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only Group no thank you
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But the comment is unnecessary now
Right. So, just for fun loool :)
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first i see was terrible BDSM Regions ... no thank you
Because there are only 12 sims from four grids listed so far AFAICS.

Granted, maybe there should be a switch to show Adult sims which is off by default.
Good idea with the switch, but in my opinion the topic of BDSM is slowly being exhausted, it's strange that you rarely see knight role-playing games or pure novels... but having yourself glued to a pixel thing using RLV scripts and then describing something and then that too In most cases it falls more into the realm of comedy and is unimaginative. Sex can be so simple but people make even that complicated. But as I said, the Switch thing would be a start... but what do I do if I like eroticism but don't feel like doing DOM sub then I'm no further along than before.
This is really all you saw there? Everyone can put Sims there. And all Sims are welcome! BDSM is just one of the options and not everyone must visit them....
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right Ellen , but we have to distinguish between doing it for free and it is free. Servers cost money from the hoster, electricity is not free, hardware costs money, everything with the network costs money (ip, bandwidth, provider) there are taxes on everything to list a few components. Let's take the OSGrid as an example (as so often) that is financed by donations other grids are also financed by donations or the owner(s) pay for it for us. The many regions in the grids are paid for by the region owners. Free .. a thank you is probably free
Yes I own a VPS and have 8 regions with "free" homes and free items for people to take. It is not free for me to do so but I choose to.
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Really children don't like sex but also banish the idiots who are out and about with stripped clothes that glorify slavery. Nobody needs BDSM.
first off if a child avi is looking for sex then its probably a pedo which we dont need. I stand by my decision, child avis don't belong in adult sims especially in BDSM. As a real life mistress I wont risk my reputation nor laws even if this is a roleplaying game. and that goes for you since your profile pic is a underage avi meaning child avi.

the University is for people to learn about BDSM, im not going to banish someone for what they wear unless it was really offensive. stripped clothes doesn't always mean slavery and to educate you, stripped clothes were the concentration camp days or in a jail. but most people that wear them now are portraying a criminal not a slave.

next time before you speak please do some research and learn to be respectful with your comments. looking at your profile you seem to run your mouth.

you dont have to be into BDSM but you cant stereotype it and say no one needs BDSM, you may not be into it or have any knowledge about it but that doesn't give you a right to shame people and say no one needs it. you should learn about BDSM before you judge.
Mistress or Master? a lot of text to justify something that tramples on human dignity.
I havent posted here since I "left" OS and SL about 5 months ago... I've been "lurking" a bit since and occasionally logged in - but still not really "here" much.

However, I do feel moved to comment here. If you knew much (or anything) about the BSDM community you would know that in fact there are very few communities that (with some exceptions) treat people with as much dignity as the BDSM community treats people.

Yes, some people portray themselves as submissive - they may even portray themselves as slaves (although in reality there is nothing non-concensual in OS as you can ALWAYS log out), and some portray themselves as dominant. However this doesn't mean that the dominant treats submissive persons without dignity. Usually the effort that is gone to to ensure that everything is done in a way that works for BOTH parties is fairly extensive. If you witness someone being "humuliated" for example, that will almost always be by mutual consent. Some people get their kicks by being humiliated in one way or another. What's most dignified, forbidding them to enjoy this, or denying them, telling them that its undignified for them to enjoy what they like? How is it dignified to deny people to enjoy themselves in the way that works for them? I would say hunan dignity is to allow them to do what works for them. If they were coming to your land and forcing that on you - that would be a different thing.

Lastly - I just want to comment on me previously saying "most of the time" or "almost always" when describing the effort that the BDSM community go to ensure everyone is happy........ The exceptions to this are those people who join the community with ideas thats its just a way to boss people around - to take and not give. These are the exception - and the ones that often spoil things for others. The community should not be judged based on the worst people there - but on the "usual". I think most people in the BDSM community would agree with me that dominants (Both Doms and Dommes) spend a lot of time and effort "looking after" their submissives. The person with the REAL power in such a power exchage is actualy the submissive..... as she or he has the power to "stop" submitting. It's a gift given to the dominant in a power "exchange" and can be taken away as well as given.

Not dignified? Sounds pretty dignified to me!
That would be Mistress, and can't trample on dignity thar is consensual.
I'm on your side with everything that concerns children.. because of BDSM I advise you to consult a doctor or specialist in real life.
Why would I consult a Dr on bdsm lol I am a real life Mistress.
have fun in your sick Game I have other things to do and just by the way.... a piece of dog poop to step on would be more important than you Pixel Master
im going to ignore your rude vernacular, you apparently have no education whatsoever. you need to learn to practice to each there own.
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Who says that, I'm assuming that Cyber also eats normal, balanced food in addition to his medication for his head illness, so vitamins are unnecessary... Vitamin C is only absorbed by the body as much as it needs, the rest is excreted. Vitamin D is only absorbed if enough vitamin K2 is available. So stop with the fake medical advice. The guy needs to stop jamming
Your reply does nothing to state whether C zinc and D help to fight illness or not. Your reply does nothing to address whether someone is deficient in these things. It also does not address that for some the vitamin d receptors on cells does not work well because of genes inherited from parents. I am one such person I inherited a bad gene for vitamin d receptors from both parents. I have to take a lot of d just to make sure my body gets enough of it. You also assumed that Cyber has a good diet to cover all those needs but have you asked him? You were quick to jump into this chat in a negative way to a small post made by me and come across as aggressive to Cyber.
Binna may love and peace fill you up so much that you will not be able to contain it for your fellow human being. Stop with the aggression no more needs to be said. I am replying to my own comment as I can’t reply to Binna.
just shut up your unqualified mouth nothing more needs to be said