Bink Draconia @Bink


Resident of Pangea ( )

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

Black White Castle
15 0 White Castle 0 Users
A monochrome region that gives you the feeling of being in an old black and white movie... And to make exploring the region less boring, there's a (somewhat immoral) game with small prizes down in the village. Which do YOU prefer: staying decent or collecting presents? * * * * * Eine monochrome R...
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The Good Place
16 0 Good Place 0 Users
What does life after (pixel) death look like? The region < The Good Place > answers this question in the form of a not-so-serious game with many prizes and (simple) sidequests for inexperienced players. Please bring humor with you, because here you'll find just about everything that can drive you ...
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18 2 0 Users
Koburk has also successfully moved to Pangea: This region, which looks like vacation in a mountain village, has many small places that invite you to explore, relax and take pictures * * * Auch Koburk ist erfolgreich nach Pangea umgezogen: Diese Region, die ein wenig an Urlaub in einem Bergdorf e...
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Stella Polaris
31 4 Polaris 0 Users
Stella Polaris has finally moved to Pangea: This magical place to explore, photograph and relax is waiting for your visit.... * * * Stella Polaris ist nach Pangea umgezogen: Dieser zauberhafte Ort zum Erkunden, Fotografieren und Entspannen wartet auf Euren Besuch....
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Eternal Ice
38 0 Ice 0 Users
Seasonal Winter region with Xmas Market, Advent Calendar, Fireworks, Dance Floor, Ferry, Snow Saucer, Ice Skating, Toy Train, Carousel ... A region for exploring and chill out. Enjoy! *** Saisonale Winterregion mit Weihnachtsmarkt, Adventskalender, Feuerwerk, Tanzfläche, Fähre, Schnee-Unterta...
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Needful Things
104 24 Things 0 Users
Freebie Stuff made in OpenSim - Moved to Pangea , January 2022 <> If you do not want to walk around, take Tram at landing area or at Latest Freebies (for sale or to copy) & Exhibitions are: - Animations - Textures - Fashion f...
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Needful Things - (Construction) News

All old houses have been replaced (now with new door scripts, easier to climb stairs and 2 additional usable floors each).
Various bugs have been fixed, most notably an update bug in the "Crack the Bank Safe" game that had made the win code unreadable.

Some stores now already contain teleporters, but their interior finishing will take some time.

NEW on Needful Things are:

- The "Solar System Quiz" in the Galaxy Store.
- The "Egyptian Empire" store, with all the accessories of my old Egyptian region, now retired. On the first floor there are clothes, avatars or NPCs, on the 1st floor texture venders and on the 2nd floor there are the boxes with all kinds of objects you can need to design a region in ancient Egyptian style (including started gadgets like special pyramid doors, trap doors, sandstorm, etc.).

In the next few days we will start the creation of an Asia store, with useful items for designing a region in Chinese or Japanese style. After that, the stores for winter, Easter and Halloween supplies will be restocked.

Have fun browsing!

* * * * *

Needful Things - (Bau)Neuigkeiten

Alle alten Häuser wurden ersetzt (jetzt mit neuen Türskripte, leichter erklimmbare Treppen und je 2 zusätzlich nutzbare Etagen).
Diverse Fehler wurden beseitigt, vor allem ein Update-Bug beim "Crack the Bank Safe"-Spiel, der den Gewinn-Code unleserlich gemacht hatte.

Einige Shops enthalten jetzt bereits Teleporter, doch deren Innenausbau wird noch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.

NEU auf Needful Things sind:

- Das "Solar-System-Quiz" im Galaxy Store
- Der "Egyptian Empire"- Shop, mit sämtlichem Zubehör meiner alten agyptischen Region, die sich jetzt im Ruhestand befindet. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es Kleidung, Avatare bzw. NPCs, im 1. Stock Textur-Vendoren und im 2. Stock befinden sich die Boxen mit allen möglichen Objekten, die man zur Gestaltung einer Region im alt-ägyptischen Stil brauchen kann (inklusiver angefangener Gadgets wie besondere Pyramidentüren, Falltüren, Sandsturm, etc.)

In den nächsten Tagen startet die Einrichtung eines Asia-Ladens, mit nützlichen Items zur Gestaltung einer Region im chinesischen oder japanischen Stil. Danach werden die Shops für Winter-, Oster- und Halloweenbedarf neu bestückt.

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!
'Stella Polaris' opened in 2020 in Kroatan, but as you can see, she is now beautifying Offworld.
The bubbles above the rocks contain images and landmarks to other beautiful regions in Offworld.
* * *
'Stella Polaris' wurde 2020 in Kroatan eröffnet, aber wie ihr sehen könnt, verschönert sie jetzt Offworld.
Die Seifenblasen über den Felsen enthalten Bilder und Landmarken zu anderen schönen Regionen in Offworld.
Koburk - Church & Cemetery
Be careful - this place is haunted! The church bell rings every hour and can be heard throughout the region.
Koburk - Kirche & Friedhof
Vorsicht- hier spukt es! Die Kirchenglocke läutet jede volle Stunde und ist über die ganze Region zu hören.

Xmas Elves' Home - Haus der Weihnachtselfen

*** Party Area ***

Region Guide ... or not ^^

Regionsführer ... oder auch nicht^^

Eternal Ice - Winter region is back! Now in Pangeagrid!
* * *
Eternal Ice - Winterregion ist zurück! Jetzt in Pangeagrid!

HG Houses with Snow Control - NEW @ Needful Things

I added to all my HG Winter Prefabs a Snow Control Panel, so you can switch between summer / winter with just one click.
Most of these houses got a Light Control Panel, too.

p.s.: More modificated HG prefabs will coming soon in "Need a new Home?" store - opposite to the Bank of Needful Things.

* * *

HG Häuser mit Schnee-Menü - NEU @ Needful Things

Ich habe meinen Winterhäusern mit Schneedach, die ich über die Jahre im HG aingesammelt habe, einen Schnee-Kontroll-Schalter hinzugefügt, so dass man mit nur einem Klick zwischen Sommer- / Winterstyle wechseln kann.
Ebenso haben die meisten der Häuser einen Lichtschalter zum Kontrollieren der Lampen bekommen.

p.s.: Mehr modifizierte HG Häuser (ohne Schnee^^) folgen nach und nach in den neuen Shop "Need a new Home?" - gegenüber der Bank von Needful Things.
Kroatan wishes a Happy New Year to everyone!
You can grab this free calendar inside the red "Kroatan"-building next to landing point of Needful Things. It is an endless calendar- you can change textures inside and use it for next year again ...
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Kroatan wünscht allen ein Frohes Neues Jahr!
Der kostenlose Kroatan Kalender 2021 kann ab sofort in dem roten "Kroatan"-Gebäude gegenüber dem Landepunkt von Needful Things mitgenommen werden. Es ist ein Endlos-Kalender, d.h. einfach die Texturen im Inhalt austauschen und scchon kann er auch im nächsten Jahr wiederverwendet werden ...
New Banner-Shirts for Ladies & Men
! ATTENTION ! Traces of Sarcasm, Irony & Cynicism included!
* * *
Neue Spruch-Shirts für Frauen & Männer
! ACHTUNG ! Enthält Spuren von Sarkasmus, Ironie & Zynismus!

Travel Agency in Needful Things

New pictures & landmark giver to my favourite regions in OpenSim ...

NEW * Pet Store * NEW

* Static Animals * Animated Animals * Wearable Pets * Scripted Pets *

for Ladies & Men with funny sayings in English & German (suitable for Athena, Ruth 2.0, Ares, Decadence, etc.)
[ Lustige Sprüche - Shirts für o.g. Mesh Bodies ]

Very needful things :) ... now available at Needful Things landing area

Are you bored? Try cracking the bank vault on Needful Things ...
Hast du Langeweile? Versuche den Bank-Tresor von Needful Things zu knacken ...

funny & useful signs

Latest store at Needful Things: More than Lights ( lamps & co. )

Easter Stuff

NPC Factory - Free NPCs for everyone

Latrine Cesspool Fashion

Natasha Stanwyck Freebies

Flowerish & Pots - Huge collection of potted plants from all over the HyperGrid

New @ Needful Things: Lorulei - Ruth 2.0 Fashion, Shapes & Skins

Streets of 'Needful Things'

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No upcoming events

My Reviews

Maze Space

Very interesting region with a "lost in space"- feeling :)


Great to see ShapeShifter online again!


Liebevoll gestaltete Region - mit vielen Objekten, die man sonst nirgends in OpenSim findet... *** Lovingly designed region - with many objects that you won't find anywhere else in OpenSim...


Great nordic themed region - Hunt game is a "must have seen".... OpenSim should have more places like this one. Great work! Thanks for sharing!

Moonlit Shadows

Moonlit Shadows is one of the most amazing landscapes I have ever seen in a virtual world. A "must-visit" for those who like exploring winding mountain paths (you can also take a horse with 2 seats at the landing point). The region is a large 4x4 Var, so it is almost impossible to see everything in just one visit... *** Moonlit Shadows ist eine der tollsten Landschaften, die ich jemals in einer ...

Blocky World

Absolutely awesome (lag free^^) region - I love it!!!

Outworldz Alexandria

Highly detailed virtual world - visitors feel like a time traveller back in old egypt...

Azeroth Community

Absolutely awesome region. Great landscaping. Good work!


< Iceland > is an adult region, styled like a military base. You will find objects with sex- and rlv-animations for public use ... Who - except Miss Tenk - believes, that it would be NOT okay, to be careful and check out low avatars (to avoid child avatars visiting a sex- region)? Unluckily there happend a mistake during last party, but it is shameful to give a bad review to whole region afte...

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Profile Comments

A greatful work my respect and all 4 thumbs up ♥