uhrzeit: 20:00 – 22:00 Uhr
Gastgeber: Karsten Runningbear
Karsten Runningbear hat die Scripte für das Event erstellt und wird euch mit wichtigen Informationen versorgen. Dies ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um offene Fragen zu klären und mehr über das Rennen, die Rennstrecke und die Teilnahmebedingungen zu erfahren.
Warum ist eure Teilnahme am Infoabend wichtig?
Eure Teilnahme am Infoabend ist besonders wichtig, da wir dort alle Details für die Teilnahme besprechen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass ihr bestens vorbereitet seid. Auch die Teilnahmebedingungen werden für jeden Teilnehmer nachvollziehbar und gut verständlich erklärt. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Punkte, die wir besprechen werden:
1. Jedes teilnehmende Grid hat die Möglichkeit, 2 Teilnehmer/innen für das Go-Kart-Rennen zu melden.
Anmeldeschluss: Der Anmeldeschluss für die Rennbeteiligung ist der 15. September 24:00 Uhr Gridzeit.
2.Startplätze: Die Startplätze für das Rennen werden durch ein Qualifying und Sprintrennen ermittelt. Je besser die Platzierung, desto größer die Chance auf den Sieg.
3. Renndauer: Die Anzahl der Runden beträgt 10 – etwa 18 Minuten.
Teilnehmerzahl pro Grid: 2 Fahrer aus jedem Grid.
4.Rennablauf: Sollten mehr als 5 Grids teilnehmen, wird es mehrere Rennen geben. Aus diesen Rennen ergeben sich dann durch die besten Zeiten die Fahrer, die in der letzten Runde um den Sieg fahren.
5.Trainingsmöglichkeiten: Das Trainingsgelände ist für alle bis zum 15.September (Anmeldschluß) geöffnet. Danach würden bis zum Event nur die gemeldeten Fahrer/innen tranieren.
Das Training auf der Rennstrecke hat bereits begonnen, und wir möchten sicherstellen, dass ihr das Beste aus dieser Vorbereitung herausholt.
Alles Weitere erfahrt ihr dann am Infoabend.
Wir freuen uns darauf, euch am Infoabend zu sehen und gemeinsam in die Vorbereitungen für ein unvergessliches Rennspektakel einzutauchen.
Mit sportlichen Grüßen,
Euer Pangea Go-Kart Team
Invitation to the Information Evening for the Grand Pangea Go-Kart Race on October 13th
Dear Go-Kart Friends,
We cordially invite you to an Information Evening on August 9th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The focus of this evening will be the planning and organization of our upcoming Birthday Go-Kart Race, which will take place on October 13th.
Details of the Information Evening:
Date: August 9th
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Host: Karsten Runningbear
Karsten Runningbear has created the scripts for the event and will provide you with important information. This is the perfect opportunity to ask any questions and learn more about the race, the track, and the participation requirements.
Why is your participation in the Information Evening important?
Your participation in the Information Evening is particularly important as we will discuss all the details for participation to ensure you are well-prepared. The participation requirements will be clearly explained to each participant. Here are some of the key points we will cover:
Number of Participants:
Each participating grid has the opportunity to register 2 participants for the Go-Kart Race.
Registration Deadline: The registration deadline for race participation is September 15th, 12:00 AM grid time.
Starting Positions:
The starting positions for the race will be determined through qualifying and sprint races. The better the placement, the greater the chance of winning.
Race Duration:
The number of laps will be 10, approximately 18 minutes.
Number of Participants per Grid:
2 drivers from each grid.
Race Procedure:
If more than 5 grids participate, there will be multiple races. From these races, the drivers with the best times will advance to the final round to compete for victory.
Training Opportunities:
The training track is open to everyone until September 15th (registration deadline). After that, only the registered drivers will be able to train until the event.

Training on the track has already begun, and we want to ensure you make the most of this preparation.
You will learn everything else at the Information Evening.
We look forward to seeing you at the Information Evening and diving into the preparations for an unforgettable racing spectacle together.
Best regards,
Your Pangea Go-Kart Team

Announcement and Information: 4th Anniversary of Pangea Grid
Dear Pangea Grid & Opensim Friends,
We are excited to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Pangea Grid starting in October! Until the end of the year, you can expect many surprising events and interactive experiences that everyone can participate in. Our celebrations include extraordinary events and themed weeks that honor the diversity and unique charm of the sims that have emerged over the past four years.
Initial Event Announcements and Information:
October 6: Blues, Rock & Reggae Event at Bourbon Beach
Presented by Adriana Darkheart:
Live Music by Evan Williams: An unforgettable Pink Floyd concert.
Live Music by PutriSolo: Captivating Blues and Rock performance.
DJane Adriana Darkheart: After-show party with reggae rhythms.
October 11-13: Anniversary Weekend
October 11: Mega-Party in Cologne
DJ Marlon Wayne: Heating up the night with a fantastic music set. An unforgettable evening of music and dance, crowned by an incredible live act.
October 12: Pangea Rainbow Parade
Theme: "Diversity is our Joy: Respect Unites Us"
Participation: Every grid can participate, build colorful floats, or apply as a jury member to award the best creations. Prizes include small cash amounts.
Shows: Bink Draconia presents a men's ballet, and Lampithaler with a rainbow show to the music of Reyno Parx.
After-show Party: With top-class DJs.
Registration: Please register by September 15 at the latest. More information can be found in the Rainbow Parade Info Box Inworld.
October 13: Birthday Go-Kart Race
Participation: Each grid can send two drivers to the race. The track can be familiarized with during open training.
Event: After the award ceremony, there will be a concert by SarahMarie Phillis and a Go-Kart Race Party with DJ Marlon.
Information Evening: On August 9, Karsten Runningbear will host an information evening about the upcoming Go-Kart Race. The invitation and further details can be found Inworld in the Info Box: Pangea Go-Kart Race.
Further information and updates will also be published on our website, here on Facebook, and in Opensimworld. Our Pangea team is always available for questions.
We thank everyone who has made the Pangea Grid a lively and unique place: a place where art and culture flourish, where people laugh together and support each other, and where creativity is everywhere. Live concerts, impressive shows, colorful carnival celebrations, and inspiring art exhibitions enchant many people and have made numerous parties unforgettable.
Our special thanks go to all the artists, singers, performers, visitors, and builders who have brought the Pangea Grid to life. We also extend a big thank you to HG Safari, Thirza Ember, Mal Burns and his team for their reports and support. A special thanks also goes to Kitty Sarrasine, our server administrator and programmer, as well as our scripter Karsten Runningbear and everyone who is part of our wonderful Pangea Grid.
We look forward to celebrating with all of you!
Your Pangea Team
Ankündigung und Infos: 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids
Liebe Pangea Grid & Opensim Freunde,
Wir freuen uns, ab Oktober den 4. Geburtstag des Pangea Grids zu feiern! Bis zum Jahresende erwarten euch viele überraschende Events und interaktive Erlebnisse, an denen alle teilnehmen können. Unsere Feierlichkeiten umfassen außergewöhnliche Veranstaltungen und Themenwochen, die die Vielfalt und den einzigartigen Charme der Sims würdigen, die in den letzten vier Jahren entstanden sind.
Erste Eventankündigungen und Infos:
6. Oktober: Blues, Rock & Reggae Event an der Bourbon Beach
Adriana Darkheart präsentiert:
Livemusic Evan Williams: Ein unvergessliches Pink Floyd Konzert.
Livemusic PutriSolo: Mitreißende Blues- und Rock-Performance.
DJane Adriana Darkheart: Aftershowparty mit Reggae-Rhythmen.
11.-13. Oktober: Jubiläumswochenende
11. Oktober: Mega-Party in Köln
DJ Marlon Wayne: Heizt mit einem fantastischen Musik-Set ein. Ein unvergesslicher Abend voller Musik und Tanz, gekrönt von einem unglaublichen Live-Act.
12. Oktober: Pangea Regenbogenparade
Motto: "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns"
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann teilnehmen, bunte Wagen bauen oder sich als Jurymitglied bewerben, um die besten Kreationen auszuzeichnen. Zu gewinnen gibt es u.a. kleine Geldbeträge.
Shows: Bink Draconia präsentiert ein Männerballet, und Lampithaler mit einer Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.
Aftershow-Party: Mit erstklassigen DJs.
Anmeldung: Bitte meldet euch bis spätestens 15. September. Weitere Infos findet ihr in der Regenbogenparade-Infobox Inworld.
13. Oktober: Geburtstags-Go-Kart-Rennen
Teilnahme: Jedes Grid kann zwei Fahrer ins Rennen schicken. Die Strecke kann im freien Training kennengelernt werden.
Event: Nach der Siegerehrung gibt es ein Konzert von SarahMarie Phillis und eine Go-Kart-Race-Party mit DJ Marlon.
Infoabend: Am 9. August veranstaltet Karsten Runningbear einen Infoabend zum bevorstehenden Go-Kart-Rennen. Die Einladung und weitere Details findet ihr Inworld in der Infobox: Pangea Go-Kart-Rennen.
Weitere Informationen und Updates werden auch auf unserer Webseite, weiter hier auf Facebook und in Opensimworld veröffentlicht. Für Fragen steht euch unser Pangea Team jederzeit zur Verfügung.Wir danken allen, die das Pangea Grid zu einem lebendigen und einzigartigen Ort gemacht haben: Ein Ort, an dem Kunst und Kultur florieren, wo Menschen gemeinsam lachen und einander unterstützen, und wo Kreativität in jedem Winkel sprüht. Hier verzaubern uns Live-Konzerte, beeindruckende Showaufführungen, farbenfrohe Karnevalsfeiern und inspirierende Kunstausstellungen, die viele Menschen begeistern und zahlreiche Partys unvergesslich gemacht haben.
Unser besonderer Dank gilt allen Künstlern, Sängern, Performern, Besuchern und Erbauern, die das Pangea Grid mit Leben gefüllt haben. Ebenfalls geht ein großes Dankeschön an die HG Safari, an Thirza Ember, Mal Burns und sein Team für ihre Berichterstattungen und Unterstützung. Ein besonderer Dank geht auch an Kitty Sarrasine, unsere Serveradministratorin und Programmiererin , sowie an unseren Scripter Karsten Runningbear und alle, die Teil unseres wunderbaren Pangea Grids sind.
Wir freuen uns darauf, mit euch allen zu feiern!
Euer Pangea Team

AdrianaDarkheart: Rogue Galaxy wird am 6 Oktober auch dabei sein und singt Reggae :) 2 months ago
Einladung zum freien Trainig auf der Go - Kart Bahn auf der Pangea Grid bis zum 15 September
Am 13 Oktober wird dort ein Rennen statt finden ....dazu wird es aber noch weitere Infos geben in kürze.

Invitation to free training on the go-kart track on the Pangea Grid until September 15th
There will be a race there on October 13th...but there will be more information about that shortly.


SheaButter: OMG! Talk about fun, much needed practice. Try it out everyone, it's awesome. 2 months ago

Screenshot :)

A 360 view of Your Town

Come visit Ragville, a toy village that I have recently added as a new sky level to ShapeShifter. hop://

Jared Seda: Such a neat place to visit 2 months ago

Pooh The Bear Full Avatar & Animesh Dancing Pooh
- Full Avatar 56 cm
- Animesh Dancing Pooh (animation can be changed)

Nico Kalani: When using this Avatar, please use that endearing voice we all know, to utter a soft: "Oh bother." 2 months ago

Another Feature for the Miniature Golf Course at Neverworld Camping Resort!
This one is borrowed and heavily modified, but should prove fun and challenging!

Miniature Gold - Coming Soon!!
- All Original Builds
- Fun For Everyone!

We are working hard to complete this amazing feature for Neverworld Camping Resort.
Follow along on our journey as we constantly evolve the Resort into an amazing hotspot!
Important Information about our Mall!

Hello everyone, due to a server change from Windows to Linux and the setting of the support for the Kubwa Manager, I was unfortunately unable to transfer any group information to the new database. The server address "" and all regions remain the same. We run now a bigger Server with Opensim version Nessi (0.9.3). I would be happy if you visit us again, that you join the group again. Have a nice weekend everyone! Amelia & Hertha
It is full summertime at Novale until Fall's equinoxe!
Did you ever visit Novale during the rest of the year?
Suggestion : Visit the Chalet au Fil du temps (destination 25 boys menu)
The diaporama inside the chalet will give you a taste of the other seasons.

Jared Seda: Visited today and holy smokes its gorgeous. You did a wonderful job its so peaceful. 2 months ago
Welcome to Port Arcadia in the Avedon South Region. Arcadia is a festive little gypsy port in the waters of Oceana. Much to explore! There is ample open water for boating, plenty of beautiful photo spots or just enjoy some horseback riding. We are extra proud to be the home of Black Cat Radio, the best music provider across the metaverse! Come by and grab a free radio and check out their festival grounds! Avedon South is an Adult region. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

Star Ravenhurst: It looks like a fun place to explore. 2 months ago


Belze Cherub: COOOOLLLLL 2 months ago

Madrigal, one of our 12x12 regions

Today, let's discover Novale's Swamp (Destination # 2 w. Teleport Buoys)
Swamp areas are known for there rich biodiversity.
Board walks will keep you on the dry side :)
Make sure that your ambient sounds volume is set high
Hey there, did you seen allready our new Park Train? It was lot of work to mesh and program it. It finaly drives from the Mall to the Central Station of Riverdale. It can handle up to 24 Passengers. If you want to explore Riverdale, why not with Train? All Signals, Announcements, Signal Box & lot more is working. I will release it Public soon in our Mall when everything is done and working 100% Enjoy :)

Suzi_Avonside: Great train, and will definitely be in the queue when it's released to the public. What I now want to know is, where is Aldi? 3 months ago

executive vaults live underground, and be free of RADS

Poolside Towel OUT NOW!
This one is extremely versatile: has animations both on top of the towel on the pool side, on top of the prop tube (yes, including threesomes on top of it!), as well as floating/in-water animations. You can always make the towel transparent to put it on a deck, or by the seaside! The prop tubes also change texture on-click.
Comes with Texture HUD, material layers...
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/399/369/23
When you take the dandelion seed ride to the Valley of Ancient Easters
You will arrive near the lake just beside this leave thrown by a butterfly
Remember the place and once you have completed your visit of the Valley
Sit on the leave for the next ride : destination maple grove and sugar shack