Bink Draconia @Bink


Resident of Pangea ( )


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Your 1st gift is really an excellent idea! I love it!!!
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I've grabbed the 1st gift - it is soooo cute!!! Thank you very much!!!!
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Thx to Prince for sharing his tour script(s)!
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tic toc, tic toc ... clock is ticking. I am really curious :)
Tick tack, tick tack ... die Uhr läuft. Ich bin ja schon so gespannt :)
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I didn't know where the chicken originally came from - I collected it somewhere in the HG back in 2016 or 2017. I love this brilliant chicken and no matter which grid I've been in and which regions I've had, it's always been on one of them ever since :)
Thank you so much for allowing it to be used outside of Hobbitron!!! I really like the humor in your work - even in my early days in Opensim I was fascinated by the snakes on Virunga. It took me 3 tries before I understood why I was sent to a hospital bed every time I came into contact with the "Deadly Nadder"... ;)
Opensim needs a lot more humor and generosity like this, then there would be a lot less drama!!! Thanks again, Fred!!!
You are very welcome! Please spread them onward!
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OpenSimWorld-Benutzer möchten sich auf dieser Seite über neue Regionen und Veranstaltungen informieren oder suchen hier in der Community nach Unterstützung. Beiträge wie dieser mögen vielleicht ein paar einzelne Leser belustigen, der meisten Leute fühlen sich aber ziemlich genervt von derart öffentlichen Bloßstellungen. Egal wer was wann gemacht hat: OSW ist keine Plattform für persönliche Streitereien - diese sollten aus Respekt gegenüber allen Unbeteiligten privat ausgetragen werden!

p.s.: Dass dieser Post zusätzlich ins Englische zu übersetzt wurde, obwohl die streitenden Parteien allesamt Deutsche bzw. deutschsprachig sind, damit die ganze Welt diesen privaten Zoff mitverfolgen kann, dafür kann man sich als Teil der deutschen Community nur fremdschämen ... :(
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OpenSimWorld users want to read about new regions and events on this page or look for support here. Posts like this may amuse a few individual readers, but most people feel annoyed by public hostilities. No matter who did what and when: OSW is not a platform for personal disputes - you can use private messages instead!!!
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You are a very good creator, Marianna, so maybe we'll meet you next time on your monochrome region. I'm curious ... ;)
Thank you, you have exceeded what I had thought to create, Bink. You mastered this! One day I will play around with an idea I have...stay tuned :)
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Danke schön :)
Dem ChuBelz Grid und allen anderen OpenSimWorld-Lesern wünsche ich ebenso eine frohe und gesunde Vorweihnachtszeit!
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Es war eine wirklich gelungene Geburtstagsparty - angefangen bei dentollen Verkleidungen der Gäste bis hin zu DJ Marlons perfektem Mix aus guter Musik und spaßigen Stimmungsmachern. DANKE!!!!
It was a really successful birthday party - from the guests' great costumes to DJ Marlon's perfect mix of good music and fun mood setters. THANKS!!!!
Party photos @ Flickr:
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Wunderschöne Worte...
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As I said before, TGP is a region to play and explore - and many objects are prizes for the hunters.
But if you like something in particular, just contact me inworld: I always try to give visitors their desired objects...
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Oh my dear, TGP is no shopping region, it is a place to play and explore. Hunters will get o lot of prizes - many stuff of TGP decoration. So if I would set all for copy on region, why should visitors still want to play?^^
This is why I love the place! 😊

Sometimes it's just fun to go to a sim, explore the spot, talk to a few people and take pictures. OSU is entitled to his opinion but it smacks of some of the elitism that goes on in SL.
Well it isnt very clear with the posting here that it is only a game.
Just saying...... But it is beautiful just the same.
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I came, I saw, I found all b**** :)
Congrats, Dabici and Kelso, you did a great hunt work ... again! It's a must-have-seen in OpenSim - until it is over!
Super gemachter Hunt auf einer atmosphärischer Region - nicht verpassen, bevor er vorbei ist!!!
Bink, Bravo for completing the hunt ! Thanks for your comment and big thanks for the book.

All best
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When I upgraded Needful Things (as well as Koburk and Eternal Ice) from Arriba to 0.9.2 two years ago, I encountered a bad feature of 0.9.2: all objects that were set free to copy, but had an object (texture, script, etc.) into their content that did not have this extra hook for free copying, were henceforth no longer freely copyable for others. This was not necessary before the update and unfortunately not immediately obvious to me as the owner (for me the checkmark is set on the object itself, after all), I have to rely on the help of visitors to tell me which objects cannot be taken to change this.

I would likewise take care of the missing assets issue (this may have happened due to the move to another grid), however, again, I need to be told which objects have missing assets.

Thanks for the help!

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Als ich Needful Things (sowie Koburk und Eternal Ice) vor 2 Jahren von Arriba auf 0.9.2 aktualisiert habe, bin ich auf eine unschöne Eigenschaft der 0.9.2 gestoßen: alle Objekte, die zum Kopieren gesetzt waren, aber in ihrem Inhalt ein Objekt (Textur, Skript, etc.) hatten, das diesen extra Haken für das freie Kopieren nicht hatten, waren fortan nicht mehr für andere frei kopierbar. Da dies vor der Umstellung nicht notwendig gewesen ist und leider für mich als Besitzer nicht sofort offensichtlich (für mich ist der Haken am Objekt selbst ja gesetzt), bin ich auf die Hilfe von Besuchern angewiesen, die mir sagen, welche Objekte nicht mitgenommen werden können, um dies zu ändern.

Ich würde mich ebenso um das Problem der fehlenden Assets kümmern (das kann durch den Umzug in ein anderes Grid passiert sein), allerdings muss man mir auch hier mitteilen, welche Objekte fehlende Assets haben.

Danke für die Mithilfe!
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Thanks for all the "likes" of 'Stella Polaris' and the related region images. I'm so glad you guys like the region as much as I do.
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NOVALE in Winter is a "must have seen" as every year. Unluckily there is no picture uploaded of my favorite gadget - you'll find the funny Rudolph at the other side of this bridge. I love it!
Thanks for your great work, Dabici & Kelso!
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Great game, very good work! Thank you!
Thank you Bink!!! Was it too hard? Too easy? Any suggestions? Thank you for playing!!!
Yw! First we did not know what do do: so many objects told us something in chat- and English is not our native language. But after we solved the first challenge, next one was just fun :)
Maybe your challenge is easier to people who speak English better, but I think to foreigners like us your challenge has exactly the right level of difficulty.
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Great region with artful film scenes. And ... many free to copy stuff ^^. It is a little bit laggy and it took a while for the textures to load but it was worth the wait!
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Beautiful landscape - congrats!